King's Business - 1926-12



K I N G ’ S


December 1926

BORICH’S CHART O r the Tabernacles ii the Wilderness a p p ro p riate Mtvy she news. __ng for lee*——. ——. —;----- .——- Sana 25c for photo of the chart« Painted in a colors« six« long* on hea eting« with 69 Scriptural references, types and anti«types; ready to ha l ctures. Will deliver same for $25.00. e d If I t s a chart—we make it.** B I O L A B O O K R O O M « . L ____a l i ____ a «.* • __ n___•_r . i CABBY IT ALWAYS WITH VBU DR. R. ATTORREY’S \Gist of the Lesson ORIGINAL "BIST" FSATUBI8 / k i w / f l International 8. a Laaaon T a r t u V w M £ a / ” Full ; full Expoaltlon; Important W on. X U B / and Phraiei Bmphulaad: Condenaattoo •» Thought: Changes In Harised Veraloo . Notaa: Aer.pted Dates and PlMMS rrsfW Mevuni Topic., ate. Flexible Bludln«, Me F a d r. i. im u co„in nm oil . r . u 11 r . m iur work , cricui ________

iel and Revelation. Qreat as have been some of these earthquake dis­ asters, the greatest has yet to come. It will come in the very last days, at ' a time when All other woes are inten­ sified. "There was an earthquake," says John, looking into the far dis­ tant future, "such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great.” Scien­ tists assure u s'that there has been a very marked increase in the number and violence of earthquakes during the last ten or twelve years. The recent terrible earthquake in Japan is an­ other proof that prophecy is being ful­ filled before our eyes. Within the last few years there have been great earth­ quakes in Persia, Japan (in 1914), Mexico, Italy, China, Chili, Persia (1923) and again, in Japan. It is estimated that in these, many hun­ dreds of thousands of people perished. Jerusalem and Babylon will both suf­ fer severely in the mighty earthquake mentioned by John, and when the Lord descends to earth prior to the Millen­ nium there will be another great up­ heaval, the effect of which will be the formation of a great valley, caused by the cleaving asuhder of the Mount of Olives, where the Lord will descend. This will enable the 'Jordan to flow through the Dead Sea and probably out into the Mediterranean. These will be the birth-throes of the New Age. "Speak to the earth,” says the Scripture, " and it shall teach thee.” Even the earth is telling us today that no jot or tittle of all that has been spoken shall ever fail.—The Word of Truth. ¿He. m The shortsighted man needs pro­ phetic glasses. Ms m "Remember this: You can’t get some fellows settled down until' you have stirred them up.”—Los Angeles Times.

FACE THE FACTS It has been clearly demonstrated that the Bible should be taught In the public schools; but let us not relieve the home of all responsibility or put the whole burden of the religious training of our children on the day school and the Sunday School. . Let parents arouse to the solemn command given in Deut. 4:9, 10 and 6:7. Let us face first the fact that the deplorable lack of knowledge of the Bible on the part of some children of church members is almost appal* ling. The brief twenty minutes allot­ ted to the Sunday School teacher, often sadly interrupted, is not suf­ ficient to cover the teaching that should be done in the home. Late hours on Saturday nights often cause parents to oversleep on Sunday morn­ ings. Children arise and devour the comic sections of the Sunday news­ papers,—in the morning, when their minds are fresh and ready to receive Oospel truths. After a hasty break­ fast, they come to Sunday School to discuss these comic features with each other or to talk about the latest mov­ ing picture shows. When the mind of the child is "Jazz mad” what chance has the Sunday School teacher? There are doubtless many children who are receiving careful and syste­ matic religious instruction at home;but there are children of church members who sometimes know nothing about the Bible lesson when they' come to Sunday School, but have their minds so filled with frivolities that the teacher finds it hard to make any Impression at all upon them. To prove this, make a test in any Sunday School, any­ where, and find out what proportion of the pupils come with the lesson pre­ pared at home. On a recent Sunday, the members of a class of boys in one of the finest schools of one of our largest -churches were asked to give the story of Cain and Abel. Not one in the class could tell It correctly, although it was the lesson for the day, and some of those boys were sons of church officers. We need to go back to the home and ask why our boys and girls of ten have so little knowledge of the Bible that they cannot tell the simple facts that children of five ought to know. Putting the Bible in the schools will not relieve the parents of their solemn obligation. Upon them rests the bur­ den of responsibility. Vacation Bible schools and week day classes can do much toward the religious education of our children, but the value of the support and cooperation of the home M u h a r d ly be overestimated.—Cora Inez Hancock. M it m EARTHQUAKES Our Lord, when on earth, foretold many signs which should precede His Coming, and among them, earth­ quakes; not merely those which have occasionally occurred in all ages, but rather in more intensive and wide­ spread fashion as this age draws to its close. "Earthquakes in divers places. ’ And this is also clearly stated in Dan­

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