King's Business - 1926-12



K I N G ’ S


December 1926

Scripture Text Christmas andNew Year Greeting Cards A t no other time of the year are we so in need of the right way to inexpensively show our friend* and ac­ quaintance* our appreciation of them, a* at the season of Christ’s Birthday. O ften the cards we find are trivial and far from conveying the sweetness of the real Lhrist- mas spirit. Ours are different— selected particularly lor the use of Christian people. This year's cards are beautiful in design— mostly new— very few having been used before. Let us Supply Your Greeting Cards! Tell us the general style and sire and some of your fav­ orite quotations,^ and we will gladly make appropriate selections for you. Priced from 2 for Sc to 50c each. Boxes of a Dozen Cards You may have assorted cards in boxes of 12— some have floral designs— some are engraved— some are imported. Prices 35c 50c 75c and (1 .0 0 t Scripture T ex t Christmas and New Year Post Cards 25c per dozen $1.25 per hundred Assorted Designs if Desired Scripture Text Mottoes and Wall Cards O ur line of Scripture Mottoes and Wall Cards is famous for its attractive completeness. Gold and Silver embiwsed letters on Blue, Purple, Green and Maroon. Otha»a— floral designs. * , , , Tell us how much you wish to spend and how many mottoes you hope to get for the money. In this WBy we can serve you acceptably. Price 5c to (1*50 FRAMED MOTTOES BEAUTIFUL OFFSET COLOR REPRODUCTIONS These mottoes are superfine. Artistic skill from the a rt­ ist’s brush and pen to the reproduction and the frame is displayed. This line will be appreciated by those folk whose sense of taste for “ fine” things is developed to a high degree. We take a great deal of pride in presenting them. . These mottoes ere made of the best of material and represent something that is really worthy as a gift to your good friend. They come in frame with glass. Sixe 9x13 inches. The'subjects are: My Craee Is Sufficient for Thee AO Things Work Together for Good to them th at Love God

The Promised Land and the People (Continued from page 712)

Land are now in their possession, and every kind ot develop­ ment is going on in the three divisions of the Holy Land,— Judea, Samaria, and .Galilee; more than 110 Colonies have been started, and it is wonderful how, instead of the land eating them up with malaria and “spueing them out,” they have been having a most remarkably low percentage of death rate (unique it seems even for their race), in their native land. The change in Jerusalem itself, in Jaffa, in Haifa, and even in ancient Acre, that the coming Jew is making, is most marked. Why is this happening? “Because for because” says Jehovah GOD (verse 3, margin),*1Ye are become an Infamy of the people.” He cannot forget His mercy to Abraham, which is truth, for Jacob, the reproach, of verses 15 and 30, shall be removed for ever, Praise the Lord. “Jerusalem," said the great Jewish poet, Jehuda Halevy, “is the heart of all nations," and "the diseased heart too,” he added, but the Lord will give her a new heart, and a new spirit, and He surely will do it soon, but for this thing He will be enquired of by the House of Israel to do it for them. How can that come about? It will be when the Redeemer comes to Zion and turns away ungod­ liness from Jacob, when the spirit of grace and supplication is poured out upon them, and they look on Him whom they have pierced—and every day brings that nearer. As we see the outward change, we are sure the inward change shall certainly come, and we must more consistently than ever cry, “O Jehovah, save Thy people, the remnant of Israel.” "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall pros­ per that love thee.” F o r this same Je su s soon w ill come again W ith light o f day, clear shining a fte r ram . O nly until H e come, sh all p artin gs su n d e r; O nly until H e come, shall g r ie fs d istre ss; O nly until H e come, shall sad h earts w onder W h y such “ stran ge things” oppress ;# O n ly until H e come—then all made plain,^ T ru st thro’ the little while o f loss and pain. U n til H e com e! O ft as H is loved ones gath er “ T o show H is death,” rem em bering th eir Lord, R isen, ascended, crowned by G od the F ath er, T h e y tell forth that glad w ord— * " Je s u s w ill com e !” th eir B rid e g ro om -K in g to re ig n : Jo in in the A dvent-song—H e comes againI Oh, let each h eart aw ake, w ith hope replying, “ E ve n so come, L o rd Je su s, quickly come ; T h e lon g-draw n ages fo r that d ay a re sighm g, W hen J o y shouts “ H arv e st H om e !” In to the shadow s o f the w o rld ’s d a rk night Come, O Thou King of Love, Thou Lord of Light! — J . H . S . May be had »• a card ( la. 2d. par dot. post tn t) torn Hemm el & Son», Langport. Som. Pickering fc Ingli», 14» Paternoster Row. AN ADVENT HYMN "I will come again” (Jo h n 14 : 3 ) . U n til H e com e! E ach A d ven t season bringeth A h erald ’s tidings o f H is su re re tu rn ; A n d thro’ night’s gloom the m orning chime out-rm geth, M akin g o u r hearts to b u rn ;

Psalm 91 «1, 2« 4 Psalm 100:2-4 Psalm 91:9-l I Psalm 23 John 14:1-9 Eph. 9:20 I Peter 5:7 Mark 10:27 Price $1.50 each

Prayer Changes Things Ju st For Today (Poem) i a i r t un w . He Is Able to do Exceeding Abundantly Above aU We Ask or Think Jesus« Saviour« Pilot Me

CELLULOID BOOK MARKS A ttractively decorated with the Beatitudes, the Lord s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, o r the Books of the Bible. Be each, 2 for l i e If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C* O. D B I O L A B O OK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal._______

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