King's Business - 1926-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

December 1926

See the famous cities of history and the Holy Land on Janies Boring*s Cruise J TAMES BORING’S Cruise to the Mediterranean, Holy Land and Europe is the most comprehen­ sive trip ever made possible under such ideal travel conditions. You Algiers—Where the “ships” of the great African deserts come down to meet the ships from all the seas. Tunis—A thriving city teeming with typical Oriental life. Italy and home of many masters of all the arts. Leghorn—A typical Italian port city off the beaten path.

Nice—The French Riviera, winter playground of the rich from all the world. England—Through th e beautiful England countryside to London, and three days in the world’s largest city. Our giant ship will sail from New York on January 22nd, 1927. James Boring’s Travel Service, Inc., will solve every travel problem for us. Mr. Bor­ ing personally will conduct us and has already reserved hotel rooms, employed guides and chartered special trains and motors. Send the coupon now and let Mr. Boring tell you how the trip of a life­ time has been made possible for you. Send the Coupon B efo re you m a k e y o u r p la n s fo r a w in te r h o lid ay sen d th e coupon below fo r fu ll p a rtic u la rs a b o u t Jam e s B o rin g ’s C ruise. A b o ok let, c a b in d ia g ram a n d a fu ll sch ed u le o f p ric e s w ill be s e n t to you upon re q u e st. Send th e coupon o r a le tte r o r a p o stc a rd today. n J am e s B o rin g ’» T r a v e l S erv ice, la c., B ib le Blouse N ew Y o rk C ity, N. Y . I am in te re ste d in th e Jam e s B o rin g 's C ru ise to th e M ed iterran ean , th e H oly L and a n d E u ro p e. P le a se se n d m e fu ll p a rtic u la rs.

Carthage—T he a n c i e n t c i t y destroyed because its greatness was a menace to Rome. Malta—The scene of St. Paul’s ship­ wreck, and the highest development of knighthood. Alexandria—The port of the Nile Valley and the home port of so many kings and conquerors. Cairo—The Pyramids, Sphinx and scenes familiar to Moses and his op­ pressed tribe. Palestine—From Jerusalem to the Sea of Galilee, from Mount Carmel to the River Jordan, over the roads and mountains dear to all Christians. Smyrna—The mo d e r n city from which we visit the ruins of Ephesus. Constantinople—T h e meeting-place of Europe and Asia, and often called the most beautiful city of both. Athens—The cradle of art and the scene of St. Paul’s ministry. Syracuse—One of the oldest cities of the world, on the island of Sicily. Naples—With its beautiful bay and the ruins of Pompeii. __ ______Rome—The Eternal

can visit three continents, fourteen countries and thirty-three cities in sixty days and never be away from congen­ ial companions or the comforts of home. The luxurious new steamship Doric of the White Star Line has been char­ tered. It has been made easy and inex­ pensive to see with your own eyes the sights Our Saviour saw, to walk the paths trod by His feet and to visit the places which are so important in Bib­ lical History. But that is not all. Com­ bined with this great pilgrimage to the Holy Land, you can visit the seats of ancient and modern civilization, and find rest and recreation in glorious days at sea. These are the places we will visit: Madeira—That flower-decked moun­ tain peak which rears its head a mile high above the warm, blue waters of the South Atlantic.' Algeciras—The old Spanish port on the Bay of Gibraltar. Gibraltar—Great Britain’s mi g h t y f o r t r e s s at the e n t r a n c e to the--------

City—scene of early Christianstruggles, the capital of the ancient Caesars and modern

M editerranean in a city wh i c h i s o t h e r w i s e Spanish.

N am e.........................................- ...................—•—

A d d ress----------- ;........ ......... ..............— ••— —- ____________ _________________K. B. W rite in m a rg in th e n am es o f frie n d s w ho you th in k m ay be in te re ste d .

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