THOMAS CORWIN HORTON Founder and for many years Superintendent Bible Institute of Lot Angeles Retiring as Editor of The King’s Business December • 1926
“For Ever, O Lord, Thy Word is Settled in Heaven” (Psalm 119:89)
. . . . . . . .
Read how to do it in “PHYSICAL VOICE CULTURE”, the greatest book ever written on voice building./« It will show you the one scientific, tested way to build a powerful singing or speaking voice. Send coupon below for— teeVookf Glad to Tell Everybody What Y ur Course Did
T HE four letters on this page tell amazing stories of vocal develop ment. They are« from men and women who have learned that Physical Voice-Culture is the one, infallible, tested, scientificmethod of voice building. They are just a few of the thousands telling the same stories of success, in many cases, after all other methods of voice building had failed. Your voice has fascinatingdormant pos sibilities that you may not even realize. The newbook, Physical Votce-Culturfwill showyou how to build up a superbvoice by the development of muscles whose existence you never suspected.^ No mat ter what condition your voice is in now, it can be improved at least 100% or every cent of tuition will be cheerfully refunded without question when you have finished the course. Just a fewyearsago, Bert Langtre’s voice Build upyour voice the simple, easy, nat ural way by silent physical exercises in the privacy ot your own home.i The Physical Votce-Cultute method is ideally adapted to home study. It is being taught as successfully by correspondence as by personal instruction. No one need know that you are studying until you have developed a strong, beautiful voice. When you are constantly urged to sing or speak at your church, at private re ceptions or public functions—when you are the most popular person in your cir cle of acquaintances, then youwill know therichrewardsof Physical Voice-Culture. I f Y ou Can Pass These Tests Y ou Can Develop a was almost destroyed by catarrh and asthma. An impediment in his speech caused him untold embarrassment and suffering. Now he is singing in Grand Opera in California. "An unusual case," you say. Not at all. He merely took advantage of the opportunity you are given here.
I ihall certainly be delighted to tell anyone what your course did for me. In fact. I have been telling people for the last three years and started several people in the work in Japan. When one lives In New York, as l do now, and sees the number of wholly unqualified people who are teaching tinging, it seems as if there ought to be some test for teachers. I think that learning ten operatic roles, one after another, is a pretty good test of the con dition of a person a throat, don t your My voice doesn’t seem to have suffered in the least from it. _ . . . . __ Florence Mendelson, New York City. Wouldn't Part W ith Course for $1 ,000 .00 I have a great deal to aay about this won derful course, and want you to know that I am a happy man since taking it up. I needed your course badly, very badly. Being a teacher, I have to speak, at times, quite loud, and the strain on my throat was acutely felt, and hoarseness followed. My voice is abso lutely clear and resonant now, in fact, I have no words to thank you enough. I wouldn’t part with my Course for a thousand dollars. Julio C. De Vosconcellos, New Bedford, Mass. Realizes the Dream o f Her Life A feeling of thankfulness cometover me to think I have found such an opportunity to cultivate my voice. It is the one great thing in my lifeto develop a beautifulvoice,and tothink that it it daily improving through your won. derful method brought right to my own door. I will now make you happy by saying tt is certainly the beat investment I ever made. Florence M. Clarke, 148811th Ave, Vancouver, B. C. Lost Voice Restored—Sings Better Than Ever I am very glad to be able to inform you that the study and practice of your exercises is making a great change in my voice. You may appreciate what this means to me when I tell you that an illness while in France, weakened my throat to such an extent that I feared I would never sing again. How ever, after studying your lessons. 1 find that I can ring better than ever, in fact, I was told by a friend who had heard me aing at a re ception that I had never been in better voice than I am now. J. Ralph Bartlett, Newton, N. H.
Superb Singing Voice Can you open your mouth wide enough to insert two fingers between your teeth? 2« Can you swallow five times in succession? 3* Holding your hand to your throat, can you feel the cords vibrate when you sing •We-e?” . • _ . . ‘ ¿5 4* Can you hold your breath tor 30 ^ seconds? --------~ 5« Are you determined to sing or speak well? If you answer “yes" to these quet- tions, you have a potentially fine voice mat can be developed amaz« inglv by PHYSICAL VOICE CULTURE. PERFECT VOICE INSTITUTE,Studio 53-19 1922 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago, UL Gentlemen: Send at ones, free and withoptobliga- tion. your beautifully illastrated book Physical Voice Coltore" and foil information regarding your home study method of voice building. It is under stood th at! do not have to pay a cent for this book, either nowor later, and that 1do not have to return it*
Mail This Coupon Find out at once about the wonderful possi bilities of your voice—possibilities that you have never realized! Simply send coupon for FREE book. Read the astounding truestories of what others have done. This may be the turningpoint in your life. Mail coupon today. Perfect Voice Institute 1922 Sunnyside Ave. Studio 53-19 Chicago, BL
K I N G ’ S
December 1926
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B i b l e I n s t i t u t e o f L o s A n g e l e s C o r r e s p o n d e n c e B i b l e C o u r s e s
O NOT get the impression that a Bible knowledge is un' available to you i f you can' not leave home and come to the Institute . . In addition to the Day School and Evening School, the Bible Inst i tute conducts e ight courses by correspondence. While not the equivalent o f the regular course, these courses have enabled hundreds in all parts o f the world to get a Bible knowh edge that has made them successful Christian workers. These courses range in co& from $1.00 to $5.00, including com' plete lesson material, privileges o f the Correspondence School and a Certificate at completion.
C an w e prevail upon you to ask fo r a Bulletin o f Courses? W e ’ll gladly send it, and advise you in any w ay possible. ENROLL ANY TIME STUDY AS YOU CAN
A d d r e s s S e c r e t a r y o f C o r r e s p o n d e n c e S c h o o l , 5 3 6 S o u t h Ho p e S t , B I B L E I N S T I T U T E O F L O S
T he K ing ’S B usiness Motto: “I, thè Lord, do keep it; I wOl water it every moment: leet any hurt it, I will keep it ni&ht and day." Isaiah 27:3. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES T. C. HORTON, - Editor-In-Chief , WM. A. FISHER, Managing Editor D^ c T k ^^TOEY CONTRIBUTORS DR. LEANDER S. KEYSER DR. MARK A. MATTHEWS DR. F. E. MARSH DR. W. B. RILEY CHAS. E. HURLBURT DR. CHARLES ROADS DR. 1. M. HALDEMAN
THIS MACAZ1NE stands for the Infallible Word of God, and for its great fundamental doctrines. ITS PURPOSE is to strengthen the faith of all believers, in all the world, to stir their hearts to them with the varied work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles; and to work in harmony m n o n and the work of our Lord J m u i Christ* and thus hasten His coming.
engage in definite Christian work# to acquaint and fellowship with them in magnifying the
Number 12
December, 1926
Volume XVII
Table of Contents
Editorials Page The Business of the Believer: "Do Business Till I Come” .................... 701 Worth While Work........................................................................................JOI The Mystery of the Manger: Where Is He?..............................................703 Religious Education? Regeneration? Revival?..... ................................704 The Present Day Prophetic Picture............................... ............................704 China’s Hour of Crisis................................................................. y ...............^05 Contributed Articles “He Stooped So Low”—Dean John M. Maclnnis..................................708 The Bells of Bethlehem—Rev. David James Burrell, D.D........ .............709 The Promised Land and the People— . . Rev. S. B. Rohold and Rev. Arthur W. Payne........ .......................711 Why I Am a Fundamentalist— Earle V. Pierce, D.D............ .................. 713. Can Boys Be Interested in Bible Study?.....................................................714 Anthropology: or, The Doctrine of Man—Dr. F. E. Marsh................. 716 The Word, the Same: the Work, the Same: Its Winning Power, the Same!............................ ............. ............................. .......717 "The Mark of the Beast"—Sydney Watson ........................... ...................... Straws and Symptoms ............................. ......................... ..... .......................... Evangelistic Department (Interesting Soul Winning Stories from Real Experience)...... ..................................................... ........... 722 Pointers for Preachers and Teachers (Homiletical Helps)...... .................... 714 Practical Methods of Personal Work (For Defenders of the Faith) —T. C. Horton....... ................... -.....................................- ..... .........'25 Outline Studies in the Epistles of John—T. C. Horton -.........................-—727 The Family Circle (For Fellowship and Intercession).....................................729 Christian Endeavor Topics........ ........... .................. ..................... ...................... The International Sunday School Lesson Series................................................ 733 The Children’s Garden (The King’s Business Junior)...................................743 Bible Institute Happenings...................... .............. .................. .......... The Chosen People, the Land and the Book.................... ............................ .75v Best Books ............ Z .......................................... ....... ....-I........................ -........... -J53 Index to Vol. XVII...................................... :............. ......................... .................791
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IS OUR DESIRE to have a heart to heart talk with all our subscribers in this space in our next issue. ((In the meantime, we are coveting a place in your supply cations at the Throne, that we may be divinely led in all our plans for the future of this magazine. ((We pray that we may have, and shall strivfe to merit a place in the hearts of all our readers, that in mutual cooperation we may accomplish the utmost for the promulgation of His Truth and glorify His blessed Son whose we are and whom we serve. ((The age hastens on to its consummation . . Apostasy stalks abroad . . . Together we must do our best for Him. M M ■**“
CHARLES E. HURLBURT a s s o c i a t e
K I N G ’ S
December 1926
believer is an authorized ambassador from the Court of Heaven to do business down here on this mundane sphere. He is empowered and directed to deliver the K ing ’s message to the people. He is not responsible for the message, but will be held to a strict account for the delivery of it. Education, special equipment, environ
It is enough that the disciple shall be as his Lord. Our Lord was a business man. “ My Father worketh hitherto and I work,” are His words. What ceaseless energy was manifested _____________
ment a n d a lo t of other things play no part in this matter. Education, equipment and environment may largely increase t h e responsibility, but the obligation is u p o n each and all to stress t h e s t o r y to t h e people. Some of the most successful agents of the Lord are poorly equipped f r o m t h e world’s point of view, but G o d uses them. The business is simple. Get your message, go and deliver i t ! So long as a man or woman lives anywhere in the world who has never heard of Christ and the Cross, every be liever is obligated to get the news of recon ciling grace to such an one. It is a paying busi ness. D o e s it pay T Y e s ! a thousand times, y e s ! G o o d , reliable dividends! There is a sense of satisfaction, a real joy in doing the w ill of God in this business that nothing else gives. It is "the incomparable w o r k . It pays now and w ill bring returns through out eternity. The Lord help us to attend to our business above editorial ivas the
by Him “ who w e n t about doing good and healing all that were o p p r e s s e d of the d ev il.” W h i l e He lived here He labored hard. When He left the world He laid the burden of service upon His followers. In the parable of the pounds, the Lord represents Himself as the nobleman going into a far country. To His servants He com manded, “ Occupy (do business) till I come.” The supreme business in this world is t h a t which a loving Lord has committed to His servants—the giving of the glorious Gospel to a perishing people. This work was not left to the church in a general sort of a way, so that no one is spec ially responsible f o r it, but in a definite way, so that there is an individual respon sibility for it. It is a p e r s o n a l business. E v e r y servant had some p o u n d s . “ To every man his work .” “ The Spirit divideth to every man severally as He w ill,” but there is an every man in that division. 'Every man shall
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The King’s Business
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••TB» Word of Ood I* L inn* and Activo' ' (Hob. 12:4, a ▼.). ■ 'Who Ooopolo pom o» » leeret vlrtao and myttorioni efficacy, a warmth which ponotratoo and aootbas tha heart o o o o The Gospel la not a hook. It la a Uvtng boina, with vifor, a power that contacta ovary- thing that oppoaoa.” —Sapoteen. "Whan wo road: ‘The Word of God la living’ wo are to understand thereby that It Uvea with a spintosi, an Inexhaustible and Inextinguishable Ufo—In a wood, a Divins Ufo. If the Word of God ho Indeed living la thla souse, than wo haw hors a fact of the most tre mándoos elgnlllcouce. " —Philip Kano.
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 * 4 * 4 *
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Reproduction, somewhat smaller than original, of cover page of first number of The King's Business.
give an account of himself.” There are no exceptions, which is His business (The It is a practical business. There has been a good deal leader in the first issue o f The King s ¿Justness.)
of nonsense about this matter of spreading the Gospel and telling out the story of salvation. There has been a tendency to shift the responsibility upon a favored class, to evade the personal relation under the cover o f a prevailing belief that certain qualifications were essential to the work, and the non-possession of them was sufficient excuse for non-service. But every
WORTH WHILE WORK In reproducing the first cover page and the first edi torial of the first issue of The King’s Business, the editor-in-chief (who is with this number laying down his official connection with the magazine) asks the indulgence of the readers for a brief reference to some
December 1926
K I N G ’ S
consecrated themselves to soul-saving service, many o f whom were afterwards found in the pastorates of some of the leading churches and in Association work. In fact, without doubt, more men are in the ministry today through the influence of Dr. Munhall than that of any other man now living. _ ' But the devil was neither dead or even asleep. He was aroused to action and, step by step, we have been able to watch his influence in the steady decline in schools and churches. So-called intellectuality took the place of spirituality. A chill was wafted in, the freeze was on, and icicles began to hang around the church walls. The Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. were unable to withstand the tide and, as a result, millions of conse crated gifts to these institutions, intended for soul saving work, are now being used for merely social service and the betterment o f the body, but one listens in vain for the ringing of the joy bells over souls newborn. It was with these conditions in mind that the Bible Institute of Los Angeles was organized upon a Biblical foundation which CAN NEVER BE CHANGED, for it is embodied in a statement of doctrine (of which we are giving herewith a brief synopsis), which must be signed every year by every member of the Faculty, the Board of Directors and Department Heads: The Trinity of the Godhead. The Deity of the Christ. The Personality of the Holy Ghost, The Supernatural and Plenary authority of the Holy Scriptures. The Unity in Diversity of the Church, the Body and Bride of Christ. The doctrine of the premillennial coming of Christ, the “ Blessed Hope” of the church, has dominated the writer’s life for fifty years, as it dominated the life o f Mr. Lyman Stewart, the first President of the Institute, whose gracious and generous gifts made it possible. It was this doctrine, also, which influenced Mr. Milton Stewart in giving largely to its work, as well as hun dreds of other donors, who were assured that here was an institution which was set upon an unchangeable foundation for the defense of the faith. These gave of their means and the writer gave of his life-blood to found a school where men and women could become rooted and grounded in the Word o f God that they might go out to seek and save the lost. In logical course of development there were also organ ized from time to time the many activities and depart ments as found in the Institute today,—evangelistic work among the Jews (remember the Scriptural injunction “ To the Jew first” ) ; the Spanish-speaking people; the shops and factories; the seamen in our harbors; the down town mission for men, known as “ Biola H a ll” ; the twenty-five Bible Women with their wonderful work for women,—including Bible Classes, Lyceum-Eteri Clubs (for business women), Euodia Clubs (for High School girls), etc.; and the splendid The Substitutionary Atonement. The Necessity o f the New Birth. The Maintenance of Good Works. The Second Coming of Christ. The Everlasting Existence of the Spirit. The Resurrection o f the Body. The Life Everlasting of Believers. The Endless Punishment of the Impenitent. The Reality and Personality of Satan.
Watch, Miriam, watch! the babe is in thy care; Pharaoh seeks his life: go thou to God in prayer. Watch, Miriam, watch, this child exceeding fa ir; Love hath made the ark, and faith hath placed him there. Watch, Miriam, watch, Pharaoh’s daughter draweth nigh, The mother heart may hearken unto the baby’s cry. Watch, Miriam, watch! Watch, Mary, watch! the Babe is in thy care; By Him will God deliver, this Child exceeding fair. Watch, Mary, watch, the Holy Child is sleeping; Though Herod seek His life, God is safely keeping. Watch, Mary, watch, go now to Pharaoh’s land, The Child is safe from Herod, and in the Father’s hand. Watch, Mary, watch! —T. T. H. early experiences which were the means used by God to produce those convictions which formed the basis upon which the Bible Institute of Los Angeles was founded and which have, logically, found expression, through the pages of this magazine,—the official organ of the Institute. When he came to Los Angeles in 1906 he left behind him twenty-eight years of active service for the Lord in which he had the privilege of studying Christian work in its various phases, preceded byjtwelve years of business life which had enabled him toSningle with men in all walks of life. It was in the early day's of the Y. M. C. A., when but few Associations had as yet been organized, that a com mittee of business men gave him a call to become Sec retary o f the Indianapolis “ Y .” To accept meant the giving up of a successful business career, with large compensation (for those d a y s ), for a much smaller salary. The test was a real trial of faith and decided the trend of his future life and service. In those good old days every “ Y ” secretary laid out his own program. The work was new. Soul sav ing was the appeal and purpose of the services. Meet ings were held day and night, in the rooms, on the streets, in the parks, jails, hospitals and churches. Pastors were in happy accord. The old Gospel and the whole Gospel was given out, and a refreshing atmosphere of real revival prevailed. We believed men were lost. Men themselves believed they were lost, and many of them broke down, bowed the knee and confessed Christ as Saviour and Lord. Then, too, business men were “ on the job ’’ and preached in many of the churches, some of them responding to the call for full-time service, such as Dr. L. W. Munhall, that valiant Methodist warrior, now over eighty years of age and still on the firing line, who was promoted from presiding over a den tist’s chair to the pulpit and later commenced a world-wide evangelism. Schools, seminaries and universities were open for his message; students rallied to the cross and
K I N G ’ S
December 1926
Hunan Bible Institute in Hunan Province, China; not forgetting the Biola Press and Biola Book Boom, for the printing and distribution o f Gospel literature. These facts have been reviewed thus briefly that The K ing ’s Business Family may be assured of the unchanging position of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The need for real Bible Schools is greater today than ever before in the world’s history, for it is eternally true that it is “ Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord” that the Gospel of Jesus Christ must be given to a lost world. “ For, after that in the wisdom o f God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching, to save them that believe” (1 Cor. 1 :21 ); and the Christian worker who would hear the “ well done” of his Lord must heed the words, of Paul who declared, “ And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God; For I determined not to know any thing among you save Jesus Christ and him cruci fied. • • • And my speech and my preaching were not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demon stration of the Spirit and of power. That your fa ith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God” (1 Cor. 2:1, 4, 5). May the power of the Holy Spirit be manifested by and through the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and The K ing ’s Business, in these perilous days, as never before. THE MYSTERY OF THE MANGER: WHERE IS HE? "Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he that is born King of the Jews?" (Matthew 2:1, 2 ). Here is the first question of the New Testament. Con trast it with the first question of the Old Testament— God’s first question, “ Where art th ou t” The New Testament question is asked by Wise Men, and it is a wise question. / The Wise Men are seeking the truth and are guided by a star. Light from Heaven w ill always lead to the solution of difficult questions. Prophecy predicted the coming o f the King. Where was He to be born and when was He to be bornt The first question is answered in Daniel 9:25: . "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon * thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for Iniquity, and to bring In everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.” The second, in Micah 5 :2: “But thou, Beth-lehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that Is to be ruler In Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. The predicted four hundred and fifty-three years had passed and now the heavens spoke and said, “ He is here.” The Wise men sought Him on a throne so they went to headquarters, but Herod did not know. He had seen no star. But he did see a dangerous pos sibility and sent the Wise Men to search for the new bom King and report back to him. The Wise Men found Him cradled in a manger—the last place in the world they would have expected to find Him—but there He was, the promised King of the
A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE: HIS NAME F. E. M arsh "His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9 :6. *■ His Name is “Wonderful” and Fair, And “Marvelous” as well, His Name is “Secret”-—God is He, Who can His glories tell? The glory of His worth is seen, The glory of His death, The glory of His saving grace, And Spirit’s Living Breath. His Name is “Counsellor” and Guide, His Word directs our way, He counsels by His loving Voice, And leads us all the day. He guides us when the path is dark, And holds us by the hand, Within the wilderness He keeps, And brings to Promised Land. His Name is “mighty God,” the Lord, All might is found in Him, No power can stand before His might, No cause He cannot win. His mighty Love will kill all ill, His power will keep from self, His mighty grace will grace the life, And give eternal wealth. “The Everlasting Father” too, Is Christ, the Lord Divine, He was, He is, and is to be, Himself the Living Shrine. He cares for all, he cares for each, He knows our every need, And so' we trust our wants to Him, For He will surely feed. “The Prince of Peace,” His Name so true,
With Him all War must cease, His blood on Cross of Sacrifice, The price He paid for peace. The peace with God, how great a boon, The peace of God how real, The Goa of Peace is with His own, Who have the. Spirit’s seal.
December, 1926.
Jews; the promised Saviour of the world! Humanly, a helpless Babe, but the Child of prophecy, the Creator of all things, the coming K ing! Marvel o f marvels! Mystery o f mysteries! To the human mind an impossibility, but it was foretold in the Book, and what the Book predicts must come true! The contrasts in the life of Christ are remarkable! Creator of all things—yet cradled in a manger! Hold ing all things in the hollow of His hand—yet holding the tools o f a carpenter and working for His daily bread! A miracle-worker—yet a companion o f fisher men and a street preacher! Where is He? Every living soul is asking the ques tion, not always in words, but in the longing o f the heart. We need something. Our hearts are restless, our souls are thirsty, our minds are clouded. We are in a maze. We search for peace and rest and find it
December 1926
K I N G ’ S
any sort of religion,—Mohammedan, Buddhist, or any of the heathen cults. Even the term “ Christian education” does not, neces sarily, mean an education founded upon the fundamen tal doctrine of Jesus Christ as the Virgin-bom Son of God,—God manifest in the flesh, crucified, risen, ascended, coming again,—for it is used just as fre quently by institutions and organizations professedly Unitarian in their theology, and often merely as a screen behind which the devil performs his soul-de stroying work—a subtle snare and an insult to the Lord Jesus Christ. Why not get back to the definite term, “ B ib lica l” ! Let us have “ B ib le” churches as we already have “ B ib le” Institutes, for training young people in the Bible, founding their faith in the Word of God and fit ting them for the most stupendous task ever confront ing the world. There is an old and true adage, “ Beware of the man of one book, ’’—and when that book is the Bible—which is sharper than any two-edged sword and has never yet failed, the Christian with it in his hand, faith in his heart and led by the indwelling Holy Spirit, can work the miracle of all miracles, before which man-made philosophy is powerless,—regeneration! Modern science—as we term it—has accomplished great things, but always in abject obedience to God’s laws; never otherwise! And the greatest single need of the world today is a knowledge of God’s divine law which He committed to the church for broadcasting— the “ law of fhe Spirit of life in Christ Jesus” which makes us “ free from the law of sin and death” (Rom ans 8:1-5), This law, believed and manifested in a Christian life and elucidated to sinners, is the most powerful of all laws in its results. By one act, sinful man becomes a child of God, with all of the rights and titles of heavenly possession. He is united at once and for all time to the church of Jesus Christ, becoming bone of H is 'bone and flesh of His flesh. It is the incomparable marvel. Yet every boy and girl who is dominated by this law can apply it as satisfactorily as any preacher or philosopher. The great need is not the need of more education, but the need of adding to the celebrated “ Three R ’s ” —“ Reading, ’Riting and ’Rithmetic”—the other R— “ Regeneration” . When the church has done this, theg comes Revival! Let the church get busy! With Bible in hand, let believers tell out the story, magnifying the need of prayer—and then, pray! Magnifying the need of the power of the Holy Spirit—and then submit to His lead ing. Magnify the unchanging love of God, and the longing of His heart for the souls of men. Be Spirit-filled, simple-minded, straightforward, steadfast in faith, set an example of soul-winning serv ice, pray that the true church of God may live the sep arated life, keep sweet, and success is sure to follow. THE PRESENT DAY PROPHETIC PICTURE Standing on the “ Mount of F a ith” , with the glass c f the Old and New Testament in our hands, one may see that which is coming and must come to pass. This is God’s world. He made it. He has used it and is using it to carry out His own plans and pur poses. He has seen fit in His grace and compassion to give to us who live in these days the Book which out-
• • A S K ! " “ S E E K l ”
\ Luke 11:9
“ K N O C K ! ” j Notice that the initial letters of these three words spell "A S K”—a simple word—the real meaning of which implies a “PERSISTENT DEM AND FOR SOMETHING DUE.” , Will you not, dear fellow believer, A S K God earn estly if He would not have you request your pastor and your church to observe the TEN DAYS’ PRAYER SEASON (December 31 to January 9), in sacred com memoration of the N IN E T E E N HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY of Christ’s baptism and entrance upon His public ministry, and suggest that the prepara tion for this prayer season be started soon. The TEN DAYS should begin with the Annual Watch Night Meeting, Friday, December 31, and con tinue through the Universal Week of Prayer to Sunday, January 9,—all believers around the world uniting their prayers in humble confession of their own and the Church’s sins, and IMPORTUNATELY INTERCED ING for the Church’s revival and the speedy world wide proclamation of the Gospel. OBEY the H EA V EN LY V I S IO N T O D A Y I You w ill find Him in but one place—the B ib le ! Pro phesied for centuries; presented to the Wise Men; plodding through the years as an artisan; producing the evidence of His Deity for three years and a half with His followers; paying the penalty o f sin in His death on the cross; presenting Himself in resurrection body to the disciples; proclaiming His coming again as He ascended on high; preparing a place for His beloved ones, and promising to them a place with Him self throughout eternity,—this is the answer to the greatest and gravest question ever asked—where is He t As the Christmas season draws near, meditate upon H im ; upon His rich and royal promises; give Him the place He deserves in your heart and life, and tell out the glorious Christmas story as far and as fast as pos sible to those who are asking—“ Where is He?” RELIGIOUS EDUCATION? REGENERATION? REVIVAL? Here is a trinity of words which have a wealth of meaning. Let us define each briefly^ What is meant by the term “ religious education” ! Well, what does the word “ religious” mean! “ The out ward act or form by, which men indicate their recogni tion of the existence of a God or gods, having power over their destiny,” says Webster. “ Religious educa tion ,” then, cannot be held to apply only to an educa tion in the faith of the historic evangelical Christian religion, but could be applied, as well, to education in not. We long for comfort and know it not. Where is H et
K I N G ’ S
December 1926
lines those plans and purposes as revealed by the past and promised for the future. This is logical. He has the right. He exercises it. He has had interpreters—prophets—men who spoke for Him. Wte have their records in the Book: “ In the beginuing, God created the heaven and the earth (Gen. 1 :1 ). “ I testify to every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this Book, if any man shall add unto them God shall add unto him the plagues which are written in this Book; and if any man shall take away from the words of the Book o f this proph ecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life, and from the Holy City, and from the things which are written in this Book. • • • He which testi f ie d these things saith, “ Surely, I come quickly. Amen. Even so come, Lord Jesu s” (Rev. 21: 18-20). We have- the Book, and it is our business to know and our privilege to believe what it says. What do we see through the prophetic glasses t A story of six thousand years of sin, sorrow and suffering. Man with a sinful nature, opposed to God’s rule—a rebel, hating God’s laws, hating God Himself. Man’s nature has never changed. He hates the fact that he must obey God’s law or suffer for it, just as he did when a child. But as he did then, so now, he adjusts himself, grudgingly, Itb the necessity of obey ing, and profits from it—when he can. Civilization has made no change in the nature of man. In spite of churches, schools, universities, laws, courts, armies and navies—no change! The Book says “ Evil men • • * shall wax worse and worse,” and they do. Burglars and bandits now are aged from five years up to seventy-five. Read the papers! Law-makers and law-breakers are in the same class. Justice is a joke. “ God is not in all their thoughts.” Naturally, men long for peace for their own protection, but there is none, save in the hearts of those who have that peace which was promised by Him who said, “ Peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you .” Is there any national improvement! No. All are preparing for the prophesied and impending catastro phe. Is there any improvement in the church condi tions! No. The most sacred vows are ruthlessly broken by the leaders, and hungry-hearted souls are denied even the Gospel o f peace which their starving, famishing souls crave, and are fed, instead, on lec tures, movies, socials, essays. Look again! Is Israel in Pa lestine! Yes. How ! By the purpose of man! No, by no means, but by the hand of God, in fulfillment of His Word. I f they were not there, the Scripture would be broken, but it “ can not be broken. ” I t is w r itten ! Is there no hope! Yes. What is i t ! Tell us quickly. The hope is in the fulfillment of His promise: “ Behold, I come quickly.” He must come. Man is a failure. Human effort is a failure. Human laws are failures! but the Book never has and never can fail. He must come whose right it is to reign, and He will come “ in such an hour as ye think no t.” And in the meantime—wha t! Do His bidding. “ Be instant in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and doctrine.” Seek to save the lost. G ive^o the hungry the Bread of Life.
T H E M A G I By Grace Noll Crowell T h e n O scholars and sages and seers of old, You followed a star at the East’s far rim, You followed, you found Him, you knelt at last In a low, dark stable to worship Him. The Light of the World, the Shining Way, The Foundation of Life, and the Daily Bread. You sought Him with burning eyes, you laid Your myrrh and gold at a manger bed. And little children have kept the fa ith; Their lifted eyes have followed a star. Their eager footsteps have found the way That leads where the mother and baby are. Now O scholars and sages and men called “wise,” What have you done to Him? What will you do? Did you lose the way? Did you fail to see The high white star that was leading you ? Would you darken the face of a little child, The light in his eyes as a lamp blown out?^ O scholars and sages and men called “wise,” I f you could—would you darken the world with doubt ? —-Good Housekeeping. Exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Live the life before men and plead with the lost to receive the gift of God which is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. CHINA’S HOUR OF CRISIS In this hour, when China is awakening from her long sleep of centuries and is standing at the cross roads, undecided whether to follow Bolshevism or Christ, it is the privilege of every Christian to have a share in guiding her footsteps by placing the Word of God in her hands and saying, “ This is the w a y : walk ye in i t .” It is probable that never before in the history of mis sions in China has there been such a Providential moment as the present for a nation-wide distribution of the Word of God. The peqple are looking for some thing that w ill bring peace in the midst of their great distress. There is an increasing volume of private and concerted prayer for revival. Today, also, more of the people can read than ever before. This need is being met, in a most effective way, by Mr. George T. B. Davis (who has had years of service in China), in a “ Million Testaments for China Cam paign ,” a full page advertisement of which appears on page 757, to which effort The K ing ’s Business gives it hearty endorsement. M M You will find the International Sunday School Leaaon Comments on page 733 of this number of The King’s Business.
December 1926
K I N G ' S
‘RJISOLUTIOJ^C OF ES TEEM Prompted by the retirement of T. C. Horton as Editor-in-chief of The King s Business
From these beg inn ings has grown the great paper which is now one o f the popular Christian monthlies. From the earliest days of Dr. Horton’s ministry; in the Y. M. C. A.; as Associate of Dr. Arthur T. P ierson in BethanyChurch, Philadelphia; as Pastor of a great church in
riTH this current issue o f The King's Business, Dr. T. C. Horton, the founder of the Bible Institute as well as of The King's Busi ness, closes h is r e la tion as Editor-in-Chief. The Board o f Directors feel that they cannot let the opportunity passwithout mak
Dallas, Texas, and on to the crowning work of his life in Los Angeles, he has been inspired with a master passion to win souls to our Lord Jesus Christ. The great work which he has built up in connec tion with "The Fishermen s Club, and the many evangelistic agencies which have been added to the Institute work as op portunities for the students to get prac tical training, have shown this love for souls to be the controlling motiveof his life. The Board of Directors of the Institute feel that they themselves are under personal obligation to him for the influence and example which has led them into their present relationship to the Institute, and desire to record their earnest purpose to carry forward the great work in loyalty to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to the Word of God and to the training of young men and women in earnest, fruitful service. They congratulate themselves, and all readers of The King’s Business, that Dr. Horton has consented to continue to write for us such messages as God may give to him, and unitedly pray that the rich bles sing of God may be upon him as he devotes his life to the publication of notes on various parts of the Bible, which have grown out of years of faithful, fruitful teaching. Dr. Horton has not only widely affected the whole Pacific Coast, but his influence has reached around the world through missionaries and evangelists who have been trained at the Bible Institute, and the Board of Directors join their prayers with those of a host of his friends for God’s richest benediction upon his remaining work and life, and pray that for him the pathway may grow '‘brighter and brighter unto the perfect day.”
ing some effort to express their profound gratitude to God for the great work He has wrought through His servant during all the history of die School and of the Paper. Not only was the school founded by him and brought up to its highest enrollment and greatest efficiency under his immediate guidance, but the Members of the Board and all Officers, Editors and helpers in every department have been led into the service during his administrationand under his guidance asSuperintendent of the entire work. Dr. Horton came to the Pacific Coast in 1905 from Texas, and through the blessing of God his ministry has been blessed to the spiritual life of the churches and of devoted Christian people on the whole Pacific Coast. This great work was started in a Bible Class in connection with Immanuel Presbyterian Church where Dr. Horton was engaged as Assistant Pastor. Out of this Bible Class grew the thought and plan for a Bible Institute, which was started in 1907 in an upper and scantily furnished room on Main Street. His devoted and efficient work won the approval and confidence of the great Christian Layman Mr. Lyman Stewart, and these two men joined their prayers and efforts, gifts and talents, until the present magnificent plant for the training of young men and women was equipped,and dedi cated for service. Dr. Horton’s relation to The King's Business began in January 1910 with the issuance of the first number of Volume I. This was a sixteen-page magazine of octavo size, filled with choice, interesting articles and expository material for Bible students.
Unanimously adopted by the Board of Directors of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles At if c n w iiL fr tnrrtrno V o V flflb if 1 0 2 6
K I N G ’S
B U S I N E S S ___________________ December 1926
~ CONTR I BUTED a r t i c l e s -
ìS E S E S E S E
“ He Stooped So Low” DEAN JOHN
He—who was in the form of God and assumed the form of a servant—was able to be literally tempted in all things as we are, yet apart from, or without, sin, and to be touched with all the feelings of our infirmities. The miracle and everlasting wonder of that is that HE did it. In order to do this He had to literally live a perfect human experience into the life and experience of Deity. In the living of this experience He did not, however, have to become some other person. The experience of the form of God was no more real' than the experience of the like ness and fashion of man. He was just as consciously active and real in the experience of humanity as He was in the experience of Deity, but we must never forget that He was Deity experiencing humanity—not humanity experi encing Deity. In order to do this He had to do it within the limitations of humanity. He could not live the form of Deity in the form of humanity, but as God He could voluntarily limit Himself to the form of man and become obedient even uiito death. As God manifested in a perfect human experience, He did not become mortal in the sense that He was compelled to die by reason of His nature,, but in the form of man He voluntarily laid down His life as an atonement for sin; therefore when He died He did not die as an ordinary man dies. He gave up His Spirit. He died as an act of will in which He surrendered His life. He did not take His life by destroying His body, but He gave up His Spirit; therefore He could not be holden of death, for death being the wages of sin, had no claim upon him. Hence we see that as this was the experience of One Person who continues identical throughout the sublime sweep of the experience, every outstanding part of the experience must’ by the law of consistency be unique and uniform— His birth, or entrance into life; His consciousness and activity in life; and His death. Because these are all unique, there must be a resurrection and exaltation. "Be cause He stooped so low, God lifted Him very high. . . . and gave Him the Name that is above every name.” He who left the Glory is now at the right hand of God exalted. In that sublime stoop He experienced much and touched great depths, but in it all He continued Himself, and never for a single moment became someone else. It was God who left the Glory and was “found on earth as a man in out ward seeming,” and it was God who returned to the Glory and is in the Glory today—God with a genuinely human experience in which He wrought out all the mystic glories of redemption in which man and the universe are restored to the purpose of His Divine love and will. It is God who is “touched with all the feelings of our infirmities” and is therefore able to sympathize with us and to save us to the uttermost. But all this He is able to do because of His gen uinely human experience in the stoop of the Incarnation and the shame of the Cross, and “None of the ransomed ever knew How deep were the waters crossed, Nor how dark was the night that the Lord passed through Ere He found His sheep that was lost.”
»■■■■»■■■HIS is how Dr. Way translates a phrase with refer- gW B n ence to the Christmas fact, which is the central fact of human history. Robert Browning, in refer- ring to this stoop, speaks of it as “the sublime stoop of the Godhead.” It is “a sublime stoop” because it is not the stoop of compromise or degradation, but the down ward reach of Divine love that it might fasten its golden chains in the very roots of humanity and lift men into the very presence of God, the place- of victory and mastery. Frequently we have to be startled by a challenging phrase or remark into a new consideration of this action of Deity in order to have anything like a living appreciation of what God really did when He came here to work out His loving purpose of« redemption. This particular phrase is a part of the most wonderful statement of this action of Deity to be found anywhere in the Bible. It brings, out in a most striking way the fact that it was God Himself who did this thing and that He actually lived a life of man that He might lift it up into the very life and experience of Deity. It is this unity that makes possible the imparta- tion of the life of Deity that realizes in men "the mind that was in Christ Jesus.” That mind, of course, has reference to the mind that was in Him while He was here on earth, and the writer illustrates the attitude of it by some things He did before He, and things He did in coming here, and things He did while He was here. It was the same mind that made possible this whole series of acts named in the sublime stoop as it is described in this wonder ful passage in the second of Philippians. HE WAS IN THE FORM OF GOD. He subsisted in that form. That is where we meet Him as we begin with this movement. While subsisting in that form we have first a negative statement regarding His attitude of mind. The writer declares that He did not selfishly cling to His right or prerogative of equality with God. That was a form that was His by right, but in the interest of redemption “HE EMPTIED HIMSELF.” That was a definite act prepara tory to what follows. At this point we are primarily Interested in what He emptied Himself of. Of oi\e thing we are quite sure—He did not empty Himself of Himself. In the very next step we find Him doing something else as a result of what was done in this act of emptying Himself. This action is just as really His action as was the act of emptying. It was the same One who was in the form of God and who emptied Himself, who took the form of a servant, and the act of taking the form of a servant re quired all the essentials of a conscious, willing, intelligent and feeling person. In order to do this He had to take the likeness of man, so He was “found on earth as a man in outward seeming” (Dr. Way’s translation). This One who is now in the form of a servant, being in the likeness of men, is the same One who was in the form of God. He did not become somebody else nor develop another personal ity, but voluntarily took a form in which He experienced the life of a man, and did it in such a perfect way that
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