King's Business - 1926-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S --------------------------------- i ---------------------

December 1926


Iowa Chr istian Fundamentals A ssoc ia t ion 1 President, Rev. A. D. Mela Monroe. Iowa Oeneral Secretary, A. C. Button 2737 Dos Moinei St..Dei Moines. lews Young Peoples' Sec'y, Rev. S. M. Gladstone. Lone Rock. lows I 1st Ties Pres. Rev. DsWltt Whits Dei Moines, lows Bibl, Btudr Sw rattrr. MU, Kiln rslk 1607 K. Ninth St., Du Moinei, Iowa Treasurer, Dr. D. W. Roberts 507 South'n Bursty Bldg.,

BIBLES A Treasure House of Biblical Information

Des Moines. Iowa

Editor, Mr. John M. Dunkerton

Conference Sec'y, Rev. W. C. Berggren Polk City. lows

I 2nd Vice Pres. Dr. J. W. Tlbbets Panort. Iowa

111 40th Place, Des Mointt. Is.

pastor, one not afraid to show his colors, and one who is looking for the personal, Imminent appearing of the Lord from Heaven to c a l l the Church up higher. Pastor Robert Kinney, of the Bap­ tist Church, Eldora, Iowa, and presi­ dent of the Baptist Bible Union of Iowa, a Fundamentalist group in the Baptist Church, has started a period­ ical published weekly for local distri­ bution to further the Lord’s work in his locality. It Is entitled “The Bap­ tist Believer,” and is headed by the following Scripture: “Take h e e d , brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief.” A needed warning for these apostate days. Bro- ther Kinney has a wide awake spirit­ ual church that wants the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and that is what they will get as long as they retain this man of God as their pastor. Warren Steves, the new pastor of Walnut Street Baptist Church, Water­ loo, Iowa, coming to this place from a pastorate at Luna, Ohio, assures us that he is for t h e Fundamentalist cause, and has been always allied with it in the East. He proves his faith by his works in extending a hearty invitation to the Iowa Christian Fun­ damentals Association to hold Its next Bible Conference in his large, beauti­ ful church auditorium. We welcome him to the Fundamentalist ranks in Iowa. Paul Riley Allen.of St. Louis, Mis­ souri, has accepted the pastorate of the Baptist Church at Keokuk, Iowa, left vacant by the resignation of Bro­ ther McKee, who went to Oregon. We are glad that one Fundamentalist re­ places another. Orthodox churches need to be careful in these days of higher criticism and pulpit unbelief, that they do not get a wolf in sheep’s clothing as their spiritual guide. Frank E. Lindgren and wife, evan­ gelistic party of Oak Park, Illinois, are open for engagements for evangel­ istic campaigns in Iowa. Their rec­ ord of four years in the state in forty- one series of meetings following one right after the other speaks well for their work. Any pastor desiring their services can reach them at 729 South Cuyler Ave., Oak Park, Illinois. Evangelist T. F. Cooke, of Ames, Iowa, closed a three weeks series at Burlington, Iowa, on Sept. 26th, and opens a three or four weeks series at Keota, Iowa, on Oct. 10th. He is open for an engagement as pastor in a Fundamentalist Church of any ortho­ dox denomination. We commend him to any church seeking a pastor.

Notes selected from Des Moines Bible Conference addresses: “When I read my Bible, God Is speaking to me, and when I pray, I am speaking to God. This Is Com­ munion which implies Interchange of thoughts.” “You can’t eat of the leeks, onions, and garlic of Egypt in secret, without smelling of them in public.” “Prayerlessness is a sin. Geo. Mul­ ler, the great man of faith and prayer of the Bristol orphanages in England, said, ‘I’ll begin to knock at the salntB’ doors, when the door of heaven is shut against me. We must pray be­ cause we are commanded to pray. Prayer is soul culture. Our Father delights to bless us.’ ” “All the sins you have ever com­ mitted are not enough to keep you out of heaven if you will accept Christ." “The Holy Spirit came to convince men of sin, not of sins; ‘of sin because they believe not on Me.’ The one sin that keeps the sinner out of heaven is rejecting God’s Son.” “The primeval Gospel message was, 'Thou shalt bruise, or crush, his head, and he shall bruise thy heel.’ ” “ The Church What a wondrous mystery is this, Through times eternal in silence kept. Now by prophetic Scriptures voiced, By command of Eternal God, To all the nations now made known! This people from both Jew and Gentile drAWD To form a holy nation from the world called out. That powers in heavenly places may God’s many sided wisdom know, According to eternal purpose planned. This building by God’s Spirit framed, A holy habitation for Himself; Built on our Blessed Lord, the Reck, That coming ages e’er may see Abounding riches of God’s grace. This is the bride our Lord has chosen, Loved by the Son, Who gave Himself for her, _____ Made pure and holy for His presence, To dwell in glory forever by His side. —-John M. Dunkerton. NEWS ITEMS Edward Crane, of Denver, Colorado, formerly with the Anderson evangel­ istic party, is filling the pulpit of the Grundy Center, Iowa, Baptist Church for a six weeks’ period, until a per­ manent pastor is secured. This Church wants an out and out Fundamentalist ■ "O

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