King's Business - 1926-12

December 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


His child, and through His precious Holy Spirit, wooing me unto Himself. I cannot praise Him enough. I read and re-read the book and finally one day signed my name to the decision in the back, and through faith accepted Him as 'my own personal Saviour. It was a heart belief, and when any doubts arose, I would repeat the verse, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son that whosoever believeth In Him should not perish, but have everlast­ ing life.” “Whosoever” surely meant me, and so step by step I followed on to know the Lord, trying to walk in every ray of light shed on my path. I bought a Bible and started going to church. The world lost Its charm, and a deep settled peace came into my heart. He became precious, His Word became precious, His way, His truth, His life. Six years have passed and I am still on the Lord’s side, with but one desire—to be what He wants me to be for His glory. “The coming of the Lord draweth nigh.”. Signs are multiplying on every side. He always visits In mercy before judgment and would not that a single soul should perish. As In every time of apostasy, He always raises up His true shepherds to warn people to flee from the wrath to come, so. In this day, He has His faithful ones preaching the old time Gospel under the power of the Holy Spirit, and the message all over the world today is “Jesus is Com­ ing.” I want to be ready, don’t you? m A MASTERPIECE ON SALVATION Titus 3:3-8 1. The Need— v . 3 “we also were sometimes.” 2. The Origin—v. 4 “Kindness and love of God.” ;8. The Measure—v. 5 “according to His mercy.” 4. The Means—v. 5 “washing and renewing." 5. The Basis— v . 6 “through Jesus Christ." 6. The Result— v . 7 "justified, and made heirs.” 7. The Purpose—v. 8 “maintain good works.” , —R. S. B. $ “MY CHURCH” Matthew 16:18 (Its Power, Trend and Growth, as set forth in Acts 1:8) 1. The Dynamic: “But ye shall re­ ceive power^ after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.” 2. The Direction: “And ye shall be my witnesses.” 3. The Dimension: "Both in Jeru­ salem, and in all Judea, and in Sa­ maria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth.” —Ef. L. E. Jib M A contrast In callers: When a sales­ man calls and finds no one at home, he is sad. When a woman makes a call and finds no one at home, she is us­ ually glad. -

Bibles, while private publishers in Great Britain and the United States and elsewhere have increased these by scores of millions.—Selected. m THE REASON WHY (A frie n d , calling: a t th e home of th e e d ito r re c e n tly , re la te d th e stb ry of n er ow n con v ersion , w hich we h av e a sk e d h e r to p u t In to w ritin g fo r—a s she h e r­ se lf s ta te s—a n e n c o u ra g em e n t a n d in ­ sp ira tio n to th o se w ho a re g iv in g o u t th e Gospel th ro u g h th e p rin te d p ag e.) God says “Ye are my Witnesses,Mso for His glory and for the encourage- ment of tract distributors, I am writ­ ing this testimony of how God visited me with His salvation. It was through a little booklet called “The Reason Why,” written by a busy business man, burdened for the souls of those in his employ. Who knows how many pre­ cious ones have been saved because he was obedient to the heavenly vision? God alone, but I can testify to at least one—myself. I had been baptised and confirmed as a child in the Episcopal Church, but after leaving my home town, going away to business college, and working in various places, I drifted away from my church affiliation and can say “God was not in all my thoughts.” I had never heard a message on salvation, and to my knowledge had never been under conviction for sin. To my shame, I was as ignorant of the Bible as a two year old child. While living in a western city I met a Christian lady who one day handed me the little booklet referred to above. It made the way of salvation so plain, answering almost every question that one could raise, it seemed there was nothing left for me to do. It was either “yes” or “no,” accept Him or reject Him. And now, as I endeavor to write this little account of “The Reason Why” I became a Christian, I am overwhelmed with the thought of God’s wonderful mercy and love in giving me this opportunity to become

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