December 1926
K I N G ’ S
A Wonderful Book For Pastors, Evangelists, Teachers
votion and in his belief in the Holy Word of God from Genesis 1:1 to Rev elation 22:21?—Rev. J. Frank Norris. m Hark! the glad sound! the Saviour comes, The Saviour promised long; Let every heart prepare a throne, And every voice a song. "Before we resume our regular ser vices, we will hear ‘Rose of Picardy’ by the church jazz orchestra." The church orchestra, with a few prelimin ary flourishes and notations, swings into lively action with a blare of sax ophones, trumpets and kettle drums and everyone in the fashionable Wll- shire Congregational Church is happy. Dr. Frank Dyer, pastor, sensing the need for modernism in the church in order to please insurgent youth, shelved the regular choir Sunday tor one of the jazziest Jazz bands in Los Angeles. And how the jazz band played! The drums boomed, the saxeB wailed and the wind Instruments shrilled in a wild frenzy of exultant melody. Dr. Dyer beamed, his flock shuffled excited feet, flappers and dignified dea cons grinned and the orchestra leader twisted and squirmed with the moods of his music. When the last wild notes from the wailing saxophones ceased Dr. Dyer resumed the services and youth and age paid rapt attention. Again the band played. The notes of youth and modernism fought, then conquered the awesome quiet and age- old sanctity of church. “There is spiritual uplift in a jazz tune," the pastor explained to his con gregation.—L. A. Herald. M e. m “I don’t want to miss a copy of The King’s Business. I keep back every issue until another comes. Have to read over some pieces several times and then do not get enough, but want someone else to share with me, so I loan it out, and then when it is re turned I loan it out to some one else, and keep it going. Would like to keep them in use until they are worn out." —A North Carolina subscriber. THE SPIRITUAL UPLIFT (?) OF JUST JAZZ
«TUT" EXCAVATOR’S DEATH LAID TO POISON SECRETED IN TOMB An invisible and poisonous powder spread secretly over King Tut’s casket 3000 years ago, and not the bite of a tomb beetle, caused the death of Lord Carnarvon, according to Dr. Frederick H. Cowles, who returned from Cairo recently. Dr. Cowles is a fellow in the Royal Geographic Society^ and re garded by many as the best-informed person on Egyptian tombs. He has assisted in the excavations since 1879. "The Egyptians were wise, and sus picious, and deliberately plotted the murder of the ’desecrators’ of 'their dead emperor. They coated the royal casket with . a preparation not yet known to modern science, invisible to the eye, but with a mortal potency. All that moderns could do was to re move it," said Dr. Cowles describing how Lord Carnarvon, on first viewing the casket, drew in his breath, as tounded at the magnificence disclosed, and thereby breathed in the poison that caused not only his death, but that of several laborers. Dr. Carter, the American archaeologist, and sev eral more laborers, were stricken but not fatally, he said. "They possessed a civilization more advanced than ours in the many things to which they put their best efforts," he declared. "Their artistry, gold work, furniture and engineering are beyond our grasp. It was so with their poisonous powder." Dr. Cowles said he sat in a royal ehair in Tut-Ankh-Amen’s tomb, the most restful he ever had known, so soothing that he fell asleep in five minutes. In gold the chair bore a modern price of £40,000.—L. A. Her- Chrlst is come to be my Friend, Leading, loving to the end; Christ is come to be my King, Ordering, ruling everything. Christ is come! Enough for me, Lonely though the pathway be. —Selected. WHAT ABOUT THE EXTREMISTS? My friends, hear me. If you ques tion the first creation, you will ques tion the new creation. And further more, if you will question the Word of God in one particular it is only a question of time until you question it in every particular. Now a man said to me, "Norris, I believe like you fel lows do, but I am not a fool about it.” "Not a fool about it!" My wife is sitting here, but I will tell you what you do, you go home and say, “Well, wife, I love you but I am not a fool about you,” and you will find out what will happen. Now, let me ask some questions: Can a man be too extreme in his loy alty and devotion to his flag? No! Can a man be too extreme in his fidelity to the marriage vow and to his wife? And children? No! Can a man be too extreme in his loyalty to Him who wore the crown of thorns and died on the cross? No! Can a man be too extreme in his de
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