King's Business - 1926-12

December 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


-77V ' H ow I Came to Be

: LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS: TVm books will maho splendid presents

"B e s t” Books

a Premillennialist REV. H. C. MARSHALL

Soul Food-books of help and com- fort and training in the Devotional Life

Retired Minister, United Presbyterian Church Beaumont, California We are glad to pass on this clear-cut and frank statement concerning God s leading in the life of a minister—one of many of the same character of which we have known revealing a sad lack in the training of men in the Bible by our denominational schools. The Book itself has no uncertain sound on the subject when studied by an unbiased mind. Pray for this beloved brother as he seeks to use., his pen to the glory of God. HEN a child J knew nothing about the coming of Christ but that which I learned from hearing my father read the Bible, without comment, morning and evening at family worship. What his opinion was on the subject, I do not knov^. To the best of my recol­ lection, I never heard him express himself. But the idea I got from hearing him read, and from what little as a child I read myself was, that Jesus would come in person and reign as King in peace and righteousness on the earth for a thousand years: that during this Millennium, wars, injustice and wrongs would be unknown and the world enjoy a period of blessedness, happiness, prosperity "and peace. 1 I was a premillennialist but did not know it. I did not know that there were “Pre” and “Post” Millennialists. I had never heard the words and would not have known at the time what they meant if I had heard them. My ideas of His premillennial coming and reign were a child’s impres­ sion formed alone by taking the Word just as it read. Lftad no other idea and did not know or dream that any­ body else had, until I was almost a young man, when our pastor preached a sermon on the subject, taking the Post- millennial view. I was amazed, astonished! It was the first I knew that there was such a theory. But as I grew older, went to school, college and theological seminary, I concluded my pastor was rights that my childhood theory was w *, and became a Postmillennialist. My reading on the subject had been very slight. I have no remembrance of ever hearing another sermon on the theme nor of hearing it mentioned by any of the professors ip the Theological Seminary. (My theological course was not in either of our U. P. Seminaries.) But, however it came about, I was a Post-millennialist, My Btudy and understanding of the great subject was very superficial. I had given it but little attention and did not think it was of much importance anyhow. For many years, if I ever mentioned it in my preaching, it was the Post-millennialist view that was presented. I had no patience with the Pre-millennialists. Thus I continued for many years. But by and by I began to notice that the ministers in our church, and in other churches, so far as my observation went, who seemed to be the most spiritual and evangelistic, were Pre-millennialists. This set me to thinking and inquiring as to the reason. And as I thought and investigated I found myself coming back to

The Pilgrim’s Progress

By John Banyan A greatly beloved teacher at a summer Bible confer­ ence recently made a strong plea for this old Christian classic, stating that it had been a source of strength in her own life and she had nearly "raised her children on it.” She urged that every home should possess a copy, and read it. This new edition is a most attractive one, handsomely bound, beautifully illustrated in colors, and priTited in large, clear type. An unusual feature is the wide margin with side heads, explanations, re fe re n c e , these little notes bringing out the fascinating interest in the story and adding much to its value. Cloth, SI.SO The Home God Meant Caere* N. Luccock, D.D. The Life of Madame Guyon

In this day and age of revolutionized home life, lack of family discipline, jazz m ar­ riage and easy divorce, it is truly reffeshing to read the sdund, sane, ana safe words of the author who himself, with his partner in life, has made the very kind of a home he so ably and attractively describes and who for this reason is the more entitled to be heard on the home. As for substance the book Is unsurpassed, if indeed equalled, by any other on the same or similar themes. Cloth, $1.28

By T. C. Upham A book of real inspiration to those who are seeking to know the way into a deeper Christian experience. This book will open up to you the possibili­ ties of a life of closer com­ munion and fellowship with our Lord _ and Savior. Few persons have lived such a won­ derful life as Madame Guyon and this book will do your heart good-—it Is full of real soul food, stimulating, nourish­ ing, building up. Read it as soon as you possibly can. Cloth, $3.00

Why I Believe in Jesus

By Edward L. Pell Author of “What Did Jesus Really Teach About Prayer»99etc. In an intimate account of his mental and spiritual ex**, periences. Dr. Pell presents a vivid picture of th e Christ he knows and loves, in terms of peculiar appeal to men and women of today. A book greatly needed by thou« sands who are struggling to maintain their old faith in spite of the staggering developments of these days. Cloth $1.50 Songs of Deliverance By Mauds Carvsll Days of Heaven Upon Earth A Bible Reading for Every Day By Dr. A. B. Simpson

This little book of verse breathes messages of hope and cheer, always pointing unerr­ ingly to the source of all strength and comfort. There are meditations on the pre­ ciousness of Christ and the Word, ..warnings tenderly ex­ pressed, and revealing glimpses of the purpose of God in all that His permissive will allows to come into the life of the Christian. A ttractively printed in two colors with a rt paper cover. 80 cents

This book contains a select Scripture text and exposition for every day in the year. It has run through many editions, proving widely acceptable as a source of inspiration and meditation for family worship. Jesus said, 'T am come th at they might have life, and th a t they might have It more abundantly.** It w a s th e

"more abundant" experience th at formed the backbone of Dr. Simpson's writings, both poetry and prose, an experi­ ence which, if entered upon, l i t e r a l l y b r i n g s "days of heaven upon earth." Cloth, $1.80 If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. If books are to come by mail and 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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