December 1926
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
_________ LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS T hu* Bibles will mske splendid presents Amazingly Interesting Books YES— we mean just that— splendid books to read and to enjoy while on your vacation, or at any other time. Mounting up with Wings By Northcote Deck “The Marechale” By James Strahan
and go calmly on with your work, letting him do this, even if he were "such a sweet man"? Old Testament Fundamentalists I will not take time to bring you all the proof that the Bible contains, for the right of Fundamentalists to fight indifference of the faith, for then I would have to read you most of it, but I ask you to point out one prophet.that was not sent to denounce sin, error of doctrine and unright eousness of life? There were prophets among the people who were not Fundamentalists, who preached "Peace, peace, when there was no peace” ; but who were they? Why are not their sermons in the Bible, instead of those of the fighting Jeremiah? Because God did not send them. Read your Bible even with one eye open and you will see that the prophecies of the Bible are the sermons of the Funda mentalists who believed in fighting with all their might. But there is many a church today that would not have one of them as pastor. Do you think that Isaiah or Jeremiah would last very long in a church of today? How would Micah and Amos fare? Would they not be dealt with, as in days of old? New Testament Fundamentalists But come to the New Testament. Jesus was not a fighter, was He? He just preached the Gospel, just healed, just talked nice to people! He never called people hard names! It was always comfortable to be about Him, wasn’t it? Strange how people read their Bibles. They seem to have a blind spot. There are great parts of it that they never see. What was Christ’s attitude towards the Pharisees and the Sadducees, the two great religious groups of the day? Were His “woes,”—blessings? He called Herod "a fox.” He called the Pharisees and Sadducees "hypocrites,” and "whited sepulchres,” and "wolves.” He warned His dis ciples against them. He declared war on them. He did not denounce the sinners, nor those who persecuted Him; but He did believe, in war upon those in the religious group who sought to destroy the faith and bring a curse instead of a blessing up6n men. He taught His apostles so well that they followed the same plan, witnessing to the world, submitting to persecu tion, but fighting those who would pervert the faith. Paul called such "dogs.” John called them “anti-Christs.” John forbade anyone to wish them God-speed or to welcome them into the house. In his second epistle, v. 9, he says: "Who soever goeth onward and abideth not in the teaching of ChriBt hath not God.” The word translated “goeth onward” is the Greek word “Proagon,'” and is the equivalent of the Latin word which we translate "progressive.” . Many of the Modernists have taken to themselves the title "Progressive.” Let them have it. God’s Word states that the "Progressives” who do not abide in the teachings of Christ have not God, and certainly no one would contend that "Progressives” in religion today are abiding in the teachings of Christ, except such of His social teachings as appeal to them. They do not abide in His teachings con cerning Himself; concerning the Old Testament; concerning the inspiration which the apostles were to have, by which they wrote the New Testament; concerning His death and resurrection and coming again and kingdom. They throw aside with scant courtesy even His teachings through His apostles who were called for the very purpose of carrying to the full the things which He could not reveal while on earth. i . BATTLE BOOKS Many of the books of the New Testament were written especially to correct errors of doctrine, and therefore must have been written by Fundamentalists, men who believed
The fascinating recital of the heroic life of Catherine Booth-Clibborn. her arduous work and the wonderful re sults on benalf of the Salva tion Army, in the redemption of people in every walk or life in Paris. A truly wonderful biography, not a superfluous paragraph In the whole book. Every page will hold you spell bound and as you read you cannot help praising God th at He can ana does use women in His Work of saving souls. Cloth $1 JR) From Sunday Morning to Saturday Night For the “Through the Week Girl" Bv Elleanor Vellacott Wood Out of a heart throbbing and burning with love for young people who must be saved from makln* their present into a disturbing past, this little book travailed Itself Into being with real birthpangs. • • • Back of all lies th at wondrous message, “Not by might, nor bv power, but by my Spirit." T*he book is artistically de signed and illustrated and will be a real Inspiration to young women to whom It Is dedi cated. Cloth $1 -50 The title does not imply an Indian interpretation of Christ by the author, who is a widely known missionary and evan gelist In India, but rather an effort to describe how Christ Himself is being separated from organized Christianity and so becoming naturalized in India. “ India has seen a Figure who has attracted her. She has hesitated in regard to any allegiance to Him, for India has thought th at if she took one she would have to take bbth—Christ and W est ern Civilization. Now It Is dawning upon the mind of In dia th at she can have Christ without Western Civilization. That dawning is of tremendous significance to them—and to us." Cloth $1.00 Not Under the Law By Grace Livingston Hill “A romance th at is human and helpfuls th at glows with the warm sweet charm of lov able Joyce Railway—who can nevertheless be firm enough when the occasion warrants." . . . . Darcy Sherwood Justi fies her new tru st in him.— how In the world did he do lt> • • • .You will feel th at Joyce's mercenary relatives are people whom you know. You will enjoy the kindly old judge, and smile a t the snobbish Mrs. Powers. Indeed all the pages are filled with folks you know. Enjoy them as you can. Cloth $2.00 The Christ o l the Indian Road By E. Stanley Jones
Dr. Deck It a missionary In the South Sea Islands. This book, however. Is not a narra tive of missionary experiences, but a setting forth of the pos sibilities of the life of faith. There are seventeen chapters on such topics as “Re-digging Old W ells/’ “Civil W ar in the Soul,“ “Mounting up with Wings,“ “No Greater Jo y / etc. Spiritual and helpful. Cloth $1.25 Streams in the Desert Compiled bv Mrs. Charles E. Cowman Daily readings for a year, each comprising a text and a page or so of original com ment or—most frequently---- quotations. Their character is deeply spiritual. There are many other daily devotional books, but we have never found one quite so sa t isfying in every way. The readings for every day—or any particular day—seem to ex actly .meet tne need of th a t day. There is no other book like it. Beautifully bound In special cloth $1.50. The Laughing Buddha A Story of China in Revolt By James Livingston Stewart The author has been a mis sionary in China for twenty- three years. The Laughing Buddha is written against th at background and the conversion to Christianity of Lee-Chee, its chief character, his sweetheart and her mother. Madam Chang, makes of it a missionary docu ment. To the student of com parative religions it has value through its Dright exposition of Buddhism ana Taoism. But it is primarily an exciting ro mance of love and adventure, well told, and “a source of authentic reference concerning the manners, customs, habits and conditions of living today in West China.“ Cloth $2.00 The Joy of Discovery By Dr. John Richelsen
“This book contains fifteen very suggestive sermons which are original and helpful. Each sermon is the development of some thought of tne text, taken in a practical and sug gestive way. It is a book that the layman can read with profit and in which the preach er can find very many seeds for further development. The very titles are suggestive: ‘The Joy of Discovery? *The Dare of C hrist/ 'Impossible Neutrality/ 'The M a g n e t i c Christ,' 'The Defeat of the S trateg ist/ b u t there is no misinterpretation of Scripture for the sake of originality. The sermons are of a high grade and of very helpful na ture." Cloth $1.28 11 ■»■«? So«, o .t icc.m p.Dy orlar, good. will k , e t C. O. D , li book. e r. to com. ky l u l l id d 10% fer poatag*.
B I O L A B O OK R OOM Bibjc Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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