King's Business - 1926-12

December 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


thoughts than seriously asking for help, he said audibly, “What shall I call this new game?” Just at that moment his daughter, Laura, dashed into the room, caught "on the wing” her father’s question, and instantly answered without com­ ment or explanation, “Spell-it” ! The father smiled at the suggestion, and promptly replied, “Fine; it shall be so”! And it was so. Just one sim­ ple, compound word from a sun-beam giriie passing through a room, but she had started something! Since that time the game has been manufactured, along with its compan­ ion games, by the National Good Games Co. of Houston, Texas, and Christmas orders were filled from three-fourths of the States in the Union, foreign lands, and Islands of the sea! How little did the namer of this new plaything think on that morning she would by one wosd set an influ­ ence at work which should entertain and Instruct many thousands of young folk in many lands! In this case it was a word of helpfulness, but in oh, so many instances it is a sharp, biting, stinging word, and it cuts to the heart, causing discouragement, sometimes unto suicide. Who can weigh a word? Or who can tell the way of a word? Who can predict the Joy or the pain a word may give? Moses was said to be “Mighty in words.” The wisest of men once wrote, “Let thy words be few”—good advice ,for the average person! A wiser One than Solomon said, “The words I speak to you are LIFE.” The new game “Spell-it,” bears on its 100 cards 200 questions, the wisest words to be found in literature, in­ cluding the Bible, so that the namer of the game will share in whatever contribution to character these 200 quotations are destined to make. You often see the words: “Watch your step;” a wiser warning would be, "Watch your words.” n RELIGION “Religion cannot pass away. The burning of a little straw may hide the stars of the sky; but the stars are there and will reappear” (Carlyle). You are all wrong, Mr. Carlyle. Re­ ligion can pass away, and of all terms, nowadays, “religion” is the most am­ biguous. Paul was no more “relig­ ious” after his conversion than before it. In fact, your statement is almost as misleading as the.hymn which says: ^Religion is the chief concern of mor­ tals here below, May I its great importance learn; its sovereign virtue know. "Religion should our thoughts engage, amidst our youthful bloom, ’Twill fit us for declining age, and for the awful tomb.” Man’s “religion” nailed the Son of God to a cross, and there is as much difference between accepting Christ and “getting religion” as there is be­ tween Heaven and hell.—R. W.

that question before. One young lady was approached after a meeting and asked, “Are you a Christian?” She re­ plied, “No, I have wanted to be one, but nobody has ever asked me to be­ come a Christian.” Such was the tenor- of many conversions. On the other hand the greater number would re­ fuse, and worst of all scores would re­ ply, “Yes, I know I ought to be a Christian, and I am going to be a Christian some day, but not today.” Oh, the pity of it! “How shall we escane if we neglect so great salva- tionT” The Gospel Team gives to God all the praise for the results visibly mani­ fest. To many of God’s people be­ longs much of the reward because their prayers ascended to the Throne of Grace continually for the work. May this report be to those who read it an encouragement to do great things for God. God can do no more than we attempt. One soul is worth more than all the world, and "there is Joy in Heaven over one sinner who repenteth.” ■it Wt A PLEA FOR PRAYER The man who has been in the watch tower for many years, pleading for a lost world and for a lukewarm church, in a recent leaflet issued by the Great Commission Prayer League, of Chi­ cago, calls for a special season of prayer, in the following words: “Three a n d O n e H a l f Years.” Christ’s earthly ministry covered not quite three and one half years—from early A.D. 27 to the late spring of A. D. 30. . His .baptism probably oc­ curred late" in December, A.D. 26, or during January, A.D. 27. The early part of 1927 will, therfore, mark the 1900th anniversary of that event, and the three and one half years immedi­ ately following will a little more than cover the 1900th anniversary of His public ministry. Watch Night this year (1926) falls on Friday, which makes it possible to hold l ten days prayer meeting which shall include both Watch Night and the Annual Week of Prayer—begin­ ning ((■ has been widely suggested)— with th l Watch Night Meeting, Friday night, December 31, and continuing througg to Sunday, January 9. WoJfd it not be pleasing to the L o rd^ His people everywhere would be fiound at the opening of 1927 in onjf great world-wide, ten days season of penitential fasting and prayer in worthy commemoration of that sacred event? Who can tell but that in His gracious, sovereign power He would be moved to pour out His Spirit in world-wide blessing? “He-will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry; when He shall hear it, He will answer thee” (Isa. 30:19). Is He not waiting to be enquired of? Nay, is He not more willing to give than the Church is to ask? "If my people, which are called by my name, shall HUMBLE themselves, and PRAY, and seek my face, and TURN FROM THEIR W I C K E D WAYS; then will I hear from heaven

U m i * Fishermen use a different kind of “bait” and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14). “Repent ye, therefore, and TURN AGAIN," O Church of God, “that your sins may be blotted out, that so there may come seasons of refreshing from the presence of the Lord; and that He may send the Christ who hath been ap­ pointed for you, even Jesus” (Acts 3: 19, 20 R. V.) Eighteen m i l l i o n s of America’s young people are said to be growing up without any religious instruction what­ soever. Twenty-five per cent of her young men are polluted with social disease. Her shattered marriage vows are the bane of every community. Her increasing lawlessness is filling the world with amazement and contempt. Her miad pursuit of carnal pleasure is sending millions to perdition! Nothing but

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