December 1926
K I N G ’ S
consecrated themselves to soul-saving service, many o f whom were afterwards found in the pastorates of some of the leading churches and in Association work. In fact, without doubt, more men are in the ministry today through the influence of Dr. Munhall than that of any other man now living. _ ' But the devil was neither dead or even asleep. He was aroused to action and, step by step, we have been able to watch his influence in the steady decline in schools and churches. So-called intellectuality took the place of spirituality. A chill was wafted in, the freeze was on, and icicles began to hang around the church walls. The Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. were unable to withstand the tide and, as a result, millions of conse crated gifts to these institutions, intended for soul saving work, are now being used for merely social service and the betterment o f the body, but one listens in vain for the ringing of the joy bells over souls newborn. It was with these conditions in mind that the Bible Institute of Los Angeles was organized upon a Biblical foundation which CAN NEVER BE CHANGED, for it is embodied in a statement of doctrine (of which we are giving herewith a brief synopsis), which must be signed every year by every member of the Faculty, the Board of Directors and Department Heads: The Trinity of the Godhead. The Deity of the Christ. The Personality of the Holy Ghost, The Supernatural and Plenary authority of the Holy Scriptures. The Unity in Diversity of the Church, the Body and Bride of Christ. The doctrine of the premillennial coming of Christ, the “ Blessed Hope” of the church, has dominated the writer’s life for fifty years, as it dominated the life o f Mr. Lyman Stewart, the first President of the Institute, whose gracious and generous gifts made it possible. It was this doctrine, also, which influenced Mr. Milton Stewart in giving largely to its work, as well as hun dreds of other donors, who were assured that here was an institution which was set upon an unchangeable foundation for the defense of the faith. These gave of their means and the writer gave of his life-blood to found a school where men and women could become rooted and grounded in the Word o f God that they might go out to seek and save the lost. In logical course of development there were also organ ized from time to time the many activities and depart ments as found in the Institute today,—evangelistic work among the Jews (remember the Scriptural injunction “ To the Jew first” ) ; the Spanish-speaking people; the shops and factories; the seamen in our harbors; the down town mission for men, known as “ Biola H a ll” ; the twenty-five Bible Women with their wonderful work for women,—including Bible Classes, Lyceum-Eteri Clubs (for business women), Euodia Clubs (for High School girls), etc.; and the splendid The Substitutionary Atonement. The Necessity o f the New Birth. The Maintenance of Good Works. The Second Coming of Christ. The Everlasting Existence of the Spirit. The Resurrection o f the Body. The Life Everlasting of Believers. The Endless Punishment of the Impenitent. The Reality and Personality of Satan.
Watch, Miriam, watch! the babe is in thy care; Pharaoh seeks his life: go thou to God in prayer. Watch, Miriam, watch, this child exceeding fa ir; Love hath made the ark, and faith hath placed him there. Watch, Miriam, watch, Pharaoh’s daughter draweth nigh, The mother heart may hearken unto the baby’s cry. Watch, Miriam, watch! Watch, Mary, watch! the Babe is in thy care; By Him will God deliver, this Child exceeding fair. Watch, Mary, watch, the Holy Child is sleeping; Though Herod seek His life, God is safely keeping. Watch, Mary, watch, go now to Pharaoh’s land, The Child is safe from Herod, and in the Father’s hand. Watch, Mary, watch! —T. T. H. early experiences which were the means used by God to produce those convictions which formed the basis upon which the Bible Institute of Los Angeles was founded and which have, logically, found expression, through the pages of this magazine,—the official organ of the Institute. When he came to Los Angeles in 1906 he left behind him twenty-eight years of active service for the Lord in which he had the privilege of studying Christian work in its various phases, preceded byjtwelve years of business life which had enabled him toSningle with men in all walks of life. It was in the early day's of the Y. M. C. A., when but few Associations had as yet been organized, that a com mittee of business men gave him a call to become Sec retary o f the Indianapolis “ Y .” To accept meant the giving up of a successful business career, with large compensation (for those d a y s ), for a much smaller salary. The test was a real trial of faith and decided the trend of his future life and service. In those good old days every “ Y ” secretary laid out his own program. The work was new. Soul sav ing was the appeal and purpose of the services. Meet ings were held day and night, in the rooms, on the streets, in the parks, jails, hospitals and churches. Pastors were in happy accord. The old Gospel and the whole Gospel was given out, and a refreshing atmosphere of real revival prevailed. We believed men were lost. Men themselves believed they were lost, and many of them broke down, bowed the knee and confessed Christ as Saviour and Lord. Then, too, business men were “ on the job ’’ and preached in many of the churches, some of them responding to the call for full-time service, such as Dr. L. W. Munhall, that valiant Methodist warrior, now over eighty years of age and still on the firing line, who was promoted from presiding over a den tist’s chair to the pulpit and later commenced a world-wide evangelism. Schools, seminaries and universities were open for his message; students rallied to the cross and
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