King's Business - 1926-12

December 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


-----LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS------------ Theta book* will make splendid presents “ Best” Books VARIED IN THEME HELFPUL IN MESSAGE Following the Gleam By Florence Grauel MlUer A splendid book of stories about the more obscure characters of the New Testament. The Author sayss "Carefully following the New Testa­ ment as a map and guide, 1 have gone, in imagination, with these people over the hills and valleys and along the city streets of Palestine. In endeavoring to delineate them a little more sharply from their shadowy background, I have sought to make the added details true to what the Gospels portray.” Splendid for home reading— splendid for gift purposes. Cloth $1.25 Mounting up with Wings By Northcot« Deck When the Days Seem Dark

eternal value of Hie personality vras In Hie act of dying on Calvary; Hie blood was shed, Himself He gave. He died • once, but not for himself—for others. Revelation—“There stood before me as the appearance of a man (Gever)" (Daniel 8:15). Christ is the center, the heart, the substance, the soul, the key, to Divine Revelation. “The Book, It speaks of Him, The Christ reveals. The eyes that close to Him, All truth conceals.” Man from each standpoint is found to be a failure. Adam is of the earth, earthy (Psa. 146:3, 4; Eccl. 7:2). “Ish” in his greatness, is of self, selfish (Psa. 41:9, margin). “Enosh” in his weakness, is of badness, the worst (Job 25:6). “Gever” in his might, is of the weak, the weakest (Job 14:10). But the MAN of men is the Master of men, as the Spirit says: "As by the offense of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation: éven so, by the righteousness of One, the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life” (Romans 5:18). . As we think of man in the complexity of his nature, and in the mystery of his life, we say with Shakespeare: “What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form, and moving, how express and admirable! In action, how like an angel! In appreciation, how like a God! Therefore, it becomes man to “Let each one think of himself an act of God; His mind, a thought; His life', a breath of God.” For, “Man is one world, and hath another to attend him.” Therefore, let us not forget: “Man is man and master of his fate.” And yet there is more than that, as Pope says: The God we need to “scan,” and the “mankind” we need to “study,” is the God-Man, Christ Jesus, for He alone is “The Man to rise in me, That the man I am may cease to be.” Then, when He saves and rises in us, we shall not only say with Tennyson, The beauty of the world! The paragon of animals!” 1 . “Know thyself, presume not God to scan. The proper study of mankind is man.”

By Philip E. Howard Do they ever seem so to you? Are they really dark? And what is the answer th at our lives are to give to the often perplexing and intricate personal problems of t h e s e tangled days? This book faces such questions squarely and its conclusions are rich in com­ fort and abiding cheer. Cloth $1.25 Watch Words for the King’s Servants FROM HOLY SCRIPTURES By C. E. Paxaon

Dr. Deck is a missionary In the South Sea Islands. This book, however« is not a narra­ tive of missionary experiences, but a setting forth of the pos­ sibilities of the life of faith. There are seventeen chapters on such topics as *‘Re-digging Old Wells." "Civil War in the Soul." "Mounting up w i t h Wings," "No Greater Joy," etc. Spiritual and helpful. Cloth $1.25 Key Words to the King’s Treasury By C. E. Paxson Busy people who find little time for a searching study of Cod's Word, will find this lit­ tle book helpful as clustering divine truth about a single word which may be carried in the mind amidst all the cares of work and thus afford hid­ den manna to the soul. Purpls Boards- Gilt Stamp 15c

A companion volume to "Key Words," only th at the Scrip­ tures a r e grouped around "Watch-words?* A very helpful little booklet in which to many the Word contained therein has proved itself in the power of the Spirit of God to be th at Word which is "able to make wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." Purpls Boards. Gilt Stamp 15c Key Words Combined with Watch Words By C. E. P tx io n A splendid little gift volume for old or young, especially appreciated by busy women folks. Purple Board*. Gilt Stamp. 25c The Daily Light Birthday Book Dainty, exquisite, appealing is this little gem of a book. To the thousands of readers of Daily Light it will need no introduction other than to state that it is a birthday autograph album, and for each day of the year is an ex­ tract selected from the day's reading ita Daily Light on the Daily Patie n t opens with a typical page from that book, and then follow alternate pages for autographs and the choice Scripture passages. It is the well-known Bag- ster workmanship", fine quality of paper; clear, beautiful printing; bound in softest, smooth and pliable, deep blue leather, with gold lettering and top. A charming gift for those who desire to pass on the Word of God where it might not be so acceptable in another form. Cloth $1.75 II money does not accompany order, goods will be seat C. O. D. If goods are to com . by mail add 10% for postage.

“Man may rise on stepping-stones Of his dead self to higher things.” But our life and testimony will be— “Christ doth rise on my dead self, And makes like to Him in higher things.”

The King’s Business 550 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

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