K I N G ’ S
December 1926
lines those plans and purposes as revealed by the past and promised for the future. This is logical. He has the right. He exercises it. He has had interpreters—prophets—men who spoke for Him. Wte have their records in the Book: “ In the beginuing, God created the heaven and the earth (Gen. 1 :1 ). “ I testify to every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this Book, if any man shall add unto them God shall add unto him the plagues which are written in this Book; and if any man shall take away from the words of the Book o f this proph ecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life, and from the Holy City, and from the things which are written in this Book. • • • He which testi f ie d these things saith, “ Surely, I come quickly. Amen. Even so come, Lord Jesu s” (Rev. 21: 18-20). We have- the Book, and it is our business to know and our privilege to believe what it says. What do we see through the prophetic glasses t A story of six thousand years of sin, sorrow and suffering. Man with a sinful nature, opposed to God’s rule—a rebel, hating God’s laws, hating God Himself. Man’s nature has never changed. He hates the fact that he must obey God’s law or suffer for it, just as he did when a child. But as he did then, so now, he adjusts himself, grudgingly, Itb the necessity of obey ing, and profits from it—when he can. Civilization has made no change in the nature of man. In spite of churches, schools, universities, laws, courts, armies and navies—no change! The Book says “ Evil men • • * shall wax worse and worse,” and they do. Burglars and bandits now are aged from five years up to seventy-five. Read the papers! Law-makers and law-breakers are in the same class. Justice is a joke. “ God is not in all their thoughts.” Naturally, men long for peace for their own protection, but there is none, save in the hearts of those who have that peace which was promised by Him who said, “ Peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you .” Is there any national improvement! No. All are preparing for the prophesied and impending catastro phe. Is there any improvement in the church condi tions! No. The most sacred vows are ruthlessly broken by the leaders, and hungry-hearted souls are denied even the Gospel o f peace which their starving, famishing souls crave, and are fed, instead, on lec tures, movies, socials, essays. Look again! Is Israel in Pa lestine! Yes. How ! By the purpose of man! No, by no means, but by the hand of God, in fulfillment of His Word. I f they were not there, the Scripture would be broken, but it “ can not be broken. ” I t is w r itten ! Is there no hope! Yes. What is i t ! Tell us quickly. The hope is in the fulfillment of His promise: “ Behold, I come quickly.” He must come. Man is a failure. Human effort is a failure. Human laws are failures! but the Book never has and never can fail. He must come whose right it is to reign, and He will come “ in such an hour as ye think no t.” And in the meantime—wha t! Do His bidding. “ Be instant in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and doctrine.” Seek to save the lost. G ive^o the hungry the Bread of Life.
T H E M A G I By Grace Noll Crowell T h e n O scholars and sages and seers of old, You followed a star at the East’s far rim, You followed, you found Him, you knelt at last In a low, dark stable to worship Him. The Light of the World, the Shining Way, The Foundation of Life, and the Daily Bread. You sought Him with burning eyes, you laid Your myrrh and gold at a manger bed. And little children have kept the fa ith; Their lifted eyes have followed a star. Their eager footsteps have found the way That leads where the mother and baby are. Now O scholars and sages and men called “wise,” What have you done to Him? What will you do? Did you lose the way? Did you fail to see The high white star that was leading you ? Would you darken the face of a little child, The light in his eyes as a lamp blown out?^ O scholars and sages and men called “wise,” I f you could—would you darken the world with doubt ? —-Good Housekeeping. Exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Live the life before men and plead with the lost to receive the gift of God which is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. CHINA’S HOUR OF CRISIS In this hour, when China is awakening from her long sleep of centuries and is standing at the cross roads, undecided whether to follow Bolshevism or Christ, it is the privilege of every Christian to have a share in guiding her footsteps by placing the Word of God in her hands and saying, “ This is the w a y : walk ye in i t .” It is probable that never before in the history of mis sions in China has there been such a Providential moment as the present for a nation-wide distribution of the Word of God. The peqple are looking for some thing that w ill bring peace in the midst of their great distress. There is an increasing volume of private and concerted prayer for revival. Today, also, more of the people can read than ever before. This need is being met, in a most effective way, by Mr. George T. B. Davis (who has had years of service in China), in a “ Million Testaments for China Cam paign ,” a full page advertisement of which appears on page 757, to which effort The K ing ’s Business gives it hearty endorsement. M M You will find the International Sunday School Leaaon Comments on page 733 of this number of The King’s Business.
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