King's Business - 1926-12



K I N G ’ S


December 1926

wrote with great rapidity, and without an instant's hesita­ tion: "Resuming the subject of which we wrote yesterday, we tried to show from Revelation 12, that the teaching was this, that, full of rage because of his casting out from the heavens, Satan, the great Dragon, the old Serpent, deter­ mined to destroy all lovers of God that were yet found among mortals. But even Satan himself is a spirit, and ‘cannot operate in the affairs of the world except through the minds, passions and activities .of men:’ He needs to embody himself in earthly agents, and to put himself forth in earthly organisms, in order to accomplish his murderous will. “Through this wonderful Revelation of God to John, God makes known to us what th at organism is, and how the agency and the dom ination of the enraged Dragon will be exerted in acting out his blasphem ies, deceits, and bloo'dy spite. The sub ject is not a pleasan t one, but it is an impor­ tan t one. It also has featu res so startling and extrao rd inary th at many m ay think it but a wild and foolish dream. Nevertheless it is imperative that we should a ll look a t it, and understand it. God has eviden tly set it out fo r us to learn and know Just how things will eventually turn out.* "John, ‘in the Sp irit,’ finds h im self stationed on the sands of the sea —the same great sea upon which Daniel beheld the winds striving in their fury. He beholds a mon­ strous B e a st rising out o f the troubled elements. He sees horns emerging, and the number o f them is ten, and on each horn a diadem. He sees the heads which bear the horns, and these heads are seven, and on the heads are names of blasphemy. Presently the whole figure of the monster is before him. Its appearance is lik e a leopard o r panther, but its feet are the feet of a bear, and Its month as the mouth of a lion. He saw also that the Beast had a throne, and power, and great authority. One of his heads showed marks of having been fatally wounded and slain, but the death- stroke was healed. "He saw also the whole earth wondering after the Beast, amazed at his majesty and power, exclaiming at the impossi­ bility of withstanding it, and celebrating its superiority to everything. He beheld, and the Beast was speaking great and blasphemous things against God, blaspheming His name, His tabernacle! even them that tabernacle in the Heaven (the translated saints), assailing and overcoming the saints on the earth, and wielding authority over ev ery tribe, and people, and tongue, and nation. He saw also that all the dwellers on earth, whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain, did worship this Beast. And for forty-two months the monster holds its place and enacts its resistless will. “This is the picture! What are we to make of it? What does it mean? How are we to understand it? It would seem to be a symbolic presentation of the political sover­ eignty of this world at the final crisis. "The Beast has horns, and horns represent power. On these horns are diadems, and diadems are the emblems of regal dominion. The Beast is said to possess power, a throne, and great authority. He makes war. He exercises dominion over all tribes, and peoples, and tongues, and nations. He is a monstrous Beast, Including in his compo­ sition the four beasts of Daniel. "From the interpreting angel we know that Daniel’s four beasts denoted ‘four kingdom^’ that arose upon the earth. The identification thus becomes complete and unmistakable, that this monstrous Beast is meant to set before us an image of earthly sovereignty and dominion. And if any “The Apocalypse," by. Joseph A. Sells, D.D., p. 401. Biota Book Room, Los Angeles, Calif.

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