King's Business - 1926-12


December 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

that the fundamentals must be fought for. Romans was written against the Legalists and the Antinomlans. Gala­ tians hurls its invectives again the Judaizers. Ephesians and' ColoBsians were against the Gnostics. In his epistles, John had clearly in mind the false teachers of the day. Most of the epistles strike at some departures from the faith, and they do not treat them as Inconsequential, neither do the writers say “of course, if the false teachers are living nice lives, then they are not to be spoken against!” In the gospels, Jesus again and again warns against false doctrine, and in His revelation through John, He speaks sharply to the church in Pergamos "because thou hast some that hold the teaching of Balaam . . . . So hast* thou also some that hold the teachings of the Nicolaitanes in like manner. REPENT THEREFORE; or else I come to thee quickly, and I will make war against them with the sword of my mopth.” (Rev. 2:14, 15.) He says to the church in Thyatira, “But I have this against the«, that thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, who calleth herself a prophetess." (Rev. 2:20.) Evidently it makes some difference to the Lord what people teach, as well as how they live. The church in Philadelphia was warmly commended because “thou didst keep My word, and didst not deny My name.” Does it make no difference whether churches today, keep His Word or not? Does He care whether His divine Name is denied or»not? Does He care whether churches bearing His name stand for the fundamentals of His faith, or deny them? There can be but one answer to those who believe He has spoken. If, then, you do not wish to keep company with Funda­ mentalists, you will have to go outside of the Bible; you will have to “go onward and abide not in the teachings of Christ,” and then you are assured that “God is not with” you. Is it not better to stay by the truth and upon the foundations? And aren’t you glad that the foundations SLAYS THE SOULS OF OUR CHILDREN) The article which appeared in the September number, exposing the blasphemous and soul-destroying R o p a - ganda of the A.A.A.A. organization, is now ready for dis­ tribution in leaflet form, and will be sent to you for dis­ tribution at cost,— two for five cents, twenty-five cents per dozen, $2.00 per hundred. O rder them in quantities and use them to awaken pastors, Sunday School teachers and Christians everywhere who love their country, their homes, their children, to a realization of the peril which confronts our civilization, and a determination to band together in a fellowship of prayer and service to save our young people from the insidious snares being laid by these agents of Satan, for which the foundation has been laid by the Modernists. The King's Business 536-558 S. Hope St. Los Angeles, California Enclosed, find $........ ................ ............ for which please send me......__ ___________ __ A.A.A.A. leaflets. Name......................... ........................-............................. -......... Address.............................................. .............................................. DEFENDERS of the FAITH! SHALL WE SLEEP WHILE THE ENEMY

= = — LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS------------ 71 mm books will n t k t sp ln d id presents S. D. Gordon’s Works Quiet Talk* Series by S. D. Gordon have already en­ joyed over a million circulation. They are book* that radiate power. In the devotional hour they will bring your eoul to the very throne of God, where you can talk with Him and learn Hie divine will. As has been said by one commenter, “One can not describe 'Quiet Talks,’ they must be read to be thoroughly appreciated.” The Latest Volume Quiet Talks About the Crisis—and After By S. D. Gordon This book deals with a subject that concerns everyone interested in the welfare of humanity. As the author him­ self expresses it “There’s a crisis heading up -a world crisis. Thdre's a crisis predicted in the Book of God. It will involve the world's leading nations and be terrific to the last degree and apparently be brief. It will be the result of man's use of his freedom of action. Eleven years of intensive study have been given to European history and present conditions. Back of that lie other years of more general study and personal observation.* Read what will emerge from this crisis, and wherein lies the hope of the world and the Christian believer. Cloth $1.25 Other Titles Quiet Talks on Service......—...............—.......................$1.25 Quiet Talks on Following the Christ.... ......... $1.25 Quiet Talks on Prayer.................—..........—.......—$1.25 Quiet Talks on Power..................................................... $1.25 Quiet Talks About the Healing Christ...»................... $1.25 Quiet Talks About Simple Essentials and the Present World Outlook................................$1.25 Quiet Talks on John’s G o s p e l . 1. 25 Quiet Talks About the Crowned Christ of the Revelation ....... ___ ..................—...»......$1.25 Quiet Talks About Our Lord's Return.......................$1.25 Quiet Talks About the Tempter-------------------------- $1.25 Quiet Talks With World Winners................. .—.$1.25 Quiet Talks on Personal Problem s........................... $1.25 Quiet Talks About Jesus.....»»..»»™....»—»»...... .......$1.25 Quiet Talks on Home Ideals.........—...... ......................$1.25 A Quiet Talk with Those Who Weep— ..... .. .60 A Quiet Talk About the Babe of Bethlehem....»»»» .60 Quiet Talks About Calvary-------------------------------- .35 The Quiet Time.................. -................— . 50 Prayer Changes Things................................................... .50 Five Laws That Govern Prayer By S. D. Gordon The five laws discussed are: the Law of Need, the Law of Abiding, the Law of the Use of Jesus’ Name, the Law of Skill and Practice, and the Twin-Law of Confidence- Persistence. Those who years ago read Mr. Gordon s Quiet Talks on Prayer will welcome this latest volume on its practice and power. In it he deals with the principles which he describes as “underpinning all prayer, whether simple or skilled.” . . In the penetration of his subject he uncovers vital issues and in his characteristic phraseology he covers it with a wealth of illuminating instruction. It is a timely book for every Christian. Cloth $1.00 If money does not accompany order, coeds will bo sent C. O. D. If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B OOK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, CeL_______

(The A.A.A.A. announce that their members are con­ tributing liberally for the distribution of their literature. Shall Christians do less))

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