King's Business - 1926-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

December 1926

my childhood views. And the more I studied the more firmly I became convinced that my* first Impressions were right. But I never became greatly Interested, nor did I make anything like a special study of the subject of the Second Coming, until after the beginning of the great war. The result of this study was to firmly establish me In my belief In the Premlllennlal coming and personal reign of our Lord Jesus Christ on earth during a thousand years. The more I study the Word, and the more I yield to the leading of the Spirit, the clearer and more certain the truth becomes, and the greater Its Importance to the life of the believer, and to the purpose and work of the church, are seen to be. My experience has convinced me also of this fact: that a child’s Impressions from a plain reading of the Scripture are likely to be, and often times are, nearer the truth than the' reasonings of adult scholarship. The child takes the Word In Its literal meaning. He believes what It says, and believes It means what It says, Just as, In his lnnocency and trust, he believes that his father and mother mean what they Bay. "Except ye become as little children,’’ said Jesus, “ye cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.” If as little children we would go to the Word of Ood, we would be more likely to enter Into Its meaning than when we go to’It trusting to our scholarship and reasoning. "Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings hast Thou established strength” (Psa. 8:2). “I thank Thee, O Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, that Thou didst hide these things from the wise and understand­ ing, and didst reveal them unto babes” (Matt. 11:25). m m WHY SONG WRITERS ARE OFTEN ACCUSED OF PLAGIARISM By Homer Rodeheaver I have often overheard discussions regarding the author­ ship of certain songs—where more than one writer take» credit for the words and music. It Is true that sacred music has been published where it appears as though the music or words were a deliberate steal from music that has already been published. As far as I am able to discover, the accusation of plagiar­ ism in music Is as Ill-founded as that In literature. Some historians have accused Abraham Lincoln of appropriating the thought in his Gettysburg Address from the Greek account of the funeral oration of Pericles over the dead bodies of the Athenians after the Battle of Thermopylae. Lincoln probably did read this oration in his youth. The thought remained after he had forgotten Its source, and at Gettysburg the thought again came Into consciousness when he expressed his feelings on this occasion. The popular song, “Haven of Rest”, Is taken from one of Dr. Robert Lowry’s compositions, published In one of his early books, both words and music. The melody of “Face to Face” Is the first strain of a home song popular two or three decades ago written by W. A. Ogden. "When the Mists Have Rolled Away” Is quite Identical with the song written by J. H. Anderson back In the early 70’s. The chorus of “At the Cross” Is an old plantation melody, well known thirty years ago. Charles H. Gabriel once told me the following incident:, “I wrote and published a song entitled ‘Over In the Glory Land’; the manuscript had been seen only by myself and the typesetter. My surprise may be imagined when one day, soon after, I received f£om an Eastern hymn writer a text on the same subject, same title, same meter, and sub­ stantially the same subject-matter throughout, stansa for stanza. He had not seen my song nor I his poem, yet the one was the counterpart of the other. I Immediately mailed him a printed copy of my composition which proved to be as much of a surprise to him as his had been to me.” It Is entirely possible that two or more men of the cre­ ative type may feel and express In music the same thought and emotion.

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b i o l a r o o m Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. b o o k

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