December 192&
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
that he was "opposed to the State tak ing a man’s life." "In nine out of ten murder cases the Jury votes for life imprisonment or a lesser punishment," he said. “But before a jury can be gathered that will consider the death penalty* days of everybody’s time are wasted to be sure they approve of a death pen alty which they seldom, if ever, rec ommend."—Exchange. Now hear what the Judge of all the earth has to say, in Genesis 9:6: ‘ Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God made he man. Does God or man, think ye, know best? m 1926 GREATEST TRAVEL YEAR IN AMERICA’S HISTORY It is believed that more than 500,- 000 persons were carried by the Big Pour—Cunard, United States, and French lines, and the International Mercantile Marine—during the sum mer rush months. If such is the case the volume of travel will be well over 1,000,000 on these Unes for 1926. This unusual activity on the part of Americana is attributed to two reasons __the general prosperity of the United States and wider appreciation of the recently instituted tourist class, or “glorified steerage.” The prosperity Is so general that it has extended to a class of persons who heretofore had never thought a trip to Europe a dream possible to realize. —News Item. m ATTITUDE TOWARD FALSE TEACHERS 1. Mark' them.—Rom. 16:17. 2. Stop their mouths.—Titus 1:11. 3. Rebuke them sharply.—Titus 1:13. 4. Receive them not.—2 John 10. 5. Bid not God speed.— 2 John 11. 6. Avoid them.—Rom. 16:17. 7. Try them.—1 John 4:1, 6. 8. Contend for faith.—Jude. 3, 4. —K. L. B. I t GOOD OF THE WORLD The home, the church, the school and the newspaper are asserted to be the four greatest institutions known to humanity. The selection is made by the newspapers who are prepared to prove their own qualifications. The newspaper that is clean and incorrupt ible renders the world a service whose value can hardly be estimated.—L. A. Times. Mighty—Psa. 89:13. Holy—Psa. 98:1; Isa. 62:10. Strong—Jer. 21:6; Luke 1:51. Glorious—Isa. 63:12. High—Acts 13:17. Outstretched—Ex. 6:6; Deut. 5:15. Everlasting—Deut. 33:27. A question which points man’s need —Job 40:9. —Selected. THE ARM OF THE LORD
JOHN’S GIFT EVERAL years ago in one of the mission schools In Africa the pastor asked the children to bring in their various
Select Notes B y A mo s R. W ells , Litt.D.,LL.D. I he If orld's Cjrcutest Sunday School Commentary for 79J7 WV recommend it BECAUSE' M illions use it w eek ly fo r h e lp , g u id a n c e a n d in s p ira tio n , l o r fifty-two y ears n ew frie n d s h a v e l e a r n e d it s v a l u e - o l d o n e s h a v e c o n s i d e r e d it in* d isp en sab le. B ECAUSE Its w ealth jf ^ ^ n a tc r ia l |*ives a solid toiiiflSnation t o r th e sp iri tu al a n d w tsp ira tio n a l i n t e r p r e ta tio n o f sp e c ia l'th em e s. It is c om p le te w ith m ap s, b ib lio g rap h y , te a c h in g m e th o d s a n d a b u n d a n t illu stratio n s. )M4pajjfN $2.00delivered A t a ll b o o k te lle r» W . A . W I L D E C O M P A N Y 131 Clarendon Street, Boston, Mass
________ g ifts for the Sunday School work, and the work of the church. The gifts might be rice, vegetables; in fact, anything that could be used that was worth using. The children had held Buch services before, so they knew just what to do. Besides they had been planning for the event months in advance. Among the boys there was a new pupil, a little colored boy, who had oeen in the school only a short time. He was an orphan, and bad no one to help him or show him what to do. On the following Sunday the children began to bring in their gifts and place them on the platform in the church. In the meantime our little friend’s heart grew heavier and heavier. The tears started to his eyes; he could not keep them back. Bow ing his head in prayer he said, “Oh Jesus! Dear Jesus! I love Thee with all my heart! I too want to take up a gift, but my bands are empty! What is there for me to give?“ Then God put a wonderful, beautiful thought Into his mind. "My boy,’’ whispered Jesus, “Just give YOURSELF— YOURSELF! That’s the gift I want from you today.’’ As his name was called he went forward, stepped up to the Communion Table, took from It the sliver plate lying there, placed It on the floor, stepped Into It In his bare feet, looked up very earnestly Into the face of his pastor, put the plate back, and went to his seat. “Well," said the missionary to himself, "that was a Queer thing for John to do; I think I will ask him why he did that.” When the service was over he called John aside, and said, "That was a queer thing you did this morning. What did you mean by it?" “Well,” was the answer, “a short time ago I gave myself to Jesus, and I love Him with all my heart, because He has done so much for me. Now when I stood on that plate and looked up at you my heart was filled with a great gladness. It meant just this: ‘Dear Jesus, I love You with all my heart, my hands are empty, but if You will take me, just me, I will be Yohr boy. Go where You want me to go; do what You want me to do, and be what You want me to be. I give myself to Thee forever! It is the only gift I have to bring.’ O, pastor! I am so happy! O, so happy! Will you take me and train me so I can go forth and tell the glad news of Jesus and His love, and be used of God to win others? I want to be a missionary like you." Jesus, take this heart of mine, Make it pure, and wholly Thine; Thou has bled and died for me, I will henceforth live for Thee. —E. M. H. ¿lie, m THE EARTHLY JUDGE VS. THE HEAVENLY JUDGE Seattle.—Superior Judge Ronald, who is trying William McMahon and Edward J. Devlin here for robbery and first degree murder, declared today
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