King's Business - 1926-12

December 1926


K I N G ’ S



P a ra d e o f N atives and B e n i n In a n d o u t ^of th e n a rrow , b alcony b e -sp a n n e d s tre e ts o f C a lc u tta , t h e n a tiv e s m a rc h In en d less p ro cessio n n e a r t h e K a l i G h at T e m p l e . H e re a n d th e re Is a b e g g a r, a m e r­ c h a n t-p e d d le r, a n d a fa k ir, to lend co lo r to H in d u life.

It was a far cry from the protevangel in Paradise to the ringing of Isaiah’s bells; and another from Isaiah to the song of the angels on the Judean hills; and still we await the coming of the Prince of Peace. But the hands on God’s dial never turn back. "The kings of the earth set them­ selves and rulers take counsel together, saying, 'Let us break his bands.asunder, and cast away his cords from usV He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh!" By the burst of divine laughter let us quicken our faith. The decree has gone forth, "Thou art my Son; -this day have I begotten thee!" This child in swaddling-bands is that "weakness of God which is stronger than men." The little hand that lies so helpless on its mother’s breast will shake the pillars of Caesar’s throne; for all power is given unto him in heaven and on earth. His birth is an invasion.- The querulous king who wrote the superscription on His cross wrote bet­ ter than he knew: "Jesus Nazaret Rex Judaeorum." Behold the King of the whole Israel of God! Lift up your eyes round about and see. Who are these that fly as doves to their windows? The ships of Tarshisfi, the dromedaries of Midian, the flocks of Kedar; they all min­ ister unto him. The kings of the earth shall bring their glory and honor unto Him. But "when he cometh will he find faith on the earth?" No; men’s hearts will still be failing them for fear. Never­ theless the government is upon His shoulder; and of its increase there shall be no end until His throne is established from henceforth even for ever. Meanwhile the star of Bethlehem is the star of destiny; and all the Wise Men will follow it.—Taken from "One Hundred Best Sermons for Special Days and Occasions." Compiled by Rev. G. B. F. Hallock. Published by Doran Co., New York.

thus accredited by a voice from heaven, saying, "This is my beloved Son; hear ye him!" Second: "Of t ie increase of his government there shall be no end.” There has never been a year nor a day since the advent of Christ that has not witnessed such an increase of His authority. All Christendom was at that time embraced in a little patch of sunlight on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean, which has widened, in the logic of events, until it covers the whole of the civilized world. The feeble band of five hundred that gathered on the Mount of Ascension has multiplied into some hundreds of millions; and others are continually falling in. GojJ, never fails, and His armies never retreat. The glory ofJjbfiTXJospel is destined to cover the earth as the waters cover t^S^ea. Third: "His kingdom shall be established from hence­ forth even forever.” History is a long record of transitory power. Thrones and dynasties have risen, flourished and tottered to their fall. The thing that hath been sh^ll be. But of the government of Christ which is being "estab­ lished with judgment and justice," there shall be no end. III. The Supreme Guaranty. The ultimate and perpetual reign of Christ is secured by an inviolate troth, in these words: “The zeal of Jehovah of hosts will perform it." Here is but a variant of the old- time covenant. “When he shall give his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand." Our Lord “sees of the fruit of the travail of his soul and is satis­ fied." The twelve gates of heaven are daily thronged with processions that enter in His name to join with the "ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands" of saints triumphant who sing the new song, "Worthy art thou to receive honor and glory and power and dominion; for thou hast redeemed us by thy blood and hast made us to be kings and priests unto God forever and ever!"

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