T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
December 1926
Tape-wire rang him up. He summoned Charley to carry his MS. sheets to the composing room. With a word to his secretary (who was divided from him by one thickness of wall only, communication being by a ’phone), he turned to his Tape. CHAPTER V. CRUEL AS THE GRAVE! UCIEN APLEON’S eyes held the cold, cruel malig nity of a snake. His brows were cold, straight, unruffled. His smile held the polishes brutality of the most Mephlstophelian Mephlstopheles. Judith Apleon knelt at his feet, her beautiful face work ing painfully. A smile as cruel as his mouth crept into his eyes as he noted her grovelling, as he watched the anguish in her face. She shuddered as she saw th at sm ile creep into h is eyes. She had seen it before—more than once. The 'first time had been among the glorious mountains of her beautiful Hun-
— '------ LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS = = = = = T h an books will mmks splendid prossots “ B est” Books to help young people have a good time All the books listed below by Edna Geister serve special purposes, and are prepared by one who is p ro fessionally an advisor and director of recreation.
Let’« Play
The Fun Book
By Edna Geister T h i s book is for children and their mothers who will appreciate the 223 games and stunts which a r e described. Teachers of Juniors and P r i mary grades will rejoice to own this helpful book. Cloth $1.28
Bjr Edna Geister G i v e s stunts for every month of the year for young people. Large or email crowds can find in this book the very plan for their young people's gatherings. It is an unusually attractive volume. Cloth $1.28
Ice Breakers and the Ice Breaker Herself By Edna Geister Many consider this the best book a hostess can secure. It shows her how to make people have a good tipie and how to be comfortable in so doing. Everything is so thoughtfully and humorously presented that you will save yourself much unnecessary effort by owning this book. Cloth $1.25
What Shall We Play? By Edna Geister A breezy s t o r y Involving fifty games for children—quiet and noisy. Indoors and out. Cleverly illustrated. An excel lent gift to a mother. Cloth Jacket in covers $2.00
It Is To Laugh By Edna Gsistsr The N ew York Evening Post says: "Full of ideas for entertainment on a large scale, especially strong on promoting mixing." . . . We need to laugh more. Let this book help you. Cloth $1.28
Games for All Occasions
By Mary E. Blain Here you have more than two hundred pages of games for adults, for children and for special occasions. You will find this exceedingly helpful in entertaining your class, or your “crowd." Cloth $1.00 “Best” Biblical Card Games for Young Folks and Children Fathers and Mothers are often a t their wits end to. know what to do for and with the younger members of the family during the long w inter evenings. Reading good Biola books is alright, but when the youngsters get tired of reading something else has to be provided and here is where these Biblical Card Games coma in good. Bible Boys ---------------— -— -------- ---------—............... 80« Daughters of the Bible------------------ ------------ ----------- SO* Old Testament Game ............ ............ ———.......— —35c New Testament Came ............................ *-------------------35c “Bible Characters”— Interesting facto about Bible People — ..... — --------------— -.......-M s "Bible Cities"—An illustrated “Author” Game about Bible Cities and events that occurred in them _____»--------------—----- .....— - — — -------25c “Bible A. B. C /a "— Study and fun for all ages....»...... 25c “Bible Books”—Teaching Order, Contents, and Divisions of the Books....»....»— »».»»..._........88a "Commandments and Beatitudes. For memorizing and study.....»■»—......... - ............. ..Big
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B I O L A B OOK R OOM Bible Institute, Log Angeles, CaL
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