December 1926
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
apt to tell the truth, and that the reason for their refusal to decide for Christ usually goes deeper. Who says it is too late? God says (Isa. 1:18): «C om e n ow ,' le t ua re a so n to g e th e r, ■alth th e L ord« th ou gh y o u r alna be as aearlet, th ey sh a ll be w h ite aa sn ow ; th ou gh th ey be red lik e crim so n , th ey ahall b e aa w o o l.” (2 Cor. 6t2): «B eh old , n ow la th e a cce p te d tim et be h old, n ow la th e d a y o f sa lv a tio n .” (John 6:37): «H im th at com eth n n to me, I w ill In n o w lae caat ou t,” It was not too late for the thief on the cross (Luke 23:39-43). Clfrist is always saying “Come unto me" (Matt 11:28), and “whosoever will, may come” (Rev. 22:17). * A t m THE PASSOVER NIGHT To have the blood brought into the home of the Hebrews in Egypt was not enough. To see it, however dis tinctly, as a fact, that death had transpired, and life given—for life is in the blood—was not enough. It must be applied. God said put it on the door posts and lintels: apply it there. Our doctrine is that that blood was a type of the blood of Christ. Whoever had the blood on the door post, knew that death had transpired. That death Israel deserved', but the lamb had taken. There was no death therefore for Israel. The destroying angel gave none: he righteously passed over. The doctrine is that God saw the blood and was satisfied, and the Israelite had peace,—peace with God through the slain lamb, a type of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is the Rock of our peace, even Christ our Passover, slain for us. It displaces all fear of sin and of its doom, for the doom is overpast of jus tice, for it has had its course: of God, for it is God, who, having made the provision, justifleth. He is the just God and the justifier of the ungodly. Yes; just to Himself, having indicated His own lowliness in the punishment of guilt; just to Bin, to which He owed the highest doom, which He gave on the cross; just to the Saviour, who, on taking the place of the sinner, took the judgment of his sins, else was God unjust in afflicting Him; and just to the sinners, for if the sin of the un godly were charged on the surety and their guilt expiated by Him, then are the ungodly free. This is the Gospel. Anything. less than being fully justified, leaves us yet in our sins and exposed still to the angel of doom. Blessed is it to know the Gospel; to be saved from the com ing wrath; to forecast a great tribu lation such as never has been and yet to be in the secret place of the Most High; to be now. like the Thessalon- ians, waiting for His Son from heaven, even Jesus, who hath saved us from the wrath to come.—From "Life Truths.”
there would be no business in the land (Luke 12:28): « I f then G od ao clo th e the graaa o f the ■eld, w h ich to d a y la and tom o rrow la caat In to th e oven , h ow m uch m ore w in he eloth e you , oh y e o f little fa ith “ If God feeds the ravens, can He not feed you? (Luke 12:24). God’s prom ises are definite to every believer (Phil. 4:19): «B a t m y G od »h a ll aupply all you r need, a cco rd in g to hla rlch ea la g lo r y hy C'hrlat Jesu s.” (Matt. 6:33): «B u t aeek y e flrat th e k in gd om o f God and hla rlghteouaneaa, and a ll theae tbln ga ahall be added o n to you .” Companions? If you have companions who would not want you to do what your con science prompts you to do, the sooner you lose them the better. You cannot afford to keep Company with those who would hinder the best interests of your life and keep you out of heaven (Prov. 29:26): «T h e fe a r o f man b rln geth a anarei b a t w h oa o p a tteth hla trnat In the L ord ahall b e sa fe .” (Prov. 13:20): «H e th a t w a lk e th w ith w lae m en ahall be w lae i b a t a com p a n ion o f fo o la ahall be d estroyed .” (Psa. 1:1): «B leaaed la th e m an th at w a lk e th n ot In th e cou n sel o f th e u n g o d ly , n o r atand- eth In the w a y o f alnnera, n o r altteth In th e sea t o f th e s co rn fu l.” We can afford to give up any com panions, or all companions, for the sake of fellowship with the Lord (1 John 1:3, 7). Worldly Pleasures? The happiest people in the world are the Lord’s people. If you are engaged in any pleasures that will not command the blessing of God, the sooner you give them up the better, for they will not only hurt your moral life, but in jure your health (1 John 2:17): «A n d th e w o rld paaaeth aw a y , and th e luat th e re o fi but he th a t doeth th e w ill o f G od abideth fo re v e r.” Worldly pleasures are, after all, only vanity (Eccl. 2:1): «1 said In m ine h eart. G o to n ow , I w ill p ro v e th ee w ith m irth i th e re fo re e n jo y pleasu re ; and, b eh old th is a lso la va n ity.” If you were offered a diamond for a piece of glass, would you think it too much to have to give up the glass? Fix your eye on what you will get and see if it is not worth while to give some thing up in order to get it. “Too Late” In dealing with those who offer this excuse, remember that men are not
w e m ight h ave a s tro n g co n so la tio n , w h o have fled fo r r e f v f c to la y hold upon tae hope set b e fo re Ask If since receiving the witness of the Spirit, he has utterly renounced Jesus Christ as Saviour, and given up all hope of salvation. If so, according to these two passages, he has aposta tized from the faith, and there can be no hope for one who utterly denies the efficacy of the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, as there is no hope for one who refuses to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour. There is a suggestion here of such a sin on the part of one who has once been a believer, and there are now many men, professedly evangel ical, who deny the necessity of the Atonement. Let such remember that “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” These instances suggest to us the possibility of apostasy from the faith once delivered to the saints, but as long as any man is troubled in soul, there is every reason to believe that the Spirit of God is working with him. “God is Too Good to Send Me to Hell" Another excuse often offered is “God is too good to send me to hell.” But this can be met with the state ment, “God does not send men to hell.” Men go to hell because they choose to go. Man is under a two-fold condemnation: First, he is born on Satan’s ground, with Satan’s nature, 'and is under a just condemnation. Second, he is a violator of God’s law, and thus comes under the judgment of God. Man makes the choice as to his des tiny. Jesus says, “Ye will not come unto me that ye might have life” (John 6:40), showing that the will of man is opposed to God. God never prepared hell for men, but for the devil and his angels (Matt. 25:41): “ Th en Nhnll he s a y a lso unto them on th e le ft hand, D epart from me, ye curaed. Into ev e rla stin g Are, p rep a red fo r the •levll and hla anaela.” Theories and speculations concern ing hell are purely imaginary. The only revelation concerning eternal things is found in the Word of God. There are but two places—heaven and hell. The way to heaven is definitely settled: “I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto' the Fa ther, but by me,” (John 14:6). It is a straight and narrow way. If men do not choose to go to heaven, they must go to hell. There is no other place revealed to which they could go. “Too Much To Give Up" Others will say “Thgre Is too much to give up.” What is it that you are not willing to give up? Business? If you are in a business that is hon est and honorable and conducted in an honest way, you certainly would not have to give it up. If you are in a business that is not pleasing to the Lord, you ought to give it up. True success in life is dependent absolutely upon the laws of God. There can be no harvest without placing the grain in the earth, and if God’s blessing did not rest upon the grain in the field,
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