King's Business - 1926-12


D i THE GOLVEM WEST A SCHOOL OF STUDY AND TRAINING L O S ^ I N G g L g S , Q A J A F _ O ^ X l A Libraries to meet all wishes and needs LO S A N G E L E S P R E S E N T S IM M E D IA T E L Y Home and Foreign Mission Fields challenging the Student’s Best. TH E B IB LE IN S T IT U T E is located in the very heart of this metropolis. A STAGGER ING CHALLENGE : To every Christian young person. One thousand million lie down nightly without any knowledge of our Lord and Saviour. Fields white to the harvest. Laborers pitifully few. Total Foreign Missionary force throughout the world 29 , 188 . In the United States one Protestant Minister to every 625 people. In China alone, one missionary to 471 , 253 . How many will perish before you can reach them? THINK! Climate Unbeatable : Opportunitie» Unparalleled : Churches, Schools, Colleges :








THE SCHOOL: Interdenominational, over 30 denominations represented in student body. Inter* national, 30 countries have sent young men and women to us. Trains for all phases o f Christian work— pastors, .teachers, evangelists, missionaries, singers, musicians, religious work directors. More than 1,900 students at present in day, evening and correspondence schools. Regular course two years; pastor's course three years. TH E F A C U L T Y : Holding strictly to the essentials of Christianity. A ll members of evangelical churches, thoroughly fitted by long experience, knowledge of requirements and methods necessary for effective Christian work, loyally cooperating with local churches, aided by world's greatest Bible teachers. THE EQU IPM EN T : Fire-proof buildings, thirteen stories, adjoining new C ity Library. Over 600 private rooms with steam heat, hot,and cold running water, Lecture Halls, Class Rooms, Book

Store, Dining Room, Printing Department, Auditorium seating 4,000. TH E COST: Tuition free. Board and room $8.50 per week. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED


W rite

ExtensionDepar tment , BibleInstituteof LosAngeles 536-558 SOUTH HOPE STREET


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