King's Business - 1926-12



K I N G ’ S


December 1926

ing of a new station, the purchase of property, and the building of two new chapels.” Leona S. Thoering, '20, writes from Suifu, Szechwan, China Inland Mis­ sion: “We shall greatly appreciate your prayers for our work. The Church is Szechwan is at a very low ebb. As someone has said, everything in China that could be shaken has been shaken the past year, but we feel sure He is sifting His Church, and we know His own will be kept safely during this difficult period.” “Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Tapia, ’28, associate workers with the B. I. M. in San Pedro, have been appointed to oo- 'cupy Arampampa. Mr. Tapia has been acting as assistant pastor of the San Pedro Church during the past year, and assisting in the teaching of the Girls’ School and instruction of the language. We wish to record our ap­ preciation of his faithful work among us. In their new Field of service we wish them much blessing.” Gust Anderson, ’25, Rt. 3, Sedro Woolley, Wash.: “I am now happily engaged in evangelistic work with John Ellison (P. G. ’26), and at pres­ ent we are filling in the pulpit for a preacher who is on his vacation. We now have nine meetings a week,— seven in English and two in Scandi­ navian. These meetings are held in three different places several miles apart. We are hopeful in the Lord that souls will be saved here.” A missionary in China who was a guest in our "Missionary Room” for a few days while at home on furlough, writes as follows: “On coming away you were not in the Institute, so I could not see you to express my thanks for the beautiful room and the very nice time I had there. I shall never forget those few days; they were a real joy to me. And to be able to say a few words to those students and to find how they appreciated them, was grand.”. Thanks for the kind words. The following resolution signed by the Pas­ tor and the Sunday School Superin­ tendent of the Mlramonte Presbyterian Church is appreciated: "We, the Mir- amonte Presbyterian Church, wish to extend our thanks and appreciation to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles for the opportunity afforded us to render a program over the radio. We also wish to express our appreciation to the Faculty of the Bible Institute for the work of such men as Clarence A. Goin and Leslie E. Smith, for we know it is

Homer Kent, '18, is teaching Homi­ letics in the Bible Institute in Wash­ ington, D. C. Edna Vickstrom, *20, has recently moved to Glendale, where she is Pas­ tor’s Assistant in the Tropico Presby­ terian Church. To Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Ainslie, of the Presbyterian Hospital, Guate­ mala City, Guatemala, September 18, 1926, a daughter, Elizabeth Frances. Rev. and Mrs. John Roos, ’22, write: “Our Lord in His wisdom has seen fit to change our place of labor from Rock Rapids, Iowa, to Fair View Pres­ byterian Church, Riley, Kansas.*’ Delbert Welty, ’26, Witmarsum Seminary, Bluffton, Ohio: “The Lord willing I shall enter the Mission field as soon as the Board accepts my appli­ cation and sends me out. In the mean­ while I am taking up further training, having enrolled at Witmarsum Semi­ nary.” Hugh P. and Olive G. Andrews com­ menced protracted meetings in the First Baptist Church, South Bend, Wash., Oct. 31. H. P., or Andy, as be was known about Biola, is pastor of the church. Olive (nee Matske) a former student cooperates at the piano. o — Miss Daisy Hendrix is now attend­ ing the College of Idaho at Caldwell, Idaho, in preparation for going out to the field under the Foreign Mission Board of the Presbyterian Church. She writes that she is teaching a class of high school girls in the Sunday School. Word comes of the Bplendid work in the evangelistic field being done by Rev. Chas. M. Kilgore, ’19. The Lord has been using him in a large way in many of the California churches. Mrs. Kilgore, who is an able and excep­ tional worker, has been rendering val­ uable assistance. Orie O. Landrum, '24, writes from Kentucky: “Logan (Landrum, ’24) was with me last month for a series of evangelistic meetings. It was our great joy to see fifteen fine young people ac­ cept Christ as their Saviour, and all were received into the church at St. Helens. I also have a church here at Beattyville, and am here one Sunday and at St. Helens the next. Both

The B. I. Family gladly wel­ comed to its midst early in October Mrs. C. E. Hurlburt, wife of our beloved Superin­ tendent, who with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. James Bell, has just arrived from Africa. Mrs. Hurlburt has many friends at the Institute* and in Los An­ geles. She will quickly add many others.

churches are small, but there is much room for building them up.” A graduate writes as follows on sail­ ing for Africa, where she will work in the Africa Inland Mission: "I pray for you and dear old B. I. often. No school can ever take its place in my heart, because it was there that I came to know Him in a real way. May His richest and choicest blessings be yours.” Beatrice Lang, ’23, is studying kindergarten work in San Diego. Her address is 4268 Campus Avenue. She writes: “Did you say ‘don’t work too hard’? Well, I'm telling you I do not remember a time in my life except when getting ready for a doctrine exam, that I have ever studied so hard and kept at it so long.” — o — Rev. Stanley Thorpe writes from Toronto, Canada: “The Lord has led us here and placed me in the pastor­ ate again, at the Tabernacle Church, of which Brother I. R. Dean was pastor for some fourteen years. I.would ap­ preciate it if you would place this in­ formation in The King’s Business with a note requesting prayer. Col. 4:3.” Miss Agnes Scott Kent, ’21, is now working with the Toronto Jewish Mis­ sion. She reports that great blessing was received in the recent Convention of the Hebrew Christian Alliance which* was held in Toronto. Among the distinguished Hebrew Christian brethren present were the “ Rev. Max Reich and the Rev. S. B. Rohold. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Turner (nee Faith Hollingsworth, ’21), of the Orin­ oco River Mission, Venezuela, South America, have been on furlough in Los Angeles for some time. They plan to sail for the field January 3rd. Prayer in their behalf is asked. They write encouragingly of the work in the Mission: "God has greatly blessed the Mission lately, providing for the open­

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