Kinetix: Back Pain & Difficulty Walking

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

“It’s Time To Reach Out For Pain Relief !” BACK PAIN & DIFFICULTY WALKING

INSIDE: AreYouWalkingAsWellAsYouShould? RelieveBackPain InMinutes HealthyRecipe PatientSuccessSpotlight

Did you know that the way you walk, could be causing your back pain? Most people have something in their style of walking that can cause long term wear and tear. For example, a foot turned-out, a weak abdomen, or poorposturecontributes tostresson theirbody.KinetixPhysicalTherapy’s expertsare trained to treatwalkingdisordersand teachcorrectivewalking techniques. By changing the way you walk, it is possible to eliminate and prevent back pain. On a daily basis, you walk more than any other physical activity. How you walk defines most everything about you, including your physical abilities. We can help you discover that something about the way you walk, may be the reason you have pain and help you change it. You walk over a million steps in a year. Your walk involves many body parts, all interacting together toproduceyour walking style. It’s as natural asbreathing,and ifanyofyoursix (twoankles, twoknees, twohips)weight bearing joints are not in good alignment, you’re at risk for structural pain. One minor walking error repeated millions of times can do an incredible TWO FREE WORKSHOPS EACH MONTH! WHICH ONE IS RIGHT FOR YOU? For Back Pain & Sciatica Sufferers: • Do you suffer with back pain or leg pain when you stand or walk?

amount of damage to your back, muscles, nerves and joints. This can eventually cause pain and arthritis. Often,thecauseofbackpain ispoorstrength --specifically,weakabdominal muscles. The pelvis is held in place by numerous muscles, including the abdominals, hamstrings, gluteals and hip flexors. An imbalance or weakness in these muscles can lead to pelvic misalignment, causing the pelvis to tilt forward or backward. Forward tilt of the pelvis leads to a sway back. In addition to abdominal weakness, a lack of strength in the gluteals and hamstrings leads to forward pelvic tilt. While the abdominals stabilize the pelvis by pulling upward on the front, the gluteals and hamstrings offer stability by pulling down on the rear of the pelvis. Exercises must be done to strengthen both the abdominals and gluteals. Walking gives the gluteals a good workout.The abdominal muscles can be conditioned throughphysicaltherapyandeasyweighttrainingexercises. Look inside to learn more about our programs and say good-bye to that aching back!

For Those With Imbalance Symptoms: • Have you fallen in the past? • Are you afraid of falling? • Has your balance become more unsteady? • Has your walking become more difficult?

• Do you have pain when you sit for long periods or drive? • Do you experience pain, numbness or tingling into your buttock, groin or down your leg?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions (or have a stubborn spouse or parent who is in denial) – The Back Pain and Sciatica workshop or the Balance and Fall Prevention workshop may be a life changing (and possibly life saving) event for you. Register by calling 352-505-6665, at or at Seats are limited so register today!

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