December 1926
K I N G ’ S
Can Boys Be Interested in Bible Study? S N exceedingly interesting Il lustration of what can be accomplished in the way of enthusing and enlightening the good things about them. God tells the whole truth, not half the truth. 4 God’s Word says that man will return to dust and he does. 6. Because everything that God
The results achieved by Mr. Milligan, as related in this art icle, show clearly that Bible Study, properly conducted, has a genuine attraction for young and old alike. The Correspon dence Courses of the Bible In stitute of Los Angeles meet tn a most satisfactory way the needs of those who desire more defi nite guidance than is locally available.
has prophesied has come true so far. 6. God’s Word says that every thing is born “after his" or “after their” kind, and everything is. 7. I think the Bible is the Word of God because no other book claims to be the Word of God. 8. Jesus taught it to be the Word of God. 9. Though nations have fought it and people have tried to get rid of it, they have never been able to destroy it. The following essay was written on Genesis 1:1-3 by a twelve-year-old member of the class: "In Genesis 1:1 we have the begin ning of God’s revelation to man. We are at once introduced to God as a mighty creator. His very name, Elo- btm, shows His mighty power. We can see by the Hebrew word for create, ‘bara,’ that God created the Heaven and Earth out of nothing. “Whatever God does is perfect. We see in Isaiah 45:18, that God created it not in vain, but He formed it to be inhabited. "In the second verse (Genesis 1:2) something happened to the earth. We read in Ezekiel 28:12-18, and Isaiah 14:12-14, that Satan or Lucifer, was once one of God's chosen angels. He was called the ‘day star,' and in Ezek iel 28:14, it also speaks of him as the ‘anointed Cherub that covereth.' He probably had charge of the heavenly music. "What a pity that this beautiful creature of God should fall! He be came proud and puffed up because of his beauty and power, and he said, 'I will exalt my throne above, the stars of God.’ "On account of his sin, he and his angels were cast out of heaven, and today the ‘anointed Cherub’ is the most bitter enemy of God. He is the ’prince of this world’ and ‘the god of this age,’ and ‘he walketh about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.’ (1 Peter 6:8). “Thus, we believe It was for this reason that God caused a great judg ment to be upon the earth. And it became waste and void, and ‘dark ness was upon the face of the deep.’ No man knows bow long it was in this condition. It may have been for ages. But the 'Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.’ Then begins the work of reconstruction. God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and the earth came out of darkness into a glorious light. "The three conditions of the earth well illustrate the history of man. First, as the earth was created perfect, so was man. Then because of sin, the earth became a place of desolation and ruin, and was covered with darkness. So it was with man; when sin came ' into his life, he immediately became a
boys In Bible study Is found In the report of work done by a .class of boys of from eleven to fifteen years of age, in a Dally Vacation Bible School con ducted last summer by Mr. Donald Milligan, a former student of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and a faithful member of The Fishermen’s Club, now in charge of the “Boys’ Work” of the Calvary Community Church at Placentia, California, of which church Mr. Charles E. Fuller (another Biola student) is pastor. We wish space would permit print ing the report in full, but a few excerpts will suffice to give some con ception of the real knowledge of the Bible gained by these young lads in the three weeks. The “Examination Questions,” prepared by Mr. Milligan, were as follows: I. (a) Give the divisions of the Old and New Testaments. - (b) State what you mean by the second division, both in the Old and New Testaments. (c) How many writers did God use? How many centuries did it take, and how many Books are there in God’s Word? (d ) Who is the real Author of the Bible? Give reference. (e) Give several reasons why you believe the Bible is the Word of God. II. Explain Genesis 1:1-2. Give refer ences to support your explanation. Draw diagram. III. (a) Outline the work of the re constructed earth. (b) Do you think the seven days were literal days or periods of time? Give reasons. (c) What is the difference between the words "make,” "form” and "create”? (d) How many "creative acts of God” are recorded in the first chapter of Genesis? What were they? IV. (a) State difference between the first and second chapters of Genesis. Do they contradict each other? (b) What are the Hebrew names for God in the first and second chapters? State their significance. (c) God’s relationship is spoken of to—what, in the first chapter? In the second chapter? (d) What is man's relationship to the earth in the second chapter? Why is he not given the same place in the first chapter? (e) How many times does the expression "after his kind” or "after
their kind” occur in the first chapter? In what way is this expression used? Does it give any room for the “Evo lution Theory”? V. (a) In what way do Cain and Abel represent men in every age? ■ (b) What does the fifth chapter of Genesis show us? VI. State the theme of each of the first nine chapters of Genesis. VII. (a) Give the dimensions of the Ark in feet. (b) How many "unclean” animals went in? *How many “clean” animals? (c) How long did Noah preach and warn the people of God’s judg ment? , (d) What is the best lesson taught by Noah’s life? VIII. (a) Give definition of a dispensa tion. (b) How many dispensations are there? Name them. State the test in each dispensation, the most impor tant man, and how each dispensation ends. (c) What dispensation are we in now? How is it going to end for you? IX. (a) Give three memory verses and AfOII/>AH (b) Give five types and explain why they are types. (c) Where is the first promise of our Saviour found? Write it out and explain fully. X. In what way has this class helped you? To the question, "Give several rea sons why you believe the Bible is the Word of God,” the following are some of the replies: 1. I think the Bible is the Word of God because every time the scientists try to slam the Bible, God gets it right back on them. 2, If thirty-six men wrote the Bible, who were not inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Bible would not be as it is written today, but it would be a jumble. S. If men had written the Bible, they would not have written the men’s faults, but would have written just
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