Steel Mill Industry Brochure

Long Span Cableveyor ® with Glide Shoes

Long span specifications are a way of achieving longer travel strokes by having the Cableveyor glide on a guide rail. While normally this would cause wear on the tops and bottoms of the links, attaching glide shoes enables longer wear life, less energy required, and reduced running costs.

Wear Comparison

*After 130,000 cycles

Glide shoe (Amount of wear: extremely low)

Links on the inner surface with no glide shoe attached (wear evident)

10x longer life

With no glide shoes

With glide shoes

For very long travel lengths up to 200 m and over we also offer plastic cable carriers. Replaceable glide shoes made of a special, highly abrasion-resistant material with low friction coefficients increase the service life of the cable carrier systems many times over. For additional cable protection, covered types are available as well.

Longer lifetime : 3.1 million cycles tested with highly abrasion-resistant glide shoes.



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