December 1926
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS T h ... books will mako splendid presents
WHY I AM A FUNDAMENTALIST (Continued from page 713)
“ B est” Books
Inspirational Biographies Books that are, sure to please everyone The Personal Life of David Livingstone By W. Garden Blaikie, D.D. “The Marechale” By James Strahan
He believes that the past conditions the present—and the present, the future. He insists that while there are many things of a transient and more or less non-essential nature, there are certain elements that have originated in the past and are so germinal that they cannot be discarded without denaturing the organism. When I was a mere boy, my father taught me that there were six mechanical principles, and only six, and I have remembered them by the rhyme he gave us: “There are the lever, the pulley, The inclined plane, too; The wheel on its axle, The wedge and the screw.” Will you tell me how far a man would get in building, or in any form of mechanics, who was not Fundamentalist enough to accept these principles and work in accordance with them? You will find the mathematical world full of Fundamen talists. They will tell you that there are certain axioms, self-evident principles, that are at the bottom of all calcu lations. They will insist that the multiplication table is as bright and new as when it was first invented, or discovered; that it does not need any revising, and that one need not be ashamed of believing in it because it dates back even beyond the time of Moses. Many of us are also Fundamentalists in government. We believe that there are foundations in government. One of our axioms is, “Government gets its just rights from the consent of the governed.” OUR CONSTITUTION IS IM PORTANT! Abraham Lincoln was a Fundamentalist in government. He staked everything upon the Constitution. He stated at Gettysburg that we were then “engaged in a conflict to1test whether our nation, or any nation so con stituted, could endure.” That is, whether we would abide by the laws of our own making. Are we not convinced to day that he was right? Are we not as a nation face to face with the problem again? Is not the Eighteenth Amendment testing us? Will we obey our own laws? Will the foundation stand? FOUNDATION FACTS But what are the foundation facts in Christianity? That is the question. They will be, will they not, those which Christianity itself declares to be Fundamental? The fun damentals of the Bible will be what the Bible itself declares to be fundamental and essential. ' Modern Fundamentalists merely stand for those things which the Bible insists upon. It is not hard to find these. The teachings of the Bible concerning itself, concerning God, man, sin and salvation, Christ, His person and His work, are as plain as the day- Ilgfat itself to anyone-who win look into the Bible. It isn’t a question as to what you find In the Bible that causes division, but whether the. things which are found are essen tial to a true faith and to salvation. Fundamentalists are those who declare that the Bible has the right to declare its own foundations; that Chris tianity is what it claims to be, and not something else; that the salvation of the Bible is not subject to the revision of men. But Modernism is gradually and rapidly drifting to the position of postulating as Christianity something which has not the remotest connection with Christ. This seems too
The fascinating recital of the heroic life of Catherine Booth-Gibbon, h e r arduous work and the wonderful re sults on behalf of the Salva tion Army, in the redemption of people in every walk of life in Paris. A truly wonderful biography, not a superflous paragraph in the whole book. Every page will hold you spell bound and as you read you cannot help praising God th at He can and does use womep in His *work of saving souls. Beautifully bound Cloth $1.50 By T. C. Upham A book of real inspiration to those who are seeking to know the. way into a deeper Christian experience. T h i s book will open up to you the possibilities of a life of closer communion a n d fellowship with our Lord and Saviour. Few persons have lived such a wonderful' life as Madame Guyon and this book will do your heart good—it is full of r e a l soul food, stimulating, nourishing, building up. Read it as soon as you possibly can. Cloth $3.00 Fanny Crosby’s Story • f Ninety-four Years By S. Trevana Jackson It represents a re-telling of the original story of her life as it came from her lips. Fanny Crosby loved hymns, loved children, loved the beau tiful in nature, hut above all, she loved her God. All who knew her testified to her un failing cheerfulness. When you read the story of the ninety golden years your heart will be encouraged and your spirit strengthened. Cloth $1.50 Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor This book tells the story of the later years of the China Inland Mission and is a con tinuation of the story begun in "Hudson Taylor in Early Years." It is a marvelous re cord of the growth of a work of God, so marvelous in- fact, th at if we did not know th at it was an absolutely true re cord of events we would be inclined to class it as pure fiction. Cloth $3.00 Hudson Taylor, and the China Inland Mission The Life of Madame Guyon
"The Bookman" says: "After all the years that have inter vened, this book still remains the most complete, authentic and inspired of all the biog raphies of Livingstone." The unusual advantage accorded by the family to Mr. Blaikie alone, to use the unpublished Living stone journals and correspon dence, has given this edition a precedence over all others. Cloth $1.50 The marvellously interesting story of one of India's most remarkable native Christians. His story» ably told by Mrs. Arthur Parker, reads like a book of Apostolic adventure. Paul's perils of waters and of robbers, by his own country men and by the heafhen, in tne city and in the wilderness, were Sundar Singh’s also. Re jected by his family he has be come India’s foremost evan gelist. By all means buy, read and circulate this splendid book. Cloth $1.25 My Life and the Story of the Gospel Hymns By Ira D. Sankey "If ever a man was raised and endowed for a special work by Our Divine Master, th at man was Ira D. Sankey. He introduced a p e c u l i a r style of popular hymns which are calculated to awaken the careless, to melt the hardened, and to inquiring souls, a guide to the Lord Jesus Christ. This book gives the simple story of, the great power of sacred song. Cloth $2.00 Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor Thia book makes no claim to be anything but a timely and grateful r e c o r d of the Lord's dealing with Hudson Taylor in the early years of the China Inland Mission. It is not fiction, though the form in which is comes to us is unusual perhaps, for a bio graphy. it is the faithful story of the growth of a soul in the knowledge and love of Cod. Cloth $3.00 Sadhu Sundar Singh By Mrs. Arthur Parker Hudson Taylor in Early Years
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