December 1926
K I N G ’ S
any sort of religion,—Mohammedan, Buddhist, or any of the heathen cults. Even the term “ Christian education” does not, neces sarily, mean an education founded upon the fundamen tal doctrine of Jesus Christ as the Virgin-bom Son of God,—God manifest in the flesh, crucified, risen, ascended, coming again,—for it is used just as fre quently by institutions and organizations professedly Unitarian in their theology, and often merely as a screen behind which the devil performs his soul-de stroying work—a subtle snare and an insult to the Lord Jesus Christ. Why not get back to the definite term, “ B ib lica l” ! Let us have “ B ib le” churches as we already have “ B ib le” Institutes, for training young people in the Bible, founding their faith in the Word of God and fit ting them for the most stupendous task ever confront ing the world. There is an old and true adage, “ Beware of the man of one book, ’’—and when that book is the Bible—which is sharper than any two-edged sword and has never yet failed, the Christian with it in his hand, faith in his heart and led by the indwelling Holy Spirit, can work the miracle of all miracles, before which man-made philosophy is powerless,—regeneration! Modern science—as we term it—has accomplished great things, but always in abject obedience to God’s laws; never otherwise! And the greatest single need of the world today is a knowledge of God’s divine law which He committed to the church for broadcasting— the “ law of fhe Spirit of life in Christ Jesus” which makes us “ free from the law of sin and death” (Rom ans 8:1-5), This law, believed and manifested in a Christian life and elucidated to sinners, is the most powerful of all laws in its results. By one act, sinful man becomes a child of God, with all of the rights and titles of heavenly possession. He is united at once and for all time to the church of Jesus Christ, becoming bone of H is 'bone and flesh of His flesh. It is the incomparable marvel. Yet every boy and girl who is dominated by this law can apply it as satisfactorily as any preacher or philosopher. The great need is not the need of more education, but the need of adding to the celebrated “ Three R ’s ” —“ Reading, ’Riting and ’Rithmetic”—the other R— “ Regeneration” . When the church has done this, theg comes Revival! Let the church get busy! With Bible in hand, let believers tell out the story, magnifying the need of prayer—and then, pray! Magnifying the need of the power of the Holy Spirit—and then submit to His lead ing. Magnify the unchanging love of God, and the longing of His heart for the souls of men. Be Spirit-filled, simple-minded, straightforward, steadfast in faith, set an example of soul-winning serv ice, pray that the true church of God may live the sep arated life, keep sweet, and success is sure to follow. THE PRESENT DAY PROPHETIC PICTURE Standing on the “ Mount of F a ith” , with the glass c f the Old and New Testament in our hands, one may see that which is coming and must come to pass. This is God’s world. He made it. He has used it and is using it to carry out His own plans and pur poses. He has seen fit in His grace and compassion to give to us who live in these days the Book which out-
• • A S K ! " “ S E E K l ”
\ Luke 11:9
“ K N O C K ! ” j Notice that the initial letters of these three words spell "A S K”—a simple word—the real meaning of which implies a “PERSISTENT DEM AND FOR SOMETHING DUE.” , Will you not, dear fellow believer, A S K God earn estly if He would not have you request your pastor and your church to observe the TEN DAYS’ PRAYER SEASON (December 31 to January 9), in sacred com memoration of the N IN E T E E N HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY of Christ’s baptism and entrance upon His public ministry, and suggest that the prepara tion for this prayer season be started soon. The TEN DAYS should begin with the Annual Watch Night Meeting, Friday, December 31, and con tinue through the Universal Week of Prayer to Sunday, January 9,—all believers around the world uniting their prayers in humble confession of their own and the Church’s sins, and IMPORTUNATELY INTERCED ING for the Church’s revival and the speedy world wide proclamation of the Gospel. OBEY the H EA V EN LY V I S IO N T O D A Y I You w ill find Him in but one place—the B ib le ! Pro phesied for centuries; presented to the Wise Men; plodding through the years as an artisan; producing the evidence of His Deity for three years and a half with His followers; paying the penalty o f sin in His death on the cross; presenting Himself in resurrection body to the disciples; proclaiming His coming again as He ascended on high; preparing a place for His beloved ones, and promising to them a place with Him self throughout eternity,—this is the answer to the greatest and gravest question ever asked—where is He t As the Christmas season draws near, meditate upon H im ; upon His rich and royal promises; give Him the place He deserves in your heart and life, and tell out the glorious Christmas story as far and as fast as pos sible to those who are asking—“ Where is He?” RELIGIOUS EDUCATION? REGENERATION? REVIVAL? Here is a trinity of words which have a wealth of meaning. Let us define each briefly^ What is meant by the term “ religious education” ! Well, what does the word “ religious” mean! “ The out ward act or form by, which men indicate their recogni tion of the existence of a God or gods, having power over their destiny,” says Webster. “ Religious educa tion ,” then, cannot be held to apply only to an educa tion in the faith of the historic evangelical Christian religion, but could be applied, as well, to education in not. We long for comfort and know it not. Where is H et
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