December 1926
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
........ LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS-------- = -Thesa Bibles will males splendid presents A Special Selection of Bibles That we consider as particularly worthy of your attention Reference Bibles No. 0 3 2 19X. An Oxford Reference Bible printed from black faced minion type on Genuine Oxford India Paper. Bound in French Morocco leather, divinity circuit, silk ■ewed, red under gold edge, size 7J/2x5xl. Special price $7.SQ
BOBBED HAIR AND SHORT SKIRTS IN SILOAM SPRINGS H N a recent issue of "The Bible Witness" (London), toward this important issue: "Evangelist Brown invited his young people to stand by him in a loyal attempt to withstand the attractions of mod ern dress,—the bobbed and shingled hair and short skirts must go once for. all. Who among his young women stu dents were prepared to take so drastic a step? Who would come forward and take his hand in token of their willing ness to do this big thing? And there they came, some with tears and sobs, and knelt in humble contrition while the whole audience viewed the scene with like deep emotion. Would that the tidings of that night's work could spread throughout America and Great Britain, and that the bobbed hair might go forever, and that Christian women, young and old alike, might realize their privilege of standing fast against the inane fashions of the day." We congratulate John Brown upon bis courage in attack ing such a "hair-rowing” subject. Hi's position is sensible, Scriptural, just what we should expect from such a stal wart and sturdy Defender of the Faith. We could wish that many other institutions (Bible schools as well as sec ular schools) might follow his example. In line with this splendid effort of Mr. Brown, we give the following quotation from "The Walther League Messenger" (Lutheran): "Dr. Perry M. Lichtenstein is the physician of the nation ally known Tombs Prison in New York., City. During twelve years at this post he has seen 170,000 prisoners pass through that melancholy structure out over the 'Bridge of Sighs.’ He has met all of them, and is certainly in a posi tion to speak authoritativelv on the causes of crime. In a recent statement in the 'Philadelphia Public Ledger’ he uttered this startling truth: “ 'The so-called crimes of passion are increasing alarm ingly, and will continue to do so, in my opinion, until the principal cause is eliminated. This, it seems to me, is the present style of dress, which, to say the least, is immodest. Rolled stockings and similar styles have a direct bearing upon crime incitation, no matter how innocent the wearer may be.’ "And even if lmmodedt clothing does not always lead to serious crime, it certainly offers a very direct and sugges tive appeal to sex, and stimulates those baser impulses which slumber in the human breast. It is certainly safe to say that there would be much less crime today, far fewer homes whose happiness has been blasted forever by unfaith fulness, fewer divorce trials, and especially less violation of maidenly honor, and far fewer transgressions of the sins against chastity, if every one of these underworld styles could be thrown down into the deepest hell, where they were conceived. Remember, the girl who dresses in an alluring way cannot condemn any one but herself if the lure of her dress brings her the treatment which is usually accorded to women of questionable morals. One of the most pathetic pictures of which we can conceive is that of a young woman who thinks that in order to make herself eligible for marriage she must stoop to some of the extremes of fashion. The plain facts in the case are simply this, that such appeals will be answered only by young men wbo have no thought of marriage, or who are not qualified for the responsibility of a Christian husband and father. Honest, clean-thinking, Christian young men (and, in spite of recent newspaper insinuations, there are many more of these than we realize) will be repelled by such tactics."4 ak Send in your renewal subscription for The King's Business now— today — so you may not miss the Sun day School Lessons.
the editor, Dr. Arthur H. Carter, telling of his recent tour through the United States in Bible Conference work, has this to say of the attitude of John E. Brown’s School at Siloam Springs, Arkansas,
No. N73X. A splendid bre vier type Reference Bible with maps, bound in genuine mo rocco divinity circuits un breakable back, India paper, size 754x5x1 34* Special Pries $8.80 No. X. Largs type Refer ence Bible. The words of Christ are printed in red, contains maps, aids to Bible study, sy nopsis of each book, bound in leather, canvass lined, size 6x 3 36rX 134• Special Price $4.00 No. 407. Is a real good Self- Pronouncing Reference Bible on genuine India paper, good clear type, leather bound, di vinity circuit, gilt edges. Size 734 x5 34x1 34* Special p r i c e $5.50
No. 03247X. A genuine India paper nonparariel Reference Bible. Size 636x4 36x 36. Bound in real pigskin, divinity cir cuit, red edges, silk sewed. Special price $7.50 No. 03215X. A very good Reference Bible, bound in Le vant Morocco, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. Minion type. Size /54x 5x1. Price $11.00 No. R70X. A gilt edged di vinity circuit Bible, bound in French Levant, with I n d i a Paper and a large, good clear type, references and maps, un breakable back binding. Size 5x6x1 34* Price $10.00
Six Good American Revised Bibles No. 3172. .This Bible ia known as Campbell Morgan's Analyzed Bible. It contains a brief but very helpful analysis of each book of the Bible, with splendid refer ences. Printed from large clear type, bound in French Morocco, divinity circuit, gilt edges. Size tx S y ^ x llq . Price )5.0O. Can also be supplied in India Paper edition, bound in real Morocco for $9.50
Nb*. 274X. A good long P ri mer type, reference B i b l e , bound in genuine Morocco, di vinity circuit, gilt edges. A splendid Bible for home or pul pit use. Size 9x636x1. Price $11.00. No. 273X. Another g o o d long primer reference Bible, India Paper, Persian Morocco, divinity circuit, gilt edge. Size 9x636x1. Price $9.00
No. 15IX. Round in green leather, divinity circuit, gilt edges, size 734x5x 36* A good reference Bible, black faced type, self pronouncing. Price $8.00 No. 174X. A divinity cir cuit, genuine morocco _refer ence Bible. Good large, clear type, India Paper. One of the best American Standard Bibles. Size 8x5 56x1. Only $10.00
Five exceptionally large clear type, easily read Bibles. One of these Bibles should be in the hands of every one who has any trouble with their vision. No. A1790 is a divinity circuit, leather bound India paper, text Bible with gilt-edges, size t l i t l l i r l . Reasonably priced a t $6.78
No. 352. Ia a leather bound, limp, self-pronouncing refer ence Bible, with maps and family register. Size 9 56x6 36x 154• Good value a t $4.50 No. 353. Contains family register and maps, self-pro nouncing, reference Bible, di vinity circuit, leather bound. Size 956x856x154* Reasonably priced a t $6.00
No. XTX. Is a divinity cir cuit, text Bible printed in large type, on India paper. Size 8x6x 156• Very reasonable a t $15.00 No. XT. Is a cloth bound, straight edged, text Bible, size 6x6$2. Very good type. Price $5.00
All Bibles delivered postpaid If money does not accompany order, goods will ba sent C. O. D.
B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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