King's Business - 1926-12

December 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Iht BACKGROUND o f IV getterLife



The wages of sin are paid promptly and in full. What is woman’s sphere? That’s i easy—the globe! God often chooses His enemies to | chasten His children. The heritage of the church is the I history of its heroes. The purposes of God are made mani­ fest in His providence. Money talks, but it never says, "I am not worth a penny.” There is one “miss” whom none of | us care to meet, and that is “mis”- i fortune. There is one thing which we can all I count on: Statistics w i l l increase I every day. Few men have deep convictions, and fewer still have the courage of their convictions. Experience is a wonderful teacher, I but the graduating experiences are often woeful. Misery may love company, but one makes a mistake who chooses misery for a companion. When opportunity is passing your way it is the part of wisdom to make her acquaintance. It used to be “There’s no place like home for me,” but now it is: “Home is no place for me.” The man who has the best prospects for tomorrow is the man whe proposes to do his very best today. The candidate is highly lauded be­ fore election. Afterwards, fault-find­ ing is the order of the day. If you want a picture of the person who makes you the most trouble— take a peep into your mirror. The true record of a man’s life is written in Heaven, and even God can­ not change that, for “It is written.” You meet many of the descendants of Ananias as you journey along life’s way. They are still telling the story. You cannot make any change In your life record on your deathbed. Therefore, make a good record while you live. If "knowledge is power” then there must be something lacking in t h e power house of the schools which are producing such poor products. Question: Why do so few people | attend church services? Answer: Tney are not interested in the message. Question: How can they be inter- I ested? Answer: Give them the Gospel. Tell them the truth. —T. C. H.

Would you rather have your child read the funny pictures, and follow the example of the characters in the comic strips, or would you rather have them read these stirring stories and mould their lives according to the pattern of heroic characters th a t move .and breathe through them? Children n a t­ urally are hero worshipers, and will eagerly adopt the shining Bible characters as their heroes,—if you put this book in their hands. BIBLE STOKY BOOK These stories never grow old. They stand reading over and over again, with pleasure ana benefit to every member of the family. Tne author has written this book with a conse­ crated purpose of entertaining, influencing, and enriching the lives of her readers. The stories are direct, simple, and dramatic with all the intensity of their rich material, historic background, and Divine meaning. The stories are divided into periods of Bible history, and arranged chronologically. This enables the rentier, young or old, to get a clearer under­ standing of the Bible than he has ever had before"because BIBLE STORY BOOK digests the whole Bible into the form of a beautiful narrative. Thousands of copies sold—demand increasing. SEND COUPON FOR FREE EXAMINATION Complete catalog of books, both juvenile and adult, Sunday School and Church Supplies, Bibles, etc., sent free on request. FIVE DAYS FREE TRIAL Ask to see this book a t your dealer’s, or secure it from your denominational publishing house; but take no other without first send­

By Elaia E. Egermeier TV__ stories are told from tho Children, view point In ,lmple. vivid language, [that makes their character* living people th at children love.] Easy to read and understand; beautifully tllustraU™^Uxmgly a n d attractiv ely bound. (This book will influence the whole future lif* of your boy or girl for the better.) A NEW BIBLE STORY EVERY NIGHT For 238 Nights ing coupon below for five days' free examina­ tion of the "Bible Story Book” in your own home. PARTIAL CONTENTS

Book is bound in beautiful strong cloth or Kraft Deluxe; contains 608 pages, clear print­ ing on high grade paper.—nearly 200 pictures, 15 a rt reproductions on special paper in full rich colors; 25) beautifully written Bible stroies. KRAFT DELUXE HOME STUDY EDITION Contains 48 extra pages with 1250 "Home Study” Questions. T n e s e are interesting, thought provoking and instructive. Every story has five or six carefully prepared ques­ tions of great help to teachers and parents. Rich Seal Brown binding, stamped in gold— a work of art. SEND COUPON BELOW TODAY You can possess this beautiful work without risking one cent. Simply mail the coupon. The “Bible Story Book” will be shipped you imme­ diately for 5 day's free examination. Iff JFOJft decide to keep it for the family, send us $2.00 for Cloth or $3.75 for Kraft Deluxe, plus five cents postage. Otherwise, write us and we will send you the stamps for its return. You will not be out one penny.


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