King's Business - 1926-12


December 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

dipped it into the red ink, and ran a red line around the 15th verse of the chapter. A moment later he had passed from the room. The verse he had red-scored read: “fie had power to give life unto the image of the Beast, that the image of the Beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.'’ No wonder that Lucien Apleon smiled. For if presently, he was going to cause the image of the Beast to cause death to those who defied him, how much more could he himself strike dead by the power of the Satanic energy given to him. Judith Apleon’s body was conveyed to the crematorium and consumed. A doctor had certified heart-disease; there' was no inquest. Lucien did not attend the funeral. The whole affair was carried through by the undertaker. There were no mourners. The Antichrist spirit is marked by “Without natural affection;’’ one could not, therefore, expect Antichrist him­ self to possess any affection. (Continued next month) dl& Al4 m m An appreciation of THE KING'S BUSINESS from a missionary in China : "For some time The King’s Business has been coming here regularly and I wish to express our thanks and appre­ ciation to those responsible for the sending of it. .We enjoy the reading matter, and the notes on the Sunday School Lessons are particularly helpful for our work." Will you send several subscriptions to your missionary friends in various fields?

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T H E L IGH T O F CHR ISTMAS J o s e p h A d d is o n R ic h a r d s

The light was in the sky When men of wisdom following far The leading of the new King’s star, When, following and enquiring too, They found the Babe whose star they knew — The light was in the sky! The light was in the heart When men of wisdom bent the knee, And offered gifts majestically, While all around was naught to see, But little Babe in poverty ,— The light was in the heart! 0 , light that lit the sky, Shine through the story ever new, And guide our steps for worship too; God’s book aglow, points out the way To where the Infant Saviour lay ,-— The light is in the sky! The light is in the heart, When still the unseen things appear, And God in Christ is very near, When stables, throne-rooms can become, And we can say "Thy kingdom come ",— The light is in the heart! New York City.

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