T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
December 1926
Practical Methods of Personal Work FOR DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH ’ T. C. HORTON
early as possible, and your friends will receive a copy of the December issue and an attractive Christmas greeting card in the Christmas mail. LESSON TWENTY-NINE In addition to the excuses already noted as among the com monest of those offered by the unsaved for putting off the mat ter of accepting Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, is that of those who say they fear they have committed “The Unpardon able Sin." But no man that is anxious about his soul has committed “The Unpardonable Sin,” for to be anxious about sin is a sure sign that the Holy Spirit is deal ing with one. Turn to Matt. 12:22-32, which tells us what the unpardonable sin is. Read all the verses so as to get the context. Ask the inquirer if he has ever attributed the work of the Lord Jesus to Satan. Show him that the unpardonable sin is the sin of rejecting the testimony of Jesus Christ. T h e s e blasphemers charged Jesus with working mir acles through the power of Satan, and J e s u s claimed that He wrought His miracles through the power of the Holy Ghost. You will seldom find any man who has ever committed this sin, but you'will find men who think they have committed the unpar donable sin, and who to prove that there is no hope for them, and that they cannot be renewed, will refer you to Heb. 6:4-6, 10: “ F o r ft la Im p ossible fo r th ose w h o w e re ontte eoll^ h teoed * l m h ave ta sted o f th e h e a v e a ly d jft , and w e re m ade p a rta k e rs o f th e H o ly G h ost, __ . “ And h ave ta ste d th e p o o d w o rd o f G od, and th e p ow e rs o f th e w o rld to com e, « I f th ey sh a ll fa ll aw a y , to r e n ew th em attain unto rep en tan ce» aeelnK th e y crn e lfy to th em selv es th e Son o f G od a fre sh , and p a t him t o an open sham e.” Ask such an on® if he has ever accepted Jesus Christ as his Sav iour, confessed Him as his Lord and had the witness of the Holy Spirit that he was a child of God; then read to them the ninth verse of this chapter, where Paul says, "But beloved, we are per suaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak.” When a man accepts Christ as his Saviour, God sets His seal to his salvation, with an oath (Heb. 6: 17, 18): . . . «W h e re in G od, w llllu * m ore a b an d a * «- |y to sh ew n n to th e h eirs o f p rom ise th e im m u ta b ility o f h is cou n sel, e om lrm e * it by« T h s t hy tw o Imm utable th in k s. In vihleh It w a s Im p ossible fo r G od to lie .
cided that it was the "very thing they had been wanting”! That’s fine, but surely no friend of yours would have to depend upon “picking up a stray
Nothing could be more appropriate as a Christmas message for our De fenders than the exquisite poem sent us by our English “Defender," Mrs. Hasler, who has written so many helpful and Inspiring verses for t h i s page. We are sure all The King’s Business Family will be delighted to see this lovely likeness of the author and her dear little daughter, Olive. The "A.A.A.A." Ammunition is now ready for distribution. Order these leaflets in quantities and broadcast them “far as the curse is found.” They will be furnished at cost—two for Be; 25c per dozen; (2.00 per hun dred. Put them into the hands of ministers and Sunday School teachers, especially. The article has been an eye-opener to many ChrlBtlans who have heretofore had no realization of the danger threatening their homes and the.tf country from this Satanic propaganda (the foundation for which has been laid by the Mod ernists), and they are writing to assure us of their hearty interest and support. A prominent business man in Toledo, Ohio, sends for another copy of the September number of The King’s business, and says: «1 w a n t to pa ss It on to a m in iste r frie n d o f m in e w ith re fe re n ce to th e 'P o o r A ’a*. Th a t a rticle ou gh t to be read b y e v e ry preach er In th e co u n try w h o atanda fo r th e fa ith .” Another reader in St. Joseph, Missouri, writes: «1 h ave a n e ig h b o r acroaa tb e atreet to w h om I ahow ed th e ‘A th e - iatlc* a rticle In th e laat K . B. A lth o u g h on ly a ‘n atu ral m an ’ he w a s Intereated en ou gh to ex p re ss a w ish to h ave som e o f th e ‘amm u n ition ’, ao I am e n clo s in g a ch eek fo r $2.00,'ou t o f w h ich pleaae p a y fo r th e K . B. su b scrip tion fo r him and u se th e re st to h elp p a y p o st a g e In th is g o o d w o rk you a re d o in g . M ay G od’s rleh est b le ssin g ( rest upon y o n *nd y o u r worn#* Another "Stray Copy" Subscriber From far New Zealand a new member of Our Family writes to express her appreciation of the magazine, as follows: “ T h e K in g ’s B u sin ess rea ch ed m e a a fely , and I th an k y o u m ost h e a rtily fo r Its p rom p t d eliv ery . I im m ore t h a i tT tr tfcnnkinl fo r th e stra y co p y th a t cam e m y w a y , a s It led m e to dnd o u t w h a t a treasu re the m a gasln e w a s s a d to re jo ice th at I am n ow a su b scrib er. P ra y in g th at G od w ill rich ly b less Its m essa ge to th ou sands, beUeve - i . , y o u rs v e ry sin ce re ly , H .n .s .t .
Lottie Clifford Kotier and Little Daughter, Olive
NOT FORGOTTEN, BUT REMEMBERED! “Fear not, thou shalt not be forgotten of me.” Isa. 44:2; 21. ‘‘Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.” Isa. 49:15. „ “Thus saith the Lord, I remember thee. Jer. 2 : 2 . Not forgotten, but remembered! Child of God, trust on with cheer 1 Thy great Father’s help is promised Every day throughout the year. Not forsaken—but most precious Thou wilt ever to Him be; Tenderly He whispers “Fear not!” “I, the Lord, remember thee 1” Not forgotten, but remembered,— Is the pledge of Love divine 1 He who loves and understands us, Best can plan thy path and mine. His own Word cannot be broken,— “As thy days thy strength shall be; He, Himself, the words hath spoken,— •“I, the Lord, remember thee l” Not forgotten, but remembered,— In His love for thee He planned, Chosen, sealed, thy name engraven, On His pierced and peerless hand. ^ When He calls thee, “Come up higher," Thou shalt then His wonders see— Wonders of His mighty promise,— “I, the Lord, remember thee!” • —Lottie Clifford Hosier.
The Manse, Woodlands Road, Camberley, Surrey, England. ( co pym gh t )
copy” to become acquainted with The King’s Business, would they? The Special Christmas Offer Use the “Christmas Gift Subscrip tion Blank” on page 775, send in as
A number of new subscribers have written us, from time to time, to the same effect,—i.e., that they had “Just happened” to pick the magazine up either in the home of some friend, in a reading room, etc., and at once de
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