King's Business - 1926-12

HOLIDAY GIFTS THAT BRING SPIRITUAL BENEFITS For Ministers, Bible Students, and A ll Lovers of the Word “THE BIBLE of the EXPOSITOR

“SERMONS A N D BIBLE STUDIES” A 12-Volume Series of Books by DR. R. E. NEIGHBOUR Complete Set Ready These volumes contain studies of choice expositions, covering a wide scope of Scriptural knowledge. The sermons were dictated while the spirit of the message •till burned in the soul of the preacher. The books are adapted for sermonizing and for con­ structive Bible classes. Seventeen sermons or studies to the volume. Uniform ly bound—5 V£x7V4 inches. We will furnish a circular free, giving the title, and an outline of the contents and the price of each book. UNION GOSPEL PRESS, Box 680, Cleveland, Ohio Western Representatives: BIOLA BOOK ROOM. 958 8a. Rape 8t., Lss Angelas. Cel.

and the EVANGELIST” The 40-Volume Series of Books by

DR. W. B. RILEY Now Being Published

A series containing sermons th at will cover the Bible in expository and evangelistic work. They are the product of a life, and represent m aturity of study with simplicity of expression. Every sermon has been pu t to the test, and its power either to win men or to in stru ct them already proven. They are being issued a t intervals——8 volumes a year. Uniform ly bound-—5%x7% Inches. For full particulars and prices, send for Circular. Address UNION GOSPEL PRESS, Box 680. Cleveland, Ohio Western Representatives: BIOLA BOOK ROOM. 5M 8a. Hap# St.. Lea Angeles. Cal.


1927 An attractive and convenient nfedium for preaenting a Scrip­ ture veree for each day of the year. The Scripture verses are in | clear type, and are followed by several Bible references, to form a Bible Study. Dates in Figures for clear type. large. Sunday School Lesson Infor­ mation for Sunday dates.

1927 Ornamental as well as Useful. Each page of the Wall Roll is daintily decorated in colors and gold. Rich tints for back­ ground. The center panels are charming landscape designs in rich and dainty colors. The cover is a beautiful de­ sign in full colors of David the Shepherd. t Size 12x13 inchoe. Wooden molding a n d G o r d f o r Hanging.

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Price, 50 cent# each (Special Price* in Q uantities) UNION GOSPEL PRESS - 'BOX 680 - Weitern Repreientatlvei: BIOLA BOOK BOOM, M8 s«. Hw* 8t.,

CLEVELAND, OHIO L m Angeles. Cal.

For Sunday School Teachers and Scholars “CHRISTIAN LIFE” SERIES

For All Desiring a Deeper Spiritual Life 1 “CHRIST LIFE” OR, "THE WORD OF THE CROSS"

SUNDAY SCHOOL QUARTERLIES AND PAPERS Following the International Uniform Lesson Topics Fundam sntally Sound A FULL LINE—Quarterlies for Teachers end Schol­ ars, Illustrated C hristian Papers, C harts. Cards, and Helps for Supplemental Work. A sample pack of the full line will be sent free on request. A ddress: UNION GOSPEL PRESS, Box 680, Cleveland, Ohio Western Representatives: BIOLA BOOK BOOM. 958 Bs. He»e t t . Lss Angeles. Cal.

A Monthly Magazine w h o ,, sphere of teaching I. the abiding and abundant life—the life which ie C hrist Himself. It aata forth tha secret of having constant victory over self and Satan through tha C ross of Christ. Contains also spiritual and practical Helps on tha Senior and Junior C. E. Topics. Price, $1.00 a yaar. Sample Copy Free (Special prices in quantities) UNION GOSPEL PRESS, Box 680, Cleveland, Ohio Western Representatives: BIOLA BOOK ROOM. 558 Be. Mips St.. Lee Angeles. Oal.

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