King's Business - 1926-12

December 1926


K I N G ’ S



of others drank so that we may be used to the glory of Him whose blood-stained banner a l o n e is the standard to which all people must come if they want redemption. No one has ever yet by any other means been able to cause joy in the presence of the angels of God, for the false religions and doctrines of men have never yet saved one boul, and never can. , _ _ “O, p r e c i o u s fountain! —r . a.- Morris, Dallas, Texas. Aik. m TRAITORS IN THE PULPIT “The deity of Jesus Christ was set­ tled by God’s authority,” said the Rev. B. Allen Reed at the open air Bible Hour service yesterday in the Roof Garden of the National Bible Institute, 340 West Fifty-fifth street, New York City. „ . , “There are more traitors found in Christian pulpits today,” he continued, “than in armies in times of war. This is an age of science and a day of facts, then let us deal with historic facts and not follow after misty vagaries. God calls us to turn away from preachers with ‘itching ears,’ and to hearken un­ to Him. We must ever keep before us the absolute need of unshakable principles of faith and integrity to Christ and His inspired Word in thought and deed. Many Christian men and women of all denominations guard the deposit of faith which has been committed unto them. —N. Y. World. ■£4- m A PROPHETIC HOAX “The difficulty of framing a pro­ phecy which shall prove accurate,” says Dr. A. T. Pierson, writing about 40 years ago, “may be seen in that crude rhyme known as ‘Mother Shipton’s Prophecy.’ It was supposed to be a relic of a remote day and claimed to have predicted the invention of rail­ ways, balloons, the Crystal Palace and a number of other events. Years later it re-appeared with a few slight changes to make it include still more recent events. At times I was met ' by the statement that here was an ignorant old woman who lived four hundred years ago and had written an undoubted prophecy containing many remarkable predictions which had been fulfilled. For many years I tried to unearth and expose what seemed to me a huge imposture and at last I succeeded. My first clue was that there were at least three separate ver­ sions. The variations were slight, but accommodating the ‘prophecy’ to the new developments of the times, and at last the whole thing was traced to a certain Charles Hlndley, who acknowl­ edged himself to be the author of this prophetic hoax, which was written, not in 1448 but in 1862 and palmed off on a credulous public. It is one of the proofs of human perversity that the very people who will cast doubt on prophecies two thousand years old, the fulfilment of which is plain to all, will readily swallow a forgery without even enquiring into its claims to antiquity.” —Word of Truth. \

tion of lectures given before the stu­ dents of Manchester College, Moody Bible Institute, and various churches in Ohio and Indiana. Much interest in them was evinced, and many re­ quests were made that they be printed. It is the author’s sincere desire that they may help those who read them to see the standard of life which the holy God demands. Though this standard may bring them before God in humil­ ity, it will prepare them for a new vis­ ion of Jesus Christ, the only One who ever fully kept God’s law. (B.I.C.A.) 30c M CORRECTION A note on page 166 of Ernest Gor­ don’s “The Leaven of the Sadducees” (first edition), which was reviewed in the September and October numbers of The King’s Business, was credited to a professor in Union Seminary. This was an error. The utterance ac­ tually came from the Rev. Dr. R. J. Campbell. Aik 41k ate ate MOODY AND HIS BIBLE Mr. Moody knew his Bible. There­ fore, there was no room for infidelity in the heart of Mr. Moody because he knew God’s Word so well that he knew God's will, and was in intimate touch with his Lord and Saviour, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It will interest those who know and love their Bibles to read the following words from the fly leaf of Mr. Moody’s Bible: “The Bible sets forth two things: The Cross and the Throne. “The Old Testament points toward the Cross; the Gospels tell the story of the Cross. “The Epistles p o i n t toward the Throne; the Book of Revelation tells the story of the Throne. “The Old Testament' tells us what sin leads to, and ends with the words, ‘Lest I come and smite the earth with a curse’ (Mai. 4:6). “The New Testament shows the way out of sin, and ends thus: ‘The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all’ (Rev. 22:21).” Not'only ought every believer to be interested in this, but every lover of God’s Word should pass it along to other men and women and children that they, also, may become so inter­ ested in the Bible that they will “Search the Scriptures” as did Mr. Moody. Like him, those of us who have delved deep into the Word of God have been able to realize that we were, in­ deed, walking in the footsteps of the Master. We have found the green pastures, the cooling shade, the water that slakes our thirst, and the Bread of Life that has been on every hand. We have seen our lives which form­ erly were as stagnant pools, taking water from every direction and giving out nothing, turned into springs of living water, flowing out to refresh, revive and save perishing souls. Then let us frequently sit down and drink at the same fountain where God’s shepherds such as Moody, Tal- mage, Spurgeon and many thousands

ground work of evolution). A really informing handbook, which ought to find ready acceptance at the present time. (Revell) $1.50 The Fourth Gospel—Its Historical Importance, by P. V. Smith, M.A., f fT. tv Every Bible student will be interested in this study of the Gospel of John, of which Canon Wilson says: "Chancellor P. V. Smith is known to the world as an ecclesiastical lawyer and judge of the highest rank. He has now shown himself to be a careful Bib­ lical student, mastering and arranging the details of a many-sided problem with the thoroughness and lucidity of the lawyer, the impartiality of the judge, and the patience and reverence of the devout scholar. • • * His pro­ fession and temperament have trained him to judge of the value of evidence. He knows how to use the learning, and to weigh the arguments and opinions of others. He is one from whom we may expect not the one-sided argu­ ments of a special pleader or a crank, but the balanced words of a judge." (Macmillan Company) 3/6 Net ($1.75) m BOOKLETS AND PAMPHLETS Four Booklets for Boys,—“Facts/ “A Mind of Your Own,” "Boys Will Be Boys,” “Offensive,”—by R. Hudson Pope. (Order from the author, 69 W. End Ave., Harrogate, England) Id. each, net 5c. — o— The Scriptures and the Mistakes of the Critics, by W. Dell Dawson, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.C. An exceedingly help­ ful little leaflet, which shows how mis­ leading the critical spirit is in dealing with Scripture; and also to make clear the methods used by those who would discredit the historical accuracy of the Bible (B.I.C.A.) 10c Are We in the Time of the End? by Dr. I. R. Dean. This address was de­ livered before the Premillennial Asso­ ciation of Southern California, having a membership of over one hundred and fifty ministers. Published by request. Should be in the hands of every pro­ phetic believer and given wide distribu­ tion. (Biola Book Room) 10c each, $5.00 per 100. The "Rock of Ages" Booklets (Sec­ ond Series), by Rev. R. L. Lacey. The "First Series” of these splendid little leaflets was reviewed some time ago in The King’s Business, and all that we said at that time applies also to this second series. They are plain, prac­ tical, Scriptural, and the topics grip the reader and compel reading and re­ reading. Some of the themes are “Tryst or Tragedy,” “An Early Por­ trait,” “Wilt Thou Go With This Man?” Ideal for distribution. 6c each; 60c per dozen. (Biola Book Room) God's Code of Morals Applied to the New Day, by P. B. Fitzwater. This little book is substantially a reproduc­

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