King's Business - 1926-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

December 1926

Gospels and Gospel literature; a motor car will also be needed to take the workers up and down the country, etc. We have no funds whatever available, nor any promised help; but are trust­ ing God to supply these needs, as well as the support of the workers and our passage money back to the field, etc., by moving the hearts of His people. Will you, dear reader and friend, join us in earnest prayer that those who have heard of the need of the Gospel in the land so dear to the heart of every Christian, may see their privilege and duty to Bend the Gospel back to the Land that gave us the Bible. Can the Lord count upon you to do your part in helping to make Him known in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Mt. Lebanon, Syria, and the whole Bible Lands? Yours, His bondservants in the Blessed Hope of His return, V. and A. Atchinak. A LONG NEGLECTED TASK PLACING a GOSPEL MESSAGE IN EACH of the HALF MILLION HOMES in the BIBLE LANDS, where our Lord conducted His earthly ministry and where His feet will stand when He re­ turns. WILL WE NOT BE ASHAMED BE­ FORE HIM AT HIS COMING IF THIS IS LEFT UNDONE? IT CAN BE DONE for only FIF­ TEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS! In the midst of our Christmas fes­ tivities, let us not forget that the great majority of the descendants of the early Christians, living in the lands where the “shepherds watched their flocks by night’’, and the angels heralded the glad news “Unto you is born this day a Saviour’’—have never heard of the Babe of Bethlehem, nor that He “came into the world to save sinners.’’ Thé work of putting a portion of Scripture, consisting of the entire Gos­ pel of John and other selected portions of the Word of God having a special appeal to various classes of people,— is being undertaken by Mr. and Mrs. Vartan Atchinak, Directors of the Bible Lands Gospel Mission. (Field Headquarters at Sbweifat, M o u n t Lebanon, Syria), whose ministry in that land has been a blessing to thou­ sands. Three cents will place one message In one home. Pray earnestly about this and a ik the Lord to show you how many homes should be reached with your gift. Then use the coupon below.


Mrs. L lndber« and Mi»» Haukan. of tho Blbla Land» Goapal MUalon, a t tha mill. "Tw o women »hall b# grind in f a t tbo mills tba o n » •£•*! and tba othor loft** (M att. 24:41). B ut In tbla caaa both will bo takanl

said good-bye to the comforts, pleas­ ures and dollars of America and have sailed for the field, receiving no salary, and not knowing from whence nor how their needs shall be supplied, but relying on God’s promise in Phil. 4:19, to work together with our dear sacrificing native workers in training the young people of the land and teaching the love of the Saviour. Now we feel that the Lord, who brought us to this country, is calling us back to the Holy Land. We came with no country of our own, but the Lord gave us America to be our country on earth, so we go back as naturalized Americans. (Mr. Atchinak was born in Asia Minor. After the War the Turks expelled from that country the remnant of Christians who were not slaughtered by them, so he was without a country till he became naturalized.) Our desire is that as we go back we will have a wider ministry in the Bible Lands, in not only preparing native workers, but also holding evangelistic campaigns in the villages and cities, such as Antioch, Damascus, Aleppo, Beyrout, Sidon, Nazareth, Jerusalem, Cairo, etc., and placing the Word of God in the homes and dis­ tributing Gospel literature. To carry on such additional work it will be necessary to rent halls, print

HE General Director of the Bible Lands Gospel Mission, Mr. Vartan Atchinak, who together with Mrs. Atchinak, has been traveling extensive­ ly in this country on behalf of the Mis­ sion, is now returning to the land made sacred by the earthly presence of our Lord. They address the follow­ ing earnest plea to all friends of the Bible Lands: Dear Friends in Christ: Grace and peace unto you. May this find you enjoying the rich bless­ ings of God through Christ our Lord. We do thank you for your prayers and gifts for the spreading of the Good News of Salvation in the Bible Lands, and we pray that your Interest will be increased, so that we may share together the blessings of the harvest at the return of our Lord. it is now nearly six years since we landed in this great country, full of hopes and fears—strangers, without a single friend, not knowing where to lay our heads, not knowing one single church or place where we would be welcomed to tell the burden of our hearts and the reason that brought us to your shores. And yet, as we look back, we see plainly how wonderfully God’s hand has led us, step by step, all the way, like the pillar of Fire by night and the Cloud by day. He has opened for us the doors of many churches and missions and Bible schools in almost all Protestant denominations; and the Lord has touched the hearts of His people and raised up many friends who are praying for the precious work and workers we left behind; others gave their sacrificial gifts to help us carry on the work of the Lord, and still others got the burden deep in their souls, so that seven young people have

Bible Lands Gospel Mission, 113 Fulton St., New York, N. Y.

Enclosed, please find I ____________ _ my Christmas gift to my Lord, to help put a Gospel message into each one of the Half Million Homes in t Bible Lands. I’ ^ Name........................................................................... - ............................................. if Address.......................»— -— ----------------------------------- ---------------—

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