King's Business - 1926-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

December 1926

TheWord, the Same: theWork, the Same: ItsWinning Power, the Same!

where from t w o to three hundred (mostly women and girls) w o u l d listen. The seed was sown, and God says, “My word shall not return unto me void.” He revealed some of the fruit, but only in the glory will He reveal all. In one jail a young man 18 years old gave his heart to God. The change in his face and voice would be enough to convince any one that there is “Power in the Blood,” He remained in the jail rejoicing, whistling, and playing his harmonica. At another prison the invitation was given at the close of a very solemn meeting. One young man 22 years of age immediately raised his hand, and two others were sobbing under deep conviction. The songs, the testimonies and the message of the Holy Spirit had found a place in their hearts. At the close everybody in that cell. Including the seven prisoners, knelt for prayer. Truly God was present, and to Him is ascribed all the glory. Another prison service- was held at the Federal Prison at San Quentin, where more than three thousand men are confined. About five hundred at­ tended the meeting in the chapel, fill­ ing it to capacity. These men needed no one to tell them they were sinners. They needed no one to remind them that “the wages of sin is death,” for many were in for life, and some were to be executed. But many had al­ ready heard the Gospel message. A goodly number that day heard It and received the "Gift of God which is Eternal Life.” The joyous testimony which many of these men gave to the fact that they had found the Lord in prison would put many a Christian on the outside to shame. One day was spent in the tall pines and redwoods of General Grant Ppxk, visiting every tent and camp withf the Gospel. Scores of little shelters/were hidden away in t h e valleys /where pleasure seekers had gone tor the summer, most of whom forget all about God. In the evening a bigj camp­ fire was built in the center of the woods and a Gospel meeting instead of a dance was the program. \. A goodly number of young people gave their lives to God for full-tin^e service, some of whom hope to come’ to t h e Institute for training. O n e man drove, first 20 miles to one meet­ ing and then 80 miles two weeks later to another, in order that his Beven year old boy might go to the meeting and sing songs to the glory of God. This father caught the vision of serv­ ice, and as a result is planning to give up a large ranch and come to the Institute to train in order that he may serve God better and bring up his boy in the way he ought. A young lad was asked if he knew Christ as Saviour. He replied that he had been to Sunday School all his life but that no one had ever asked him

N June 22, 1926, six young men—Herbert Fox, L e o n Keys, Burton Currie, Ralph Hunt, Bernard Mason, and Herbert Cassel—1e f t Los

3 N the October issue we gave a story of “Five Fishermen on a Summer Fishing Trip”—an account of the splendid work done by five young men who went out this summer from the F i s h e r m e n ’s Cluhrof Long Beach, California. Here we have another story of another Gospel Team who went out from the Fishermen’s Qub of Los An­ geles, written by their leader, Mr. Herbert D. Cassel. Is not the testimony of these young men a proof that the Holy Spirit will bless all who will yield to Him? And will not some of the young people who read this be constrained to dedi­ cate their lives for Christian serv­ ice? The promises in the Word of God are unchanging; the n e e d s of the world are the same; and, thank God, the re­ sults of faithful preaching of the Gospel of the Son of God are always manifest. Our prayer is that God may multiply this kind of young men. Why not have one of these live, up-to-date Fishermen’s Clubs in your com­ munity ? Send tor full informa­ tion to the Secretary, V. V. Mor­ gan, 247 Claiborne Place, Long Beach, California.

Angeles for an evangelistic tour of the San Joaquin valley, where they wit­ nessed for Christ -in the highways and byways, on the streets, in the jails, hospitals, canneries, churches a n d homes, returning home by September 1st. The time of the year was not the most convenient for this kind of work in the churches, as it was the busiest for the fruit ranches. Nevertheless the attendance was very good at most of the meetings. The work of this team was not confined to or directed pri­ marily to the churches, even though a good many meetings were held in churches and many Christians yielded their lives to Qod—but the aim was to sow the seed more among those who did not go to- church. Conse­ quently thousands of t r a c t s were thrown out f r o m the machines to people on the highways, and many were given away on the streets, in homes, etc. Many street meetings were held, after which often several hours were spent in dealing personally with the people. It is, perhaps, a significant fact that of those who professed Christ the majority did so as a result of this personal work. In one place we were given rather an unwilling opening. The service was called at 8 A.M., Sunday, July 4, (in order to g i v e t h e people a chance to go to church before going to the mountains. However, that con­ cession didn’t attract t h e m in the least!) Inside the church the at­ mosphere was as gloomy and dead as it looked, and t h e moving picture screen had to be removed before one could step on the platform. The con­ gregation consisted of a few of the “old faithful” ones. Such was the condition of more than one Church around which Satan had wrapped his net and thus left its few members asleep in their own self-security. A week’s meetings were held in one church. T h e attendance increased every night and the Spirit manifested Himself in each meeting. The final meeting was “Young People’s Night” and many young people were present. Upon the invitation being given many came forward—some in tears seeking for salvation; others,'Christians, yield­ ing their lives to Ood. But Satan was not asleep in that meeting. It was noticed that one whole line of young people made no move to come down. The invitation was given again andtfien Satan’s hand was seen. A young man standing at the outside end of the row of seats was deliber­ ately holding his hand across the seats and thus preventing the rest from

moving out. It was necessary for the leader to request the young man to move and allow those who desired to come forward to get out. God was greatly magnified In that meeting, and to Him be the praise. The work of the team, as has already been stated, was directed to the jails, hospitals, canneries, and streets, etc. Sometimes only a handful would be in the audience, and at other times as many as 200 would gather on the street to hear the Gospel. In the jails a service would sometimes be held for only one prisoner, and then, again, as at San Quentin Prison, to 500 prisoners. Some very happy meet­ ings were conducted in canneries,

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