‘RJISOLUTIOJ^C OF ES TEEM Prompted by the retirement of T. C. Horton as Editor-in-chief of The King s Business
From these beg inn ings has grown the great paper which is now one o f the popular Christian monthlies. From the earliest days of Dr. Horton’s ministry; in the Y. M. C. A.; as Associate of Dr. Arthur T. P ierson in BethanyChurch, Philadelphia; as Pastor of a great church in
riTH this current issue o f The King's Business, Dr. T. C. Horton, the founder of the Bible Institute as well as of The King's Busi ness, closes h is r e la tion as Editor-in-Chief. The Board o f Directors feel that they cannot let the opportunity passwithout mak
Dallas, Texas, and on to the crowning work of his life in Los Angeles, he has been inspired with a master passion to win souls to our Lord Jesus Christ. The great work which he has built up in connec tion with "The Fishermen s Club, and the many evangelistic agencies which have been added to the Institute work as op portunities for the students to get prac tical training, have shown this love for souls to be the controlling motiveof his life. The Board of Directors of the Institute feel that they themselves are under personal obligation to him for the influence and example which has led them into their present relationship to the Institute, and desire to record their earnest purpose to carry forward the great work in loyalty to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to the Word of God and to the training of young men and women in earnest, fruitful service. They congratulate themselves, and all readers of The King’s Business, that Dr. Horton has consented to continue to write for us such messages as God may give to him, and unitedly pray that the rich bles sing of God may be upon him as he devotes his life to the publication of notes on various parts of the Bible, which have grown out of years of faithful, fruitful teaching. Dr. Horton has not only widely affected the whole Pacific Coast, but his influence has reached around the world through missionaries and evangelists who have been trained at the Bible Institute, and the Board of Directors join their prayers with those of a host of his friends for God’s richest benediction upon his remaining work and life, and pray that for him the pathway may grow '‘brighter and brighter unto the perfect day.”
ing some effort to express their profound gratitude to God for the great work He has wrought through His servant during all the history of die School and of the Paper. Not only was the school founded by him and brought up to its highest enrollment and greatest efficiency under his immediate guidance, but the Members of the Board and all Officers, Editors and helpers in every department have been led into the service during his administrationand under his guidance asSuperintendent of the entire work. Dr. Horton came to the Pacific Coast in 1905 from Texas, and through the blessing of God his ministry has been blessed to the spiritual life of the churches and of devoted Christian people on the whole Pacific Coast. This great work was started in a Bible Class in connection with Immanuel Presbyterian Church where Dr. Horton was engaged as Assistant Pastor. Out of this Bible Class grew the thought and plan for a Bible Institute, which was started in 1907 in an upper and scantily furnished room on Main Street. His devoted and efficient work won the approval and confidence of the great Christian Layman Mr. Lyman Stewart, and these two men joined their prayers and efforts, gifts and talents, until the present magnificent plant for the training of young men and women was equipped,and dedi cated for service. Dr. Horton’s relation to The King's Business began in January 1910 with the issuance of the first number of Volume I. This was a sixteen-page magazine of octavo size, filled with choice, interesting articles and expository material for Bible students.
Unanimously adopted by the Board of Directors of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles At if c n w iiL fr tnrrtrno V o V flflb if 1 0 2 6
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