King's Business - 1926-12

December 1926


K I N G ’ S



excavation confirmed this identifica­ tion, since the facts o f its archeolog­ ical h istory agree in every particu lar with the B ib lical evidence fo r the h is­ to ry o f K irja th -seph er.” The most important discoveries were the city w a ll and two well-pre­ served gates, besides the clearance of about 3000 square meters from the in­ terior of the Jew ish city o f the 7th century B. C. The gates are p ractically the first of the ea rly Israe lite period y et found in Palestine. F rom the Canaanite pe­ riod of about 17 0 0 B. C. came massive w alls nearly five metres thick, and sloping revetment o rig in ally t e n meters high in some places, and re­ sembling the contemporary revetment of. Je rich o ve ry strik ingly. In a ll there were five periods o f oc­ cupation, each followed by the burn­ ing of the city. The th ird , fourth , and fifth destructions, were probably the work o f Caleb’s nephew, Sh ishak , K in g o f E gyp t in the time o f Solomon and Rehoboam , and Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. Dr. Melvin Grove Kyle wrote, “ A s soon a s we dug below the foundation o f the w alls and the gatew ay, and through a layer of ashes and other evi­ dences of burning, we came upon pot­ tery o f the Middle Bronze A ge, 17 0 0 - 13 0 0 B. C., and below this stratum, pottery o f the ea rly Bronze Age back to 2000 B . C., or e a rlie r . . . . Thus the h istory o f the city as it now ap­ pears, subject to correction by any evi­ dence which m ay y e t come to ligh t, stretches from e a rly patriarch al times down to the whole o f the National Period of Isra e l’s history” (S.S. Times, May 29 ). The apparen tly total destruction of this city so many times would appear to preclude much hope of finding tab­ lets or other inscribed documents that would ju stify the name o f “ Booktown” having been given to th is fortified city o f Judah, but the progress of further excavation w ill he watched w ith inter­ est, and as it is often the unexpected that happens, let us hope it w ill be so in th is case. — Mrs. Ghosn-el-Howie. Nablus, Palestine. M BETHLEHEM E astern sages a t H is cradle Make oblations rich an/i ra re ; See them give, in deep devotion, Gold and frankincen se and myrrh. Sacred gifts o f mystic meaning: Incense, doth their God disclose, God, the K in g o f k ings proclaimeth Myrrh, H is sepulchre foreshows. Jesus, whom the Gentiles worshipped, A t T h y glad epiphany, Unto Thee, w ith God the Father, And the Spirit, glory be. —A Fifth Century Hymn. E arth has many a noble c ity ; Bethlehem , thou dost a ll e x c e l!: Out o f thee the Lo rd from Heaven, .Came to ru le H is Israel.

EXCAVATIONS AT “BOOKTOWN" (Another exceedingly interesting “side­ light” on prophecy, front Mrs. Ghosn-el- Howie, w h o s e residence in Palestine eminently qualifies her for comment on this matter.) ^ j^ g r a T U D E N T S of the Old Testa- ment, especially in its his- w L l torical a n d geographical aspects, have alw ays sought to find any th ing that would throw ligh t on the h istory of that ro­ mantic fron tier town between the h ill country “ The N ejib ,” in the neighbor­ hood o f Hebron, which was occupied by the Canaanites a t the time o f the Israelite invasion in 14 4 4 B . C., and was so strongly fortified that Caleb, in desperation of tak ing it, said : “ He that smiteth K irjath -sepher, and tak- eth it, to him w ill I give Achsah my daughter to w ife ” (Jo sh . 1 5 : 1 6 ) . The name “ K irja th -seph er” (Book- town) was fu ll, o f m ystery. Was it possible th at the Canaanites were a lite ra ry people, and their tow» had such a reputation fo r learn ing as the names K irjath -seph er (book) and K irja th S a m a h ( “Learning,” “ know ledge,” “ profession ,” . Jo sh . 15:49) w o u l d seem to imp ly? A t the time the Is ­ raelites conquered it, it was known as Debir. 'Possibly it had reached that stage in civilization when it could “debir” or provide sk illed “ s a n a a ” (labo r) or professional men on appli­ cation to it, as to a university. Whatever the names imply, a solu­ tion o f the m ystery is being attempted by the archeological researches and excavations recen tly commenced under the jo in t auspices of the American School o f Oriental Research (or, School of A rch aeo log y), o f which Dr. W. F . A lbright, is the D irector, and the Theological Sem inary of St. L o u i s, whose president, Dr. Melvin Grove K y le , ‘ archeological editor o f the Sun­ day School Times, Philadelphia, has contributed a series o f articles to that paper on the subject; Dr. W. F. A lb righ t’, who has returned to Je ru sa ­ lem from T e ll-B eit Mission (the Bite identified as K irja th -seph e r), has made the follow ing statement to the Palestine B u lletin : "T h e s i t e was

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