T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
December 1926
spiritual ruin and was plunged into darkness. But as the Holy Spirit brought the earth out of darkness into light, so does the Holy Spirit take man out of darkness and bring him to Christ, the light of the world." In reply to the question, "Where is , the first promise of our Saviour found? Write it out and explain fully," one boy wrote: "Genesis 3:15: ‘I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and be tween thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy hd&d, and thou shalt bruise his heel.’ The seed of the serpent is Satan. The seed of the woman is Christ. Satan has already bruised Christ’s heel on the Cross, but Christ is going to bruise his head when He casts him Into the lake of fire.” Best of all are the answers to the last question, "In what way has this class helped you?" from which we quote but one: "It has been the means of saving me and helping me love to study God’s Word more. It has taught me more about Genesis than I ever knew before. It has helped me to want to win souls for God." Not the least Important of the re sults accomplished in this class was the Interest manifested by the parents in the lessons over which the boys pored nightly—some of them being awakened to renewed sense of their obligations for the spiritual welfare of their children, and at least one father gave his heart to the Lord as a con sequence. In these days when the problem of "juvenile delinquency" is such a grave issue, and a solution is being earnestly sought by educators and others inter ested in the "moral uplift" of our youth, the definite results produced in the lives and hearts of this repre sentative group of boys by the deAnite teaching of the fundamental truths of the Bible is surely challenging to every parent and teacher, and a proof that human nature has not changed, that God’s plan and purpose has not changed, and that the Word of God is still "quick and powerful" and able to produce a marvelous harvest if the seed-sowing is faithfully done. Why not try it? M m IS DANCING DEGRADING? If the lure of the dance be not based on sex, why is It that women do not dance with women and men with men? The answer to this question is well known to every experienced dancer, and forever condemns the dance. The mix-up is the magnet. A man dancing with a man is about as satisfactory as near-beer to the old drunkard. The matter of sex is the one and abiding basis of dancing. Many a young woman first discovers her sex in the ballroom. For a season, many a pure
Laft to right: R«v. J. J. Morgan, Secretary, Southwestern Agency, Mr. O. H. Bettes In his car, Mr. T. L. Rlppey, a Dallas layman and enthusiastic supporter of the American Bible Society.
D istr ibut ing Bibles on a large s c a l e in sixteen states is 'the accomplishment of O. H. Bettes, a former traveling salesman who has adopted this unique house car to bet ter carry on his activities. While sell ing stoves Mr. Bettes began the dis tribution of penny Gospels, which he bought with his tithe from the Amer ican Bible Society, and has only re cently devoted his entire time to the distribution of Bibles. When Mr. Bettes decided to enter the field as a Bible salesman, his first step was to prepare a Bible car with all modern city conveniences, so that wherever nightfall might find him he would be at home. The latest equip ment to his car is a radio receiving set, which keeps him in touch with the world, when he has time to listen in. and noble girl Is all unconscious of the pleasure she derives from the dance. The position assumed in the ballroom Is, at best, immodest, and at worst, vil lainously vulgar. The writer measures his words when he says that the man or woman who can continue long in the dance without impure thoughts or feelings, is physically deficient. The boast that one can constantly engage In the modern dance without impure thoughts or the excitement of the lower passions, is either untrue, or a candid confession of physical impo tence. It is quite common for a young man to spend a portion of the night in the ballroom and the remainder in a brothel. The one is well calculated to create a desire for the other. During my pastorate in Virginia there was a big ball at Old Point Comfort. One of the leading brothels of the city was
The states already covered by Mr. Bettes and his unique Bible car are Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkan sas, Kentucky, Ohio, Colorado, Ten nessee, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, and the Dis trict of Columbia. From the top of Pikes Peak to the White House at Washington, he has distributed Gos pels to all classes; but those who are most generally neglected claimed his first attention. They are cotton pick ers in out-of-the-way places, the poor in the large cities, the sick in hos pitals, and the prisoners in jail. The total volumes of Scripture dis tributed by Mr. Bettes since he started this work about six months ago has already reached a total of 16,000.— Dallas Morning News. Dr. William Cleaver Wilkinson, one time professor of Chicago University says, "The dance, then, to say it at once and plainly, is an immoral amuse ment, immoral, I mean in itself. . . . Do we not know that the relation of the sexes, which was to have over flowed the world like a fountain of Paradise, has been perverted into the prolific cause of more crime and mis ery than any other single thing that can be named? And shall I not cry shame upon a usage, that, under cover of respectability, regularly titillates and tantalises an animal appetite, as insatiable as hunger, more cruel than revenge?"—J. W. Porter in "The American Baptist." phoned to remain open till after the ball closed. Several of the dancers came in a body, and spent the remain der of the night in the brothel.
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