King's Business - 1926-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

December 1926

?*r.‘T,T7.~ LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS -------- These books will make splendid presents A Special Selection of Bibles That we consider as particularly worthy of __________your attention Special We take great pleasure in offering two specially priced, attractively bound Bibles, to our readers. No, 5181 is a self-pronouncing. Pictorial Text Bible, bound in French Morocco, divinity circuit, round cor­ ners, red under gold edges, good clear type, has snaps and questions and answers on the Old and New Testa­ ment. Size 714x5x1 !4> Specially priced........... #3.25 No. 4181. Text Bible, bound in French Morocco, di­ vinity circuit, gilt edges, self-pronouncing, has maps and questions and answers. Price | 3 . 10 Send for one of these ^Bibles. Very kelpful and use­ ful for Sunday School scholars. Three Good Red Letter Bibles Vi No. X62R. Red 1sttar, pictorial •elf-pronouncing, clsar type Bible, with concordance and maps. Leather bound, divinity cir- cuit. SU . 7 H .5 H .I H . Wlth p -tra t

SOUL-WINNING AND SWORD W IELD ING FRANKLIN a HULING, M.A. Pastor First Trinity Baptist Church Salt Lake City, tJtah (Mr. H u lln g is one o f th e e a rly s tu d e n ts o f th e B ible I n s titu te o f Los A ng eles a n d a s ta lw a rt s e rv a n t of o u r Lord. H is Held of serv ice is n o t an e a sy one,—b u t th e W ord of G od is qu ick and pow erfu l, a n d Mr. H u lln g u se s It to g r e a t profit, a s Is e v id e n t In th e fo llow in g "serm on ette” w h ich a p p e a re d In a re c e n t Issu e o f h is c h u rc h b u lle tin .) INNING souls and contending for the faith! Are these two things opposed to each other ? There are Christians who think so. But where will you And a more ardent soul-winner than Paul? And where will you find one who more consistently, insistently and persistently contended for the true Christian faith against every foe thereof, whether Inside or outside the ranks of Christian profession? Look at Paul’s epistles. Are not his letters to the Romans, the Corinthians, the Galatians, the Colossians, the Thessalonians, to Timothy and Titus, great and powerful polemics against spiritual orror? Are they not saturated with argument and conten­ tion against every subtle perversion of the true Gospel? And what about our Saviour Himself? Read carefully the beautiful Gospel of John. Are not chapters five to ten, inclusive, one continual contention between Christ and false religious teachers—leaders of the Jews who had perverted the true Word of God? And will any one dare to deny that our Lord was pre-eminently a soul-winner? Consider the present day leaders of the war for God’s Word. We need not name them. They are well known. It Is also well known that those men who are sounding loudest the alarm against the Menace of Modernism are outstanding soul-winners. Compare the record of the num­ ber of additions to their churches by profession of faith in Christ with the record of the leading “compromising funda­ mentalists” and it will be found that tfeg^i^riors for the Word are at the top. The “peace at any price” men are ever seeking to justify their absence from the battle front, and “I believe my business is to win souls” is as good an alibi as they can find. But the men who shield their failure to “contend earnestly for the faith” (Jude 3) behind a mask of “evan­ gelism” need to heed the Word of Christ, “These ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone” (Matt. 23:33). They are the best helpers the Modernists can have. They can and do count in their vote and their inactivity against them. As far as these men are concerned, the Mod­ ernists can pursue their propaganda of spiritual poisoning without molestation. But these unfaithful ones show their real leanings by the shower of verbal bricks which they continually hurl at those who do fight for the faith. Mod­ ernism destroys souls! Therefore, he alone is a true soul- winner who fights Modernism always and everywhere to the death.

No. SI2X RL. Self-pro­ nouncing teacher» Bible • in large open type, easy to read. With refarances and concord­ ance, maps, authoritative helps with words of Christ in red letters. India paper, leather bound, divinity circuit gilt edges, size 8x5 * z l * . Priced right a t $11.20

No. 126. R$d letter u rt edi­ tion, largo clear type, eelf- pronouncing, with references end concordance, llluetrated. Bound in leather divinity cir­ cuit, red under gold edges. Size 6x6x1%. Specially priced $4 M

Teacher’s Bibles No. L II3X . An unbreakable back, genuine Morocco, divinity circuit. T eacher, Bible, with gilt edge., good black faced jaaper type, maps, reference,, and concord­ ance. A handy compact Bible for teacher, or atudente. Size 7x4)4*' Vt- Specially Priced $8.00

NÓTX52. Teachers Bible— has 16 colored platee, 32 duo- tone platee, maps, nonpariel type, self-pronouncing, concor­ dance, bound in leather di­ vinity circuit, red under fold e d g e s . Size 7**5 Special Price fS.78 No. R75X. A «elf-pronounc­ ing T aach.r's Bible with ref* erenCes and concordance, un­ breakable back, bound In gen­ uine Morocco, divinity circuit, gilt edges, long primer type, size SH z t a l H . A wall made very readable Bible. Special Price $10.00

No. 04450. A serviceable Sunday School Teachers Bibls bound In half-Morocco, library style. Minion type 16 mo., sise 7Hx5xl H. Contain. Oxford cyclopedic concordance, mapa and referancee. Price $4.00 No. 0I7OX. Teachers Bible with references and concord* anca, self-pronouncing, d e a r Nu-typa, India paper, maps, bound In Morocco, divinity clr* cult, silt edges, size 7%>5Hx 1H . Pries $7.00

Text Bibles No. H23X. An unbreakable back, India Paper Text Bible, bound in genuine Levant, straight edges, gilt. Good clear type, size 5 )4 * 3 )4 x l, Special Price $8.00

No. 210. This Tezt Bible leather bound, divinity circuit, red edgea, minion type. Size 7H*5 x IH , la a real bargain a t $2.50 No. H2SX. An unbreakable back, clear type Tezt Bible, bound In Persian Morocco, di­ vinity circuit, gold llnea or trimmings, India Pape,. _ $“ t edges. Size 3H zS% zl. Price $5.00

No. 01525. This Text Bibls Is bound In ksratol, divinity circuit, round corners, red under gold edges. Sirs 6z4z 1H. Minton Typo. S p o c t a l Price. $2.00 No. H25X. Text Bibls bound In Persian Morocco divinity circuit, good clear type, India neper, unbreakable back. A pocket Bible, onlv S% x5H xl. Specially priced $8.28

Jesus came!—and came for me! Simple words! and yet expressing Depths of holy mystery, Depths of wondrous love and blessing. Holy Spirit, make me see, All His coming means for me; Take the things of Christ, I pray. Show them to my heart today.

AU Biblss delivered postpaid __ . . n noney doss not accompany order, goods will be seat C. O. D. B I O L A B OOK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cel._______

—Frances Ridley Havergal.

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