King's Business - 1926-12

December 1926


K I N G ’ S



LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS TbaM books will mako splendid presents

fu rther evidence o f th is is demanded, It may be abundantly found in Rev. 1 7 : 9 -17 , where the same B east is fu rther described, and the ten horns are Interpreted to be ‘ten k ings.’ “ Th is B east is therefore the embodiment o f th is world’s political sovereign ty in its last phase, in the la st years of its existence. D an iel’s beasts were successive empires, the Babylonian, the Medo-Persian, the Oraeco-Macedonlan, and the Roman. Bu t the lion,- the bear, the leopard, and the nameless ten-horned monster, each distinct in Daniel, are all united in one in Revelation. “ Th is B east appears to be, undoubtedly, an Individual adm inistration, embodied in one particu lar man. Though upheld by ten kings or governments, they unite in making the B east the one sole Arch Regent o f their time. “ Thus he— the Beast, the Antichrist— gets a grip o f the nations, who w illingly submit to his rule, being under the spirit of delusion, 'believing the lie’ o f the Antichrist. “ A lready we see that th is confederacy of nations is being called into an almost sudden existence. The seers o f our nation, before this strange order o f things that has arisen in our midst, since the tak ing aw ay o f the church, were wont to say o f certain political changes— ‘at the back of a ll the known forces that have helped to bring so-and-so to pass, there almost seems to have been some unseen, unknown Master-mind at work.* ' “ ’T is so now, and the startlin g events that are follow ing each other so rapidly are the product of a master-mind, the ‘Man o f B in ,’ Antichrist, the B east who has been energized by Satan, the Old Dragon, who though he has not yet .avowed h im self, may be expected to do so any day o r hour now. “ It w ill h ard ly be news to any one who reads th is column regu larly, that the building of the Temple which is to be reared in Jeru salem by the Jew s , who have larg ely returned to the ‘Prom ised land ’ in unbelief, is being pushed on w ith the utmost celerity. The fact that fo r some years previous to the Translation o f the Church a ll its parts, made to perfect scale, were prepared and fitted, enables the builders to erect th is wonderful structure w ith almost magical speed. “ Simultaneously with this work, there have ju st appeared in Jeru salem two rem arkable men, who would appear to be Enoch and E lija h o f old. These men are w itnesses fo r God,s and are testifying again st Antichrist. “ We say that these men would appear to be Enoch and E lijah , and not Moses and E lijah , as Borne, in the old days before the Rapture, had supposed. The allusion to water turned to blood, in the eleventh chapter o f Revelation (which treats of God's two w itnesses), very probably led some w riters to connect the first of the two w itnesses with Moses— since Moses turned water into blood. “ The main point o f identification, we think, in the case o f these two w itnesses lies, however, In the fact that since it is appointed unto men once to die, the two w itnesses must needs be men who have never passed through mortal death. Moses did die, hence it seems to us that he was disqualified from being one o f the two w itnesses, both o f whom have presently to pass through mortal death in the streets of Je ru sa lem . Now Enoch and E lija h did not pass through mortal death, hence we believe the event w ill prove that these two w itnesses are Enoch and E lijah . “ Each day that we pen th is particu lar column we are conscious that it may be the last we shall pen, hence our anxiety to warn a ll ou r readers again st the Antichrist, and his lie— the strong delusion o f 2 Thessalonians 2 : 1 2 . ” F o r a few moments longer Ralph wrote on in th is strain , then, ju st as he had completed the last sentence, his special

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