Discovery Park Redevelopment PIM #2

Project Discovery Hydrogen A Green Hydrogen Plant at Discovery Park, Campbell River, BC, Canada FUELING A GREENER TOMORROW

How does the plant work?

Key Technologies of the Plant

PEM Electrolyser: This equipment splits water into Hydrogen and Oxygen using electrolysis technology.

Our plant will create 17 tons of green hydrogen every day—2 tons as high-pressure gas and 15 tons as liquid. We start by purifying water, which is then split into pure hydrogen and oxygen in an electrolyzer. The hydrogen is polished to 99.999% purity and either compressed for easy transport or cooled to become liquid hydrogen, ready for storage or delivery. The oxygen byproduct is a bonus, with potential uses in industries like fish farming. With state-of-the-art safety systems in place, we aim to produce green hydrogen in a safe, efficient, and sustainable way.

Our state-of-the-art Hydrogen Liquefier technology cools and compresses hydrogen gas to extremely low temperatures until it condenses into a liquid form for efficient storage and transport.

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