T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
December 1926
was, after all, a tremendous undertak ing for Paul to sail for Europe and enter upon entirely new conditions and face new and unknown difficulties. But see how God provided for him! After he had, in obedience to the di vine command, “Come over and help us,” begun to preach the Gospel at Philippi, the Lord opened Lydia’s heart. She was a business woman and probably had a fair income; she took Paul into her home: what a kind leading of God! Now this must have cheered and comforted the Apostles. Again, here in this new world, God had provided for his support. Will He do less for you who look to Him for your sustenance? "He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”— Selected by R. Wells. m m THE FAITH OF THE FUNDA MENTALIST “I believe in Jesus Christ our Lord” 1. In His Virgin Birth. (Seed of the Woman. Son of God.) 2. In His Virtuous Life. (Sinless. Serviceful.) 3. In His Verbally Inspired Word. (Spoken on Earth. Settled in Heaven.) 4. In His Vicarious Death. (Sacri ficial. Substitutional.) 5. In His Victorious Resurrection. (Supernatural. Significant.) 6. In His Valuable Intercession. (Sympathetic. Sustaining.) 7. den. In His Visible Return. (Sud- Sure. ) —A. M.
A WELCOME Chr istmas Gift
A FREE OFFER—BUT “PLAY FAIR”! In the spring of 1908 I began to distribute copies of the Gospel of John, —each book carrying in it my promise to send to the reader, who has read it through, a free copy of the Acts of the Apostles. Since that date bushels of mail have come, but no letter has pleased me more than one signed by f a t h e r , mother and three children, asking five free copies of A c t s , and saying that they had read their little Gospels through, responsively, at the dining table, after they had finished eating. Those children are grown by this time,—perhaps have children of their own,—I know not,—but I feel sure that all five readers still bear the im press of those few minutes a day, ded icated as a family, to the reading of God’s Word. I imagine there are many families, who, assembled at table or elsewhere, would faithfully “read around” till the little book would be read through-; therefore to any family who sends me the message printed below, signed by all the prospective readers, I will send as many free copies of John’s Gospel with map and outline: But Just one word of caution,—do not make this promise lightly and then after I have done my part, neglect to keep it. Play fair with me! Perhaps before promising you would like to see a sample book. If so, send a self-addressed stamped envelope and books will be sent by return mall. Elizabeth Merriam 100 Beech Street, Framingham, Massachusetts, U.S.A. m M “MUCH MORE THAN THIS!” Are you troubled about a loss which you have sustained? The Lord is able to give you much more than this. In 1 Samuel 9 we see Saul seeking for the lost asses; Instead of them he finds a kingdom, according to God’s won derful leading, and his father’s ani mals also were found again. Thus the Lord does not want you to grieve and fret over a loss in material things, for such fretting would disturb your peace in Him, but He wants you to trust Him that He will make up for that loss in one way or another, just as He sees fit. He may withhold earthly goods in order that He may wean you from this earth and give you all the more “spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” How blessed our hearts if they are so loosed from the love of earthly things that their loss does not interrupt the deep, sweet peace of God in our hearts! But we see this providence of God for His own, extending even to minute details, in the New Testament also. It "We promise Miss Merrlam that as an assembled family we will read responsively the whole of John’s Gospel.” Signed......................................
I T does one’s heart good to see how folks really appreciate a box of good stationery. Especially is this true if their name and address is neatly printed on both the paper and envelopes. We use a fine 28-lb. ripple finish bond paper and carry three colore— White, light Blue and a delicate Buff. The sheet size is 6 1-8x9 I -8 inches. Each box contains 125 sheets and 100 envelopes, neatly packed in our attrac tive, handy box. State color of paper wanted and ORDER NOW to avoid the Christmas rush. Pri^e, including postage and printing $2.00 PE* BOX Monograms 25c extra THE DRAKE PRESS 2511 N. Drake Ave. Dapt. K. B . CHICAGO OBJECT LESSONS OF SCRIPTURE “THE LITTLE HANDMAIDS OF THE BIBLE” Thirteen pamphlets. Illustrated. No. I to 1$. 12 Object Lessons in Each Pamphlet. The set ol I), $1.95, postage prepaid. Price I) eta. each. Order by number. gsv.C. Hell saber». 4031 N. Hermitage Sre., CM»age, HI.
The American Step« dard Bible text hat been adopted by all leading Colleges. Theological Semin aries. Y.M.C.A.. Y. W. C. A.. and Bible S c h o o l s throughout t h e United States and is u sed by over 13,000,000 scholars from which to study t h e International, graded and other Bible lessons.
« Conviction 99 „ ( ( or Evidence 99 Which is belter? Read th at wonderful chapter—-Hebrews, II. If you look It up In any version other than the American Standard Bible, substitute in your reading the word “Conviction" for “ Evidence" end then the word “Assurance" for “Sub stance." What a difference I What a wealth of meaning verse 1 has taken on I But lust how and why? In our reading and exposition of Scripture we need to be clear on these differences. The House of Thomas Nelson & Sons, publishers of the American Standard Bible, invites you to give your views on these vital changes as given In the American Standard Bible. Write a Letter, Earn an Award The publishers want to hear from all the readers of THE KINO'S BUSINESS as to how and why this important passage in the American Standard Bible is so much clearer and more accurate than in any other version. The best answers to this question, which should not exceed one hundred words, will be entitled to the following awards : No letter received later than January 31st, 1927, will be considered. _ judges will be the Editor of the Christian Herald, the Editor of the Chris tian Endeavor World, the Editor of the Record of Christian Work. Whether or not your letter entitles you to an award, every person sending an answer before February 1st, 1927, will be rewarded with a beautifully engrossed copy of the great Love Chapter, I Corinthian« XIII, on heavy white paper suitable for framing. There are no set rules. If you haven't an Amer ican Standard Bible or New Testament, you can doubtless borrow one or consult it at any public library or at the office of Thomas Nelson & Sons. Nelson&SgiSgSliihle (Edited by the Aaerloaa Rev islee Committee) NELSON BIBLES The For best letter.................................. $.......... . ......... $25.00 For three next best letters (each)............................ 10.00 For ten next best letters (each)......................... 5.00
in all sizes, types, and styles of binding a r e obtainable wherever Bibles are sold. FREE BOOKLET A charming 36-page booklet entitled “T h e Wonderful Story,'' published at 10c per copy, telling how the Bible came down through the ages, and containing many facts of vital interest, will be sent FREE on request to anyone mentioning The King's Busi ness.
•a h i »
THOMAS NELSON A SONS 385-D Fourth Ave., New York City DEAR SIRS: Kindly send me a FREE copy of Wonderful Story,“ telling how the Bible came down does not obligate me in any way.
your book entitled “The through the ages. Thta
C ity .
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