December 1926
THE - K I N G ’ S
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LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS---------- - T h iH book* will malt* splendid presents
“THE MARK OF THE BEAST“ (Continued from page 720)
B io la “ B est” Books Helpful books with a message for every day in the year Many Mansions Sermons on the Future Life By John MacNeill The author in this timely volum e has made a monumental contribution to the Christian doctrine o f immortality. H is point o f view is Scriptural and his reasoning both reverent and co n vincing. Some o f the twelve chapter headings are “ Is There A Future L ife ?” “ Where are the D ead?” “ Is there a R eckoning? " “ W hat and Where is H eaven?” Cloth $1.60 By T. C. Horton and Charles E. Hurlburt Who would have thought that three hundred and sixty- five names and titles of our Lord could be found in the Bible—one for every day in thè year) But the authors of this edifying volume have done this, and have added meditations on each one. Biblical selections are well chosen, and the reflections on them bring one close to the heart of the Saviour. This unique and helpful volume might be called a handbook for daily worship and medi tation. Cloth $1.50 God’s Best Secrets By Andrew Murray ( If there ever was a man since the days of the Apostle Paul who has dwelt in the secret place of the Most High where he could and did learn Cod's Best Secrets, that man was Andrew Murray. And he is giving us eight of these best secrets in this book,—The secret of Adoration, The Secret of the Abiding Presence, The Faith Life, The Secret of Fellowship, The Secret of Inspiration, The Secret of Intercession, and the Secret of United Prayer. Written in the last days of his long and useful life, this book brings his very last word to the Christian Church. The book is made up of eight sections, each containing thirty-one short chapters. Each chapter has a scripture heading so that it is particularly helpful when used for daily meditation. Cloth $2.00 The Revival at Broad Lane By Kate Drew A book of arresting power—one filled with a blessing for every reader. "To both the unconverted and the con verted, this graphic record will be a message from Heaven.” John Marsh, of London, the chief character of the story, will win your interest in those things which were so vital to him and which changed the church a t Broad Lane. Read what Margaret Bingham had to do with it all. You will be grateful to us for suggesting this story. Cloth $1.75 The World’s Greatest Need By T. E. H. Jones Tells the old, old story of salvation through faith in Christ Jesus but tells it in an entirely new way. The questions dealt with are of vital interest to every human being. Their treatment is illuminating, enthralling, per suading. All through, this volume tingles with spiritual fervour and strong, sound common sense. It fascinates and fills with reverent delight. Each chapter teems with telling illustrations, and compels you to read on to the last word. There is not a dull page in it. Just the book you need to put into the hands of intellectual unbelievers. Cloth $2.00 If money does not accompany order, goods will bo sent C. O. D. If books are to come by mall add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O OK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. The Wonderful Names of Our Wonderful Lord
w ill be able to trade w ithout bearing ‘the mark o f the B ea st.’ ” “ Some new indication that w a y ? " asked Ralph. “ I think s o ," B arin g returned. “ You remember that I told you that previous to the tak ing aw ay o f the Church, the vessels of my firm had been ten tatively chartered fo r the transport o f the various parts of the Temple to Jeru salem . Today, the negotiations have been quashed by those who had previously approached u s.” “ F o r what re a so n ?" asked Ralph. “ They gave no reason ," B arin g went on; “ but I have not the sligh test doubt, m yself, that the real reason is th is: that I have, of late, continually spoken w arn ingly again st A n tich rist." “But how could that be known in circles purely Anti* Christ?" Ralph’s tones were eager; hiB eyes, too, were filled with a puzzled expression. “ You know ," B arin g returned, “ what we were speaking of the other night, that now that the devil and his angels had been cast down from the air, they are (though invisible) yet actively engaged a ll about us on the e a rth ? " Ralph nodded assent. “ I believe, I am sure, they are everywhere p resen t." B arin g smiled a little sad ly as he added, his eyes sweeping the room in a sw ift, comprehensive w ay: “ There may be, there probably is, one or more present in th is room at this moment, their object espionage. They have doubtless been present when I have Bpoken again st Antichrist, and-------” “ Yes, but th is shipping matter of which you spoke, Bob, is a Jew ish a ffa ir," interrupted B astin , adding: “ F o r I presume, since the cargoes would be composed of -the Temple parts, that it would be financed by Jew ish capi* talists, religion ists, or what not? How then would An ti ch rist have anything to do w ith it ? " Slow ly, deliberately, almost solemnly B aring replied: “ Lucien Apleon is a J e w ! " Bastin started sharply. Some idea of what his friend meant flashed upon him. “ Lucien A p leon !” he cried hoarsely. " B u t what—.---- ’’ B arin g broke in w ith : “ I believe that Lucien Apleon w ill presently be revealed as the Antichrist, and-------” The conversation had been going on in R a lph ’s editorial office. It was now interrupted by a startling call over the tape-w ire, and B aring , suddenly realizing the hour, took a hurried temporary farew ell o f his friend. An hour late r Ralph was seated at h is table penning the “ Prophet’s Chair” column for the next morning's issue of his paper. It was only natural, under the new order o f life and thought that prevailed, that a daily paper, conducted on the lines o f the “ C ou rier," should drop heavily in circu lation. The "C ou rie r” had so dropped, though it still paid to issue it. “ My enemies, the enemies of God and of righ teou sness," he murmured, as he took up his “ Foun tain ” (he preferred a pen to a typ ew rite r), “ are, I am inclined to believe, the ch ief purchasers o f the paper now, and they only buy it to see what I say from the ‘Prophet’s Chair.’ " F o r a moment, as was now his invariable custom before beginning his daily message, he bowed his head and prayed fo r wisdom to w rite God’s mind. When next he lifted his head, and put pen to paper, he
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