v T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
December 1926
the lesson of the boys and postponing the ceremony to a later hour. When the time arrives the bride and groom appear and we request from the host a room in which to talk with the couple. The hostess and guests sur prise us by vacating the parlor.. Seat ing ourselves conveniently we converse with them of the sacredness and im portance of the event. We call at tention to three great decisions in their lives, that of Occupation, Life Companionship, and the greatest of all, that of relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ. Both sailor and bride yield to Him as their own Lord and Saviour, and determine to go through with Him as the unseen Head of their home. Within a few nights they visit us in our home, thanking us for our help, and we in turn have since visited them and n id them growing in the Lord. This is one of the blessings that comes to a missionary who works among seamen. ^14. SPANISH WORK Robert H. Bender, Supt.—C o s p e 1 Meetings and H ouse-to-H ouae Work among 50 000 Mexicans in Los Angeles and Vicinity “For our Gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in tbe Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; . • • .• Mid ye became followers of the Lord. . • • For from you sounded out the wordibf the Lord; ; , . . also in every place your /Valth to God- ward U spread abroad.” (1 Thsss. 1:8-8). various camps, we are told of some who have moved away since, we were last there, and Invariably learn that they have made a good confession of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. One family in particular who had at tended our meetings in one of our camps moved out to Victorville and wrote to the friends at the camp say ing that they were believers now and rejoicing in the Lord, and were anx ious to have a Bible,—an evidence that the seed was not sown in vain. In one of our previous articles we spoke of one of the converts going back to a town where he formerly lived to testify of his salvation and his change of life. The result of his witness is a little Sunday School which he carries on now, with twenty-five in attendance. In another new colony to which three of our Mexican converted families moved we now have a flour ishing Sunday School, under the care of one of the Bible Institute students. The picture accompanying this article is of our little Sunday School held at Biola Hall in Los Angeles. Our extension work, which the read ers of The King’s Business already know of in Mexico, is also the result of the converts who have returned to their land and have given their testi mony, and now are giving a great deal of their time to carry the message to places where the Gospel has never been preached before. Our men have sent us good reports of many conversions, in some instances of entire families. | HE incidents herein related will demonstrate the truth of the foregoing Scripture. As we visit our different groups of believers in, the
BIOLA HALL David Cant, Supt.—Our City Mission for Man in the canter of Los Angeles. Meetings con tinuous from' 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Noon-day Prayer Meeting. OR the benefit of those who are not familiar with the work of Biola Hall, would explain that it is our “Down town Mission” right in the heart of the business district of Main Street, Los Angeles, with * »constant stream of people of all classes and conditions passing. We have an open street meeting going on constantly from noon until midnight, seven days in the week. Institute students are as signed to work here, thus affording them ample opportunity to give out the Gospel as well as engage in per sonal work. Sunday morning, a Sun day School with Bible Classes for all ages of the Spanish-speaking folks is conducted under the care of Mr. Ben der, (the Superintendent of the Span ish Department of the Institute) also a midweek Bible Study Class for adults. A Noonday Business Men’s Prayer and Bible Study Meeting is conducted each day, lunch being served later and closer fellowship enjoyed. We like wise feed the hungry and clothe the poor, while seeking to secure Jobs for the needy, and our littld ’“Prophet’s Chamber” is usually occupied by some one until they secure work. These various ways are used as opening wedges to secure heart-to-heart talks along vital, spiritual lines, leading the men—to- a definite tru stand faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Sav iour and Master of their lives. Our following-up work consists of writing theqa letters, securing their attendance at the meetings here as well as at the Fishermen’s Club and entering them in the Day or Evening Classes at the Institute or in the Cor respondence Courses. Thus many se cure the vision of a yielded life and aggressive service at home and abroad. (Continued on page 756)
Thus you can see how the Word has been sounded out not only here in Los Angeles, but into the regions beyond. Recently we received a letter from a young man, a native of the Philippine Islands, inquiring about a Correspon dence Bible Course in Spanish, and it was our great privilege to send him some of the Bible studies we had already prepared for a correspondence course for Latin-American Christians who cannot afford to attend an Insti tute. We have also been asked by a group of Filipino University students- to be their teacher in Bible study. It was a great joy to us to take up our study with them, a thing which we have desired for years. We do praise God for the many opportunities He puts in our way. Before closing this article we would like to send a note of praise to our Heavenly Father for His wonderful blessing upon the dear men in Mexico, also for the wonderful provision al ready made to carry on this extension work, which is an evident token that He is well pleased with the plan to have a work in Mexico. Two more of the men in our Bible class have signi fied their intention of returning to Mexico in the New Year to give their time to the spread of the Gospel. Will not the friends Join us in praise to God and also continue in prayer that His will be done in regard to this work in Mexico? From one of the Mexican Church papers we read that thé Evangel- ical Church has found a great op portunity to present the Gospel mes sage. Much interest has been awak ened regarding the Protestant Church, and many are inquiring of the pastors as to the conditions necessary to be come members of the Church. So we praise God and take courage, and shall do all that is in our power to send out the Gospel to that needy land. Please pray for the evangelisation of Mexico, for us and all associated with us.
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