King's Business - 1926-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

December 1926



HIM« books will mako splendid presents “Best” Books f o r

Anthropology: or, The Doctrine of Man (Continued from page 716)

the Ch ildren

What, indeed, is man as a poor and sinful mortal, that God should be "mindful” of him, or even Adam of the dust, that he should be “visited” by Him; but His greatness is seen in His thoughtfulness and kindnesses to his creature, man. Men are so great in their lofty conceptions of them­ selves, that they have no thought nor regard for their fel­ lows, and thus they demonstrate how small they are; but God in His blessing of frail man and His thoughtful regard for him, manifests His greatness in His condescension. The Lord Jesus was never directly designated by the name of “Enosh,” although, in the .eyes of Abraham, He was seen as one of the three "men” (Anahshim, plural of Enosh). He was appointed to be a descendant of Adam. If “Enosh” were applied to Him, it would make Him a poor, frail, and sinful man, but “Adam" is applied to Him, which therefore speaks of Him as a real, human Saviour. Yet, here is a remarkable thing; when Daniel saw the Lord in His coming glory, he saw “One like the Son of Man,” (Enosh) but not "Enosh.” That is a distinction with a difference. Just as John in Revelation saw a lamb, a little lamb, "as it had beeq^ slain.” He, who shall be manifested In glory, was crucified in weakness; and the marks of His gory shame shall be the escutcheon of His shining glory. “GEVER” "Gever” signifies man in the greatness of his strength, and comes from a root word Which means to be strong. "Gever” is rendered “mighty" in Isaiah 22:17; “fevery one” in Joel 2:8; and about ninety times, "man.” The first time the word occurs is in Exodus 10:11, where Pharaoh says to Moses and Aaron, “Go now, ye that are men (Gever), and serve the Lord.” Balaam declares he is "the man (Gever) whose eyes are open” (Num. 24:3, 16); and David praises God that he is "the man (Gever) who was raised on high” (2 Sam. 23:1). Job asks two questions about man; he says, “man (Gever) dieth and wasteth away; yea, a man (Adam) giveth up the ghost, and where is he?” Again, “If a man (Gever) die shall he live again?” (Job 14:10, 14). However strong a man may be, it he knows himself, he knows his strength has no power in the realm of Divine things. It is therefore with peculiar meaning we read, “Blessed is the man (Gever) that trusteth in Him” (Psa. 34:8; 40:4; Jer. 17:7). The blessed man does not lean on his own resources, but upon Jehovah. “The steps of a good man (Gever) are ordered by the Lord” (Psa. 87:28). His goings are governed by grace and not by greatness. “Blessed is the man (Gever) whom Thou chastenest” (Psa. 94:12). He takes chastisement meekly, although he might chafe under it mightily. There are three passages of Scripture where “Gever” is applied to Christ, and found in association with His Incar­ nation, substitution, and revelation. Incarnation—"The Lord hath created a new thing in the earth, a woman shall encompass a man (Gever)” (Jer. 31:12). This is one of the many portions of Scripture which has a double meaning, namely, within the shell of outward meaning, there is a kernel of revealed and unusual truth. The birth of the man (the strong man) Christ Jesus apart from man, yet the Man of men. Mary compassed a man within her womb, but was not compassed in its production. Substitution—“Awake, O sword, against my Shepherd, against the man (Gever) that is my Fellow” (Zech. 13:7), God cannot die, but He who died for us is God. The

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Bible Stone* and A B C Printed on Linen A very delightful and es­ pecially desirable book for younger children. Each lat­ ter in the alphabet stands for some noted person In the Blblsu and is followed by a sketch of his life in verse. 38c Bible Stories Colored Illustrations 18c Series Bibls Stories. Story of Jesus. Old Testament Stories. New Testament Stories. Story of Moses. Story of Daniel. Story of Joseph. Parables of Our Lord. Bible Stories Colored Illustrations 20c Series Story of Joseph. Story of David. Story of Daniel. Story of Ruth and Naomi. The Carpenter Shop. V- - Bible Stories Colored Illustration 28c series Sweet Stonr of Jesus. Watch and Pray. Boys of the Bible. Heroes of the Bible. Stories from the Bible. The Manger Babe. Farm Model Book Printed in outline for col­ oring and for cutting out each subject made with folding bracket to stand by Itself. 7x10 inches 28c

Our Darling’s A-B-C Book

By Isabel C. Byrum This book is especially help­ ful in teaching the S rst Bible lessons to the little ones who can not read. When the chil­ dren begin to learn the letters Of the alphabet, place "Our Darling's A B C Book" in their hands. As they look a t the pictures and ask questions re­ garding them, they will mem­ orize the short rhymes on Bible subjects. Better t h a n fairy talas. Help sta rt child to get the right start. Cloth 60c By Elsie E. Egermeier Little children like to look At a pretty picture book. Like to turn the pages clean Where new pictures may be seen. In this book are pictures bright. Each with letter placed Just * right. For the little folk to learn Ere another page they turnu Then a rime and story true. Comes with every picture, too. Till our darlings learn with ease Bible truths and A-B-C's. Cloth, Colored Illustrations and Colored letters $1.00 Picture Sewing Book Printed In dotted outlines for children to eew w ith col­ ored yarns to moke completed pictures# 7x10 Inches# 18c Bible Picture A-B-C Book

Painting Books The Coloring of the Sketches m .y be left to the imagination 0 i Sun«toyU<"A Delight"—The Paint and Pleasure Book----- M e Noah's Ark Painting Book Scripture Texts Painting Book SOc 2 5 c >ey doea not accompaay order, goods will be sent C. O. D. If goods are to coma by mail add 10% 1er postage. B I OL A B O OK R OOM Bible Institute. Los Angeles, Cal._______

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