King's Business - 1926-12

December 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


------------- LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS-------------- These books will make splendid presents “ B est” Books For Your Sunday School Teacher Guiding Boys Over Fool Hill By A. H. McKinney The Men’s Class in Action

garian home. An old peasant woman, with the reputation of a witch, had scowled upon him, and had uttered a curse on him. The spot where the three had met was in a lonely pass. At the utterance of the curse he had cut the poor old hag down, with one fierce slash of his heavy riding whip. She had howled for mercy, and for reply he flogged the poor frail old prostrate form until life had fled; then, with a lifting spurn of his foot, he had hurled the body over the edge of that mountain pass, into the unknown depths of the ravine beyond. And all the time his eyes had smiled, as they smiled now—and Judith shuddered, for the smile was as cruel as the grave, and was a reflection of Hell. She knew the diabolical cruelty which lay hidden behind that smile, and remembering tbe fate of those upon whom he had bent that smile, she sickened with a shuddering fear o f her own life. They had quarreled; that is to say she had tried to thwart him in a trifling thing. She herself hardly realized what he was, or the power he possessed. “Lucien,” and her voice shook with the agony which filled her, with the fear that had her in its shuddering grip. "Lucien, don’t look like that at me." With an affrighted scream she cried: "Don’t! Don’t! Lucien! No one on whom I ever saw you look, as you look now, ever lived an hour, and------ .” His gaze of diabolical hate hypnotized her. She wanted to take her eyes from his, but could not. He made her no audible reply. He only smiled on. A faint cry, like the low scream of a terrified coney, escaped her. Her face paled until it was like the grey-white of a corpse. "Spare me, Lucien, spare me----- She would have said more, but the chill of his hellish smile froze the words upon her lips. He never once changed his attitude. His left elbow rested on the corner of the mantel, the fingers of his right hand played with the gold watch-guard he wore. A full minute elapsed, then with a cry of passionhte, painful entreaty, she lifted her beautiful clasped hands, and wringing them in agony, cried: "Lucien—Luoien— .” Then a sob choked her. For another long minute there was a tomb-like silence. He never moved a muscle of his face. The chill of the smile in his eyes deepened, and seemed, as it was bent upon her, to numb her faculties. Her whole frame seemed to wilt under the ice of his smile. She shivered with the concentrated ’■hate his eyes expressed. Lower and lower she crouched at his feet. And as he saw her wilt and shiver the smile of Hell deepened in his cruel eyes. Suddenly he spoke. The words were uttered In dulcet tones. But their meaning had, to her, the sentence of death, as softly, calmly there fell from his lips:— "I have no further need of you! You are in my way!" For one instant her eyes remained fixed upon his face. Then slowly her limbs relaxed, her body swayed lightly forward, and sank rather than fell upon the thick pile of the carpet. With a low, mocking laugh Lucien Apleon turned away from the dead form. But before he passed out of the room he did a curious thing. A Bible rested on one of the shelves of the room. He took the volume from its place, opened It at the 13th of Revelation, and taking a pen, he

By F. Harvey Morse In this day when the adult Bible class and men's organ­ izations are such an important factor in the Sunday School, this book will be especially valuable in helping to solve the problem s as well as to develop the greatest efficiency of older classes. In addition to the chapters upon Organization, the Teacher, and the Curricu­ lum, there are some excellent suggestions regarding c l a s s prom otion, class finances and class socials. It should prove an excellent text-b ook for every teacher and officer o f a men's class. Cloth $1.50 The Ideal Adult Class in the Sunday School By Amos Wells This book is a little en cy­ clopedia o f the adult class containing the largest and m ost com plete manual o f prin­ ciples ana methods. It will tell you everything you want to know about the adult Bible class. Cloth 75c

Dr. McKinney writes out of forty years of intimate ac­ quaintance with boys of all kinds, on the difficulties and even dangers which surround boys approaching maturity, discusses, too, the boy's view­ point, and frankly indicates now and why teachers and preachers, ana even parents, so often fail in their efforts to induce him to accept wis­ dom and guidance. Thè book also contains some valuable suggestions as to how boys should be dealt with when a r­ riving a t a period of definite religious awakening. ' Cloth $1.50 New Life for the Young People’s Bible Class By Henrietta Heron This book is the outcome of careful thought and experience. The author takes up every phase of class work, and the plans she suggests, if carried out, are bound to put new life into any class. Cloth 75c

A Top Notch Teacher

By A. H. McKinney Teachers in Sunday S chool will find this inspiring. Many books on methods of teaching have been published in the last few years. Indeed such helps are com ing from the press in astonishingly large numbers. Most o f them are good. This book differs from the mass in being devoted to the teacher himself. The matters treated are personality and the qualities which make for the teacher's personal influence on his class. The treatment is such as will help those who love the work o f religious education. Cloth $1.50

How Can I Lead My Pupils to Christ By Edward Leigh Pell "Dr. Pell sets forth the wis­ dom, qualifications, steps and methods necessary. Best o f all it is not simply a book of plans but rather o f inspiration. It reads like a romance and it cannot fail to inspire. One feels like shaking hands with the author and thanking him face to face for the book. It is sound, sane and timely.'* Cloth $1.00

The Use of the Story in Religious Education .. By Margaret W . Eggleston .. In this remarkable book a great artist lets the audience behind the screens and shows how they too, may becom e masters o f the art o f story telling. The, author says, “ I have written this book b e ­ cause 1 have longed to help teachers a n d workers with boys and girls in R eligious Education. It is for those who are eager to know 'How'." Cloth $1.50

The Rand-McNally Bible Atlas Maps, Plans, Charts, Diagrams, Views By J . L. Hurlburt, D. D. Introduction by J. H. Vincent» D.D. The dramatic stories o f the Old Testament and the beautiful narrative of the New Testament, as here retold and illustrated by both maps and pictures, make a manual of biblical geography and history o f great interest and value to the students and teachers of the Bible. There are 53 large interesting views of the Bible land, its cities, and people, while the maps alone, 67 In number, make the volume desirable. The book contains a complete index, making in all a volume o f 158 pages. Cloth $3.50 If monev does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. If goods are to come by mail add 10% for postage.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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