T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
December 1926
agree with him that the true test of a religion is the service which it ren ders mankind. But Christianity is the only one which meets this test, namely, meeting the needs and satisfying the longings and yearnings of the human soul. $ The growth of religious varieties is marvellous, but they are all from the ground. There is but one from the skies and it budB and blooms the year around.
cially It is known as a Congress of Religions. Every religion makes a demon stration of what service it has done for mankind. Rivalry for service is the only rivalry worthy of religions. They deny their sacred characters when they regard the people of other religions as enemies to be persecuted or as err ing brothers to be converted. According to the author’s conception the test of religion is its service to mankind. All religions are to be con sidered in the same category. We
TIME FOR PATRIOTIC ACTION The wholesale abuse of every phase o f our government—the studied mis representation of acts for our security —the empty criticism of the Supreme Court—the constant appeal to class- consciousness and with it the amuse ment of hatred—the denunciation of patriotic efforts to uphold the stand ards under which the United States has attained its high rank of world influ- ence — are outstanding features of radical writers and speakers. They condemn everything connected with our system of laws and every principle which has entered into our National history. With ridicule, they demand that we discard all that is, and substitute a Soviet scheme of govern ment. Its naked materialism, repudi ating National loyalty, parental con trol, self-restraint, religious beliefs and rightful conduct, has bewildered many. If this government were guilty of a tithe of the monstrous infamies charged by these revolutionaries, it would have disintegrated long ago. If these black charges were remotely true, the United States would be an intolerable land in which to live. If, then, they be not true, every patriotic qense of self-respect should brand them not only as malicious but should urge every legal means to pre vent their perpetrators from broad casting the mental poison which seeks to undermine the foundation of our National peace and safety. — Better America Federation. M The whale rejoiced to receive Jonah as a lodger, but when Jonah prayed out loud all night, the whale threw him out for good. ¿Ate. M THE MEETING OF THE ORIENT AND OCCIDENT IN PALESTINE Note the following account as given by Dr. Mead, United States Reclama tion Commissioner, as is reported in “B’nai B’rith” : There is inspiration in the report of an unbiased observer—Dr, Elwood Mead, United States Reclamation Com missioner—on the revival of agricul ture in Palestine. Along a road in Palestine one comes upon a primitive settlement where, with a crooked stick, the Arab plows the soil as In the time of Boaz. ‘‘Then,'* says Dr. Mead, “around a bend in the highway one comes on farms and houses and livestock that might be a part of a new settlement In the United States, Austria or South Africa. This new and modern development is always Jewish.” <414. _______ m CONGRESS OF RELIGIONS The International Exposition in Philadelphia celebrating the 150th An niversary of the Declaration of Inde pendence, includes what might be called an exhibition of religion. Offi SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This to being done in Africa, Chine, indie, by Native Evangeliets and Bible W om en who are being supported for from 80c to $2.00 a week, 440 to *100 for a year. Write „ ...... Rev, H. A. Barton, Secy., Bo« B, 479 Greene Ave.. Brooklyn. N. Y.. for free literature.
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