Steel Mill Industry Brochure

Coil Conveyor Chain

Coil Conveyor Chains use our unique bearing rollers to reduce running resistance. (Coefficient of friction = 0.03) The roller is also designed to be extremely resistant to cracking, and we manufacture the saddle to match your conveyor design.

Bearing Roller Conveyor Chain

Standard Conveyor Chain

Bearing Roller Conveyor Chain

A unique Tsubaki roller that features cylindrical bearings inside the roller itself. Our line-up includes dust-resistant, water-resistant, and lube-free series chains.

Bearings inside the roller Bearing roller effects

Bearing roller functions

Reduce the chain running resistance (1/3 that of standard conveyor chain) Greatly increase the roller allowable load 1. 2.

1. 2.

Reduced chain tension and required drive. Eliminates stick-slip phenomenon on long lines and low speed operation Suppresses poor roller rotation and reduces rail friction Increased wear life (between bush – roller)

Previous Series






Grease nipple

Steel bearings

Steel bearings


Keeps out dust!

Labyrinth construction

Inner plate Bush Spacer Plastic bearings Roller

Inner plate Bush Spacer Plastic bearings Roller


Dust Resistant Series

Standard Lube-free Series

Water-resistant Series

Shuffle Conveyor

Shuffle Conveyors are a new type of conveyor that use a repeat back-and-forth motion to convey material. Unlike vibrating conveyors, Shuffle Conveyors are quiet during operation, and their simple construction makes maintenance easy. And unlike belt conveyors there is no way for conveyed goods to be returned.

Overrunning Cam Clutches

Overrunning Cam Clutches spin freely the majority of the time, occasionally being called upon to lock up and drive. In a two-speed drive, when the gearmotor drives at low speed, the clutch engages and when the faster electric motor drives, the clutch overruns switching between low and high speeds.

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