first great sweep of Darwinism, 617 scientists, members of the British As sociation, signed a paper declaring their belief in the truth of the Scrip tures about it. Today, Sir Robert An derson, Dr. George Frederick Wright, Sir William Dawson, Prof. Everett, of Harvard; ex-President Leavitt, of Le high; Henri Bergson, and yesterday, Professors Agassiz, Dana, Quenstedt, Ampere, Guyot are a few o! the very greatest names in this roll. Professor Agassiz in the height of the Darwin ian craze said: "I am compelled to say that the theory is a scientific mis take, untrue to its facts, unscientific in methods, and mischievous in. its tendency." And yet Dr. Fosdick has the brazenness to say that '‘now the last objection to Evolution has dis appeared." He can hardly be sup posed to be ignorant of the real situ ation himself, but does he take his admirers to be wholly ignorant and fools?—The Methodist. Solomon was a scientist also, and said: “Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” JUVENILE COURT CASES ARE BLAMED ON FAILURE OF PARENTAL INFLUENCE The social program of modern life* was given by Police Judge F. H. Lowe of Glendale, California, as the reason for so many boys and girls passing through the juvenile court of this county. During the past year, the records show 3500 boys and girls wereAont to the juvenile department of t l * supe rior court. The parents of 200 of these were professed Christii is, had some religious belief, went tc church and were attempting, they cla o®d, to bring their children up accontaff to the teachings of Jesus Christ, while the parents of 1300 made abs6utely no pretense of religion of any kirf. "The astonishing thing to me," 6- clared Judge Lowe, "is that so man) of these wayward children come from supposedly Christian homes—homes where the Bible is supposed to be taught and where prayer to God is supposed to bv dally occurrence. "I cannot bring myself to believe that this vast number of boys and girls has been given a fair show, religi ously. There is a screw loose some where. The pathetic thing is that the boy and the girl have to suffer, while the parents hide behind their cloak of religion.”
the harbor and forced the captains of Italian fishing boats to raise the French flag.—Exchange. “Whatsoever a (nation) soweth, that shall (it) also reap” (Gal. 6:7). AIRPLANE SMUGGLING WORRIES OFFICIALS - San Antonio (Tex.) — Airplane smuggling is one of the greatest prob lems with which the United States officials on the Mexican and Canadian borders have to deal, according to Federal officials here. It is next to impossible to check such smuggling, even if the government maintained an air patrol fleet. Various departments have been trying to check smuggling by plane for more than two years. There have been few catches. Narcotics and liquor are supposed to be the principal cargoes brought by planes. In some instances aliens have been smuggled over by plane, officials say. Smugglers have various safety and danger signals arranged to tell just where to land and when it is safe to land. ■ '0— And the Bible says that "evil men shall wax worse and worse" (2 Tim. 3:13). Tokio.—After a lapse of more than five centuries, historical research has established that the ninety-eighth Em peror of Japan was one Chokes, whose emperorship went unrecognised by modern historians. By imperial decree Emperor Chokes’ reign was officially recognised and accordingly today was proclaimed a national holi day. Tokio, therefore, is gaily decor ated with flags. Special ceremonies are being conducted throughout the country in celebration of this unique, unprecedented historical event. Rec ognition of Emperor Chokes makes the present Emperor Yoshihito the one hundred and twenty-third instead of the one hundred and twenty-second in the unbroken line of Japanese mon- archs. —o “One day with the Lord is as a thou sand years, and a thousand years as one day” (2 Pet. 3:8).. — o — FAMOUS SCIENTISTS WHO BELIEVE We are receiving letters of inquiry frequently to name some great scien tists who believe the Bible account of the origin of things instead of athe istic evolution. In 1865, right in the FORMER EMPEROR NOW FOR MALLY RECOGNIZED
ON CROSS EXAMINATION Thirty students in the freshman class of an eastern high school all knew of Douglas Fairbanks and his activities, but twelve of them had never heard of Julius Caesar and five placed him merely as an ancient gen eral. Eight did not know when America was discovered and six had never heard of Napoleon Bonaparte. Most of them knew more about Babe Ruth than they did of George Wash ington. The young idea is learning to shoot in spread-eagle fashion.— Exchange. ■ 1 '“O " “The fooliahne88 of fools ia folly” (Prov. U :U ) . BODIES OP WAR VICTIMS IN NATIONAL CEMETERIES Washington.—The bodies of 402,- 695 men and women who died for the United States rest in the eighty-four national cemeteries under the juris diction of the War Department, it was disclosed today in the publication of the annual report of Quartermaster- General Cheatham. Arlington National Cemetery not only is the largest in area, comprising 408 acres, but also contains the larg est number of bodies—35,380, includ ing 4713 which never have been iden tified. Most of these unknown were victims of the Civil War. The bodies of 10,700 soldiers of the Confederate armies are buried in various national cemeteries. — News Item. The time ia coming when “all that ate in the graves shall hear Hie voice, and come forth” unto the resurrection of life—or damnationt Bastia (Corsica).—In retaliation for the anti-French demonstrations at Livourne, Italy, anti-Fascist groups have started counter demonstrations in this French territory. Anti-Fascists led a crowd of angry Corsicans to the front of the Italian Consulate-General and forced the frightened Fascist Con sul to raise the French flag beside that ^T he^ re of the residents of Bastia, most of whom are opposed to the Fascists, was aroused when the crew of the French coastal steamer Lia- mone reported on their arrival here that they were forced to haul the French flag down from the vessel's masthead during the Fascist demon stration at Livourne. _ , Ta retaliate further for the Li vourne incident, the mob proceeded to RETALIATION FOR FASCIST ACTS BEGUN
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