King's Business - 1926-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

December 1926

Outline Studies in the Epistles of John T. C. Horton

Jericho is a type of the world. Is­ rael was to take her first lesson. Con­ flict was before them. Every foot of ground must be taken in battle. Isra­ el’s battles were to be God’s battles. Her victories—God’s victories. As the wave sheaf offered to God was a sign of harvest, so the first town was to be offered to God. The first object to meet the gase of Joshua was the “Captain of the Lord’s host” (Josh. 6:13-16), who said to Joshua, “See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king thereof, and the mighty men of valour” (Josh. 6*2) Here was an absolute gift. The part of faith is to accept. The world is ours. Paul says so,—its kings, its mighty men, are to lie in the dust. We must recognize the “Captain of our salvation” and worship at His The taking of Jericho was a typical conflict. The first conflict for Israel was a pattern for them in all future engagements. We are to learn our A D C lesson here. If we do this— glorious victories are before us. There are difficulties in the fight of faith. It is not a sham battle, but involves real hardship. It will take grit and grace to conquer (Eph. 6: 12 ) : « F o r w e w re s tle n o t s g s ln s t fleah a a d b lood , but a ga in st p r ln c lp s lltle * s g s ln s t pow era , attain«« th e ru le rs o f th e d u rk - neaa ot thla w o rld , a *a ln a t aplrltuul Notice the unity of faith, as illus­ trated in the taking of Jericho. The army of Israel moved together. They kept step in a common cause. So should the church of God—as one man. The diligence of faith. T h e Is­ raelites rose “early in the morning. Real faith is not idle. It is full of vigor, energetic. Never reverse the order "energy and faith,” but “faith and energy,” lest it prove to be but the energy of the flesh. The energy must always be of the Holy Spirit in order to accomplish the will of God. Faith moves out promptly and con­ tinues—faithful. The obedience of faith. Faith obeys God. “Speak, for thy servant heareth” (1 Sam. 3:9). This was a great test for Israel—to march quietly around the wall, following the ark; not a sound, not a stroke (2 Cor. 10:4): “ F o r tb e w eu p on o o f ou r w a rfa re a re n ot ca rn a l, but m ig h ty th ro u g h G od to .th e p u llin g d ow n o f atroa gh old a. Carnal weapons are showy. They satisfy the flesh. A band of music, a show of arms, a challenge,—this would have suited Israel. So we would like to take the world by reforma­ tion, by law, by popular measures (showy, satisfying). Spiritual weap­ ons are so humiliating. Our strength, our valor, are Bet at naught. It is hard to keep still. The world does not, and cannot, understand God’s plan of battle,—breaking of hearts,

THE FIRST EPISTLE OF JOHN Outline of the Epistle: (1) Introduction (1:1-4). (2) God is Light. Fellowship with God in light (1:6 to 2:28). (3) God is Love. The sonshlp of the believer (2:29 to 3:24). (4) Source of Sonshlp: Possessed by the Spirit (4:1 to 6:12). (6) Conclusion. The law of love (6:13-21). Outline of Chapter Five: (1) Truth’s Conflict and Conquest, vs. 1-6. (2) Threefold Confirmation o f Deity of Jesus Christ,, vs. 6-13. (3) Teaching Concerning Interces­ sory Prayer, vs. 14-17. (4) Three Certainties, vs. 18-21. The fifth and last chapter of this epistle is concerned with the question of life. The essence of eternal life is union with the Father, through the Son, in the Holy Ghost. The nature of man fits him for his eternal desti­ nation. A regenerate man goes, logic­ ally, t o Heaven. An unregenerate man goes, logically, to hell. The new birth gives practical evidence of its power, here, in this life. If not, God would get but meagre glory,—if we only brought fruit when we couldn’t help ourselves; when the old nature was gone; when conflict was over. (1) TRUTH’S CONFLICT AND CON­ QUEST, vs. 1-5. “ W h o »o e v e r b e llfT fth th a t Jeans la th e Christ la b orn o l G od ; and e v e ry on e th at lo v e th him th a t b e a s t lo v e th him a lso th at la b e g o tte n o f h im . __ «B y thin w e k n ow th a t w e lo v e t i e ch ild ren o f God, w h en w e lo v e G od, and k eep hla comm andm en ts. « F o r th is la th e lo v e o f G od, th a t w e k eep hla com m a n dm en ts; and hla com ­ m andm ents a re n o t g rie v o u s . . “ F o r w h a tso e v e r Is born o f G oo ©yer- com eth th e w o r ld ; and th is Is th e v icto ry th a t o v e rcom e th th e w o rld , even ou r «W h o Is h e th a t ov e rcom e th th e w orld , but h e th a t b ellev eth th a t Jesu s Is the Son o f Godf** The first three verses of this chap­ ter sum up the argument of love for each-other: We love God’s children because we love God, and His chil­ dren have a nature like His. It is the commandment of God to love our brother (3:11): « F o r th is la tb e m essa ge th a t ye b ea rd from th e b eg in n in g , tb n t w o abonld lo v e on e an oth er.” We keep His commandment and thus prove our love for Him. It la not grievous, but joyous, to keep this commandment, because His love is shed abroad in our hearts and in their hearts. The “born-again ones” are conquer­ ors. The adversary is the world. This we had in 2:16: « F o r a ll tbn t to In th e w o rld , th e luat o f th e fleah, and th e i u a t o f t h e e y e a .a n d th e p rid e o f life , to n ot o f th e b a th e r, bnt to o f th e w o rld .” ____ “The world” signifies the outward order of things,—that which Is apart from or opposes God. Paul says in Gal. 6:14: „ ___ « B a t G od fo rb id thn t I abon ld UTC in th e croaa o f o a r L o rd Jeene

This series of helpful Studies will continue during succeeding months. The many readers of T h e K i n g ’s Business who have been blessed and helped by these and every other product of Mr. Horton’s‘ pen, will be de­ lighted to know that he will con­ tinue to contribute regularly to its columns, even though he has relinquished the responsibilities devolving upon him for so many y e a r s as Editor-in-Chief, and which, he has discharged so faithfully and so acceptably.

Chrlat, b y w h om th e w o rld la cru cified u n to m e, and I u n to th e w o rld .” Here we have a double act: "I am crucified to the world”—“The world is crucified to me.” Paul was dead to the world—the world never courted him. The world was dead to him— he never courted the world. He says, again, In Gal. 5:24: «A n d th e y thnt a re Christ*« h ave e r o ­ ded th e fleah w ith th e n fiectlon a and The world is a tremendous adver­ sary. It includes society (that which panders to our tastes, our preferences. The things which hinder our faithful­ ness to God and retard our spiritual growth): family life; business. The weapon which we are to use in the conflict against the world is— faith. The condition and sign of the new life is faith. Faith may include the act of belief, or the thing which we believe. Our faith is in the per­ son of Christ. We appropriate Him­ self. He is the Conqueror. We bring Him our lives. He helps us to estimate values. He helps us to see things as they are; gives us good vision. He helps us to "die to the world.” Faith operates in a practical way. For instance, if a man is seeking to secure for himself and his family a home, he knows that economy, indus­ try, self-sacrifice are essential. He practices them and has faith in the results. . , , So faith believes that the giving up of things which hinder, which are op­ posed to the highest interests of the soul, will yield the greatest returns. Faith overcomes (v.. 4). Christ has purchased victory for us. If we do not appropriate it, it is our own fault. Not to have victory is to discredit God’s Word and God’s Son. The les­ son of Jericho is a practical illustra­ tion of this text. The theme of the sixth and seventh chapters of Joshua is “Victory.” The wilderness journey was over. The days of disobedience past. At the entrance to Canaan was a walled city. Jericho was the key to Palestine.

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